Starting Cities

Many MMORPG's have character's, depending on race etc, that always have to start in a designated city/town. It's unknown, and I wonder how HJ will do this but:

Would you rather have free chioce of your starting city or just go with the flow of designated Lore assignment and fan out from there??
I like the idea of picking your own starting town no matter what race you are, but it depends on what race, as there might be special things to do in each starter town that has only to do with your race.
I will be interested to see how this plays out :smiley:
As I like to explore it really isn't that big of a deal if I have to move around hehe
How about a person accidentally starting in the city of the Ukar? That definately wouldn't be too pretty of a sight. LoL. But yeah, choosing what city you start in would sound better in my opinion
How about a person accidentally starting in the city of the Ukar? That definately wouldn't be too pretty of a sight. LoL. But yeah, choosing what city you start in would sound better in my opinion

HA!! Yeah, that's exactly the thought I had when wondering if you could pick the starting city. Too funny. Obviously unwise as well.

I do like Sherri's exploration POV as well.
Shadowbane lets you choose and it still mostly confuses me. Still, maybe something like Final Fantasy XI's chose, but if you don't choose a town where your character would normally be at then you get some sort of penalty like not getting a nice item.
Freedom to choose, all the way.

I hated how they took that away in SWG.


So true. Just give me a melon, knife, jacket, pants, boots, a camp - drop me in the middle of nowhere with my in game map and let me find my way to civilization hunting, foraging, fishing and learning the game along the way. That would rock.

So true. Just give me a melon, knife, jacket, pants, boots, a camp - drop me in the middle of nowhere with my in game map and let me find my way to civilization hunting, foraging, fishing and learning the game along the way. That would rock.

... That actually isn't such a bad idea. I mean.. Most of the time it would be easier to attach a reason why the character would be out in the woods than inside a town. Maybe make it near civilization, but putting characters at perhaps the opening pathway of woods facing towards some small settlement might be a good way to get people into a story.
I like that idea alot too, being able to choose which spot you start would make it alot easier to fit your characters background into the story and how they got there.
Choosing your starting city would be nice but it would also be nice if it didn't take like the first 10 levels before meeting another race. I don't want to see a thousand suwari's for the first day I play.
Well, unfortunately that won't happen since they said they won't make it to the release. Though, it's a nice thought if they found a way to get the suwari out somehow before the game with alot of effort. Chances are that won't happen, but you think they'd announce something like that on the official Hero's Journey site since there're some people who only check on the main site for an update.
As a gamer, I'd like the choice. I'm a "gamer" when I'm not playing a game to roleplay. Tad annoying to have to lvl up alone rather than be starting with comrads.

As a roleplayer, I do and don't want a choice. Depends on lore. In EQ you chose your starting city IF it fit your race, class, deity choice, which all ties into the lore and factions. Made sense.

But... there is always a roleplayer that likes to make the mav, the black sheep, etc., and they will want to start in unusual places for their race/class/reglion/faction/whathaveyou.

There is also the personal and group stories your char has and shares with others. They may need to start together.

*shrug* Choice is grand, choice is sweet, gimme something good to eat?
I hope it's choice. However, if cities are not THAT far away from each other... or travel is quick, it won't matter.

The only thing that sucks is, say, Vanguard. You want to be a Half Elf. Your friend wants to be a halfing. Guess what? You guys won't be adventuring together anytime soon... and to do anything that involved diplomacy or crafting... forget about it, you'll have to travel back home.