Season 2 sloane

hey, so what do you think sloane's motivation really was in offering irina all of his info and artifacts on rambaldi? she said it herself - either he was setting her up to kill her or he really loved his wife. which do you think it was?

it seemed that he was doing it all for emily. but wow, that's an amazing love he has for her. do you think that emily was his "personal connection" to rambaldi? he was trying to discover the secret to eternal life so that they could beat her cancer? if that's so, why was he still so obssessed with rambaldi even after she went into remission?
I think he wanted to do both. He wanted to kill Irina and b/c he really loved his wife. But with Emily now dead, I think he will be further enraged to kill Irina and avenge Emily's death.

I think he was still so obsessed with Rambaldi b/c he'd come so far, he might as well finish it and see what happens.
I have no idea... I mean... Sloane's lied to Emily so many times before, so what reason would he have to really let it all go? I wish I could believe that Sloane really did love Emily that much, but I don't believe he did. Not to say that he didn't love her, because did you see all that lip quivering??? He just didn't love her enough to let the evilness go... (that was slightly confusing, but you know what I was trying to say...)
you could totally tell her loved her alot when she was shot and killed he didnt want leave her Iirna had to pull him away. Also when they left sloane sat there all teary eyed. For a short second i felt bad for him.
IluvVaughn13 said:
you could totally tell her loved her alot when she was shot and killed he didnt want leave her Iirna had to pull him away. Also when they left sloane sat there all teary eyed. For a short second i felt bad for him.
yeah.i agree. but if he really loved her why didn't he stop a long time ago.
i think maybe he was sticking with his whole rambaldi quest so that he could discover rambaldi's secret to eternal life in order to save emily's life. that really all it was? was that really his sole purpose for building this huge collection?

if that's so, then did sloane start looking into rambaldi AFTER emily got sick? the way he talks about rambaldi makes it seem as if it was his LIFE'S work which implies that he probably started his little rambaldi quest before emily got sick. so it wouldn't make sense if he was into rambaldi solely for emily.

great, now i'm contradicting myself. i don't know what's going on here. :confused: