Sketch Dump

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Nice painting Gendo :smiley:

You seem to really like the water colours, you definitely do wonderful pieces when using that type of materials. Does the painting have a title?
Cheers Guys, Im working in a series of these, I have 2 at the moment, not a very impressive series at the moment, but I'll have about 5 or 6....

There not done in Watercolours, just watered down acrylic, its just as cheap and I can get it in bulk. :cool:

Jess -- nah I dont have a title for it, if you got any ideas im open to suggestion....I dont have a title for the other bigger painting on the previous page, if anyone wants to name them...*hint hint* :cool:
pretty Rotten huh Jess.... well thats Cowboy for you, I drive past the mens shelter where he lives everyday on my way to TAFE, he's always heading up to the pub though, nah that doesnt need a title :cool: haha

shiningstarr -- I didnt draw it, some old guy did....its apparently a man bending over.,......although we all agree it looks like a spider being squished on a shoe, maybe a lightbulb or something, I dunno its messed up and funny
ok heres like a couple of my stuff
they're not that good, but im just putting them up here for the heck of it

now this one i did really light so i had to make it darker on my adobe photoshop

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Thanks Jess....

Im glad you guys want to share your stuff in my thread, just make sure your following the rules :cool:

ok so like how small can the scans be and stuff

like this


and this one i accidentally left my eraser on it all night and left a mark


and this one was the first one i ever did

That's a better size jEn Jr. I couldn't see your drawings properly when they were a bigger size that's one of the reasons why I asked you to resize them.

By the way, nice sketches ^_^
nice work jen, love the first one

who is it? referanced from a photo?

only thing I'd suggest is, dont leave there, get some more tonal work, esp the 2nd one, I can harldy even see it....but there certainly good, when you see some other sketch's that wind up here
I like the first sketch but I can't really see the second one, maybe go into photoshop or something and you can darken them but I like them....good job.

I might be posting stuff tomorrow or wednesday, my skeleton and the drawing of the globe theater, and maybe a drawing of my friend, if I can finish it.
Wow those really look like Jen! :smiley: Yeah I'd try using the "darker" function when scanning next time... :smiley:
I have missed placed my sketch book (n) :( .....where is it, I can't find, it's not at home, not in my locker, the only place would be at school or at work, where is it. I want to post my sketches :( . it could have been :abduct: because they were sooo crappy or it is :hide: cause it doesn't want me to ruin it. where the :cuss: is my sketch book...HELP!!! the :devil: could have taken it or it is the scottish play's fault (I am studying it in school). ok I think I am done thinking of what has happened to my sketch book. good thing I don't have art tomorrow :D, I have one day to find it until then I shall search everywhere and post all my sketches immediately. :tvhorror:

can't spell either
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