Patrick G Cox
The story begins in 1801, when twelve year old Harry Nelson-Heron becomes a Midshipman aboard the 74 gun HMS Spartan. 400 years in his future his twelve times great nephew is a Captain in the North European Confederate Fleet, working up the new starship NECS Vanguard ... Their lives are linked and their futures converge.
Their Lordships Request is available on Amazon, B&N and through normal bookshops and as an e-book from 46South Publishing ...
The story continues in Out of Time when Harry, his friend Ferghal O'Connor and the Poweder Monkey Danny Gunn are accidentally transfered from HMS Spartan to the NECS Vanguard. The change of location is the least of their problems as they get to grips with new technology, space travel, self aware computers - and unscrupulous researchers after their DNA ...
The third book in the series is The Enemy is Within! and follows the trio as they attempt to fit in to the new society they are now faced with. Harry must deal with some 'demons' after his abuse in a Consortium laboratory, but masters these to prove that some "old fashioned" thinking and skills still have a place ...
The fourth book, On the Run, finds Harry and Ferghal serving under an officer who resents their abilities and hides his own incompetence by bullying behaviour. The ongoing war against the Consortium comes to a head when Harry and Ferghal are marooned on a planet which also houses a secret computer base the Consortium are using to destroy the World's economy ...
I have a fifth book in the series in preparation ...
Feedback would be extremely welcome. One of the books is currently being touted as a possible film or TV series. We live in hope!
Their Lordships Request is available on Amazon, B&N and through normal bookshops and as an e-book from 46South Publishing ...
The story continues in Out of Time when Harry, his friend Ferghal O'Connor and the Poweder Monkey Danny Gunn are accidentally transfered from HMS Spartan to the NECS Vanguard. The change of location is the least of their problems as they get to grips with new technology, space travel, self aware computers - and unscrupulous researchers after their DNA ...
The third book in the series is The Enemy is Within! and follows the trio as they attempt to fit in to the new society they are now faced with. Harry must deal with some 'demons' after his abuse in a Consortium laboratory, but masters these to prove that some "old fashioned" thinking and skills still have a place ...
The fourth book, On the Run, finds Harry and Ferghal serving under an officer who resents their abilities and hides his own incompetence by bullying behaviour. The ongoing war against the Consortium comes to a head when Harry and Ferghal are marooned on a planet which also houses a secret computer base the Consortium are using to destroy the World's economy ...
I have a fifth book in the series in preparation ...
Feedback would be extremely welcome. One of the books is currently being touted as a possible film or TV series. We live in hope!