Spring Break

I know this isnt sci-fi, but I am extremely excited about what me and 3 other dudes are doing this Friday for a week:

We are doing Man V. Food! We are huge fans of the show, and love the host. We are going to various cities and not only get trashed from good 'ol alcohol, but eat ourselves like Orson Welles ;)

We are starting in Chicago (I go to UW-Whitewater, so it's not that far), then heading immediately from there to St. Louis. We will spend two nights there, then head to Indianapolis (there isnt an episode he does there, so we will make our own :D). Spend one night there, and then go to Columbus, Ohio. Spend a night there, then move on to Pittsburgh. Spend two nights there, and then move on to either South Bend, Ann Arbor, or even Boston (not really sure, but we will see...Ann Arbor and South Bend do not have an episode either, so once again creativity will set in).

I will be filming this, and the craziness that will happen. I want to actually make a movie about it, so it will take some time. I am a bodybuilder, so of course I am going to workout! I have to, all the food and alcohol will make me gain like 20 lbs. I am so pumped!


^^That's the link to see what kind of challenges awaits us in the cities!
All American food then? Interesting your plan to tour your own country is similar to what I am proposing to a friend, to tour half a dozen major cities in Europe from England, where the food will be radically different of course!
Absinthe, that is going to be a pretty cool spring break! When you guys are ready for the "Spring Break Tour for the 40'ish Crowd!", let me know. :P