Skill based game.

Actually I thought the dice was just there because RPGs for a couple of decades before hand used simple cards or preset numbers to decide victories. This got boring and they decided to add a bit of chance. Well before D&D's inception really.
So even then it's not the heart and soul, gathering a group to just roll dice without the chance of winning money or killing gnolls in and of itself isn't a great time. Ever seen anyone addicted to Yatzee? I feel sorry for the folks. ;) Tho' Yatzee is a fun game.
I disagree, I think role-playing was indeed formed around playing a role and telling a story. The dice and numbers game came about when folks got tired of 'troop 1 has +12 attack' 'defender 24 has +8 defense, troop 1 wins'. What's the game? Stragtigo or whatever?