Season 5 Sloane

Hey all! I have really enjoyed Sloane's predicament thus far this season. Just wondering how you think he is going to play it......

1. It's all about Nadia no matter who he must betray.

2. Let Jack in on what is going on and use his posisition to help take down Dean.

3. Try and take care of business himself and get in deep dog doo and ruin his budding new somewhat respectable reputation.

4. Like being a bad guy and turn back to the "dark side"

5. Hate being a bad guy, have lots of angst about it, but still do bad things.

Hmmm if you think of any other scenarios, please comment! And let me know what you think is the most likely...personally the one I hope for is to let Jack in on it.....but the one I think is most likely is to try and do it all himself and alienate him from everyone who was beginning to believe the best about him! Whatever the course, it is interesting and fun to watch!!! :D
I think Sloane will do bits and pieces of each one of your scenarios.

MY scenario:
Sloane's top priority it to save Nadia, but his passion for Rambaldi will rise again. Once Nadia is safe (or not) he will help take down Gordon Dean, but also have his own agenda. He doesn't seem to like working for Dean, so he will probably turn on him after he doesn't need him anymore. Going after Dean will be Sloane's cover-up at APO, and then he will work on something dealing with Rambaldi in secrecy. While Sloane hates betraying Nadia and other "loved" ones, his passion for Rambaldi will overpower him again. Maybe he will go too far this time.

That's my prediction!

We'll have to see what really happens throughout the rest of the season.

-- Josh
I think Jack has been informed of all the happenings. Sloane knows Jack has his resources and would find out anyway...and that would be worse. So I think when he first walked in he told Jack everything and they are working together.
Dean is rally fooling himself if he thinks he has power over Sloane. And after Dean threatened to harm Nadia I'm sure Dean will be very sorry 1 day and Sloane will be victorious. Sloane is the mastermind. Don't think he has gone evil.
I just can't bring myself to trust that Sloane has reformed. Not after everything he's done. I think #1 and #5 are Sloane's primary motives right now, and I hope Jack watches his back around him.
ROFL I was thinking when I watched it last night that Sloan has become the "alias" Pretending to be who he's not; intercepting missions, etc .......<sigh> that just wouldn't be right!
In part because he's such a much better bad guy than that :smiley:
Oh how we need an "evil" smiley with Sloan's face ;)
To me, it's close to 4, except that he never stopped being bad, in fact, that's the way I like him : eviiiiiiiiiil ! Sloane pretending to be good is just unbelievable and boring
So after watching Fait Accompli tonight, I would say it has been a combination of all 3, with #1 being his primary default. I thought it was cool when he let Jack & Syd in on stuff, but then I was bummed when he killed Dean....well, kind of, it does make the storyline more interesting! :angelic: But I do think he is in angst over being a bad guy!