An Old Friend
Speculations is another writing assistance site. It also publishes a magazine. Here is the siteMap. Some of the items to note are listed below.
Read Me First: Our Sample Articles
Everything you always wanted to know about breaking in and staying there, but were afraid to ask.
Read Me First: Our Sample Articles
Everything you always wanted to know about breaking in and staying there, but were afraid to ask.
- RSI and the Science Fiction Writer - Zed Lopez
If it hurts, don't do it!
- Manuscript Formatting for Beginners - Kent Brewster
Cross your eyes and dot your tees.
- How To Nip A Writing Career In The Bud - Bridget McKenna
Try a threatening cover letter with your next submission.
- How To Break Up A Writer's Group - Alice Fiish
Talk about writing, but never actually write.
- Workshop Critiquing - Cory Doctorow
You have to swallow your ire.
- And Now, A Few Words About Edit Ink - Kent Brewster
Remember, money flows towards the writer.
- Transracial Writing For The Sincere - Nisi Shawl
Black people don’t spend their whole lives thinking of themselves as black. We’re Ghanaians and editors and diabetics, and lots of other -ians and -ors and -ics.
- The Dreaded A-Word - Kent Brewster
What makes a magazine "professional," and why is it such a big deal?
- How To Break A Writer's Spirit - Kent Brewster
Don't forget the psychopathic cover letter!
- Horrible Cliches To Avoid - Lillian Csernica
Yes, Virginia: those AIDS-infected vampires have been done to death.
- Regarding Multiple Submissions - Kent Brewster
The difference between multiple and simultaneous subs.
- Writers and Depression - Nancy Etchemendy
The incidence of clinical depression among writers and artists may be as much as ten times greater than that among the general population.
- Sweeping Back the Slushpile - as told to Kent Brewster
A first reader's primer.
- Staying Alive: Nothing Succeeds Like Success - Bruce Holland Rogers
Tapping your hidden reserves.
- On Finding an Honest Agent - Kent Brewster
How to tell if you really need one.
- How To Succeed in Electronic Publication Without Really Trying - Alice Fiish
Offer to edit their manuscripts, for a fee.
- So You Want To Start A Magazine - Kent Brewster