So, is it safe to pick up a copy of the new SimCity yet?
I loved the original SimCity games and was an avid player up to the SimCity 2000 release (I know, that was years ago!).
With the arrival of the new game I was looking forward to it but so far it has been plagued with nothing but problems. First EA underestimated the number of people who would be buying the game when it first came out so they did not ramp up the number of their servers. That is an issue because the game, like nearly all EA games now, require an 'always-connected' internet connection to play, even in single-player mode. Then there are reports of people losing their cities because of server issues and minor other bugs that are interfering with the game play. Speaking of the server, it turns out that even though the servers are named by a geographical location, making you think that selecting the closest server would be best, all of the servers are actually in the same Ireland based data center. o_O
Visually the game looks great but should I hold off buying a copy yet or has EA worked out their problems?
With the arrival of the new game I was looking forward to it but so far it has been plagued with nothing but problems. First EA underestimated the number of people who would be buying the game when it first came out so they did not ramp up the number of their servers. That is an issue because the game, like nearly all EA games now, require an 'always-connected' internet connection to play, even in single-player mode. Then there are reports of people losing their cities because of server issues and minor other bugs that are interfering with the game play. Speaking of the server, it turns out that even though the servers are named by a geographical location, making you think that selecting the closest server would be best, all of the servers are actually in the same Ireland based data center. o_O
Visually the game looks great but should I hold off buying a copy yet or has EA worked out their problems?