Stolen Lover

Okay, I have a spoiler for chapter 3 for you. I hope that it catches your attention, and I hope to have chapter 3 up soon.


She was petrified as she slowly unfolded the paper. Across the top was one sentance that consisted of two words. And they confused her. Not of what it was about, but again, who wrote it. The words terrified her. She started to shake again as she read them, over and over.
Stop looking.


Well, I hope, and think, that chapter 3 will be up tomorrow.
Ohhh. please write some more. i want more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more
THIS IS SOOOOO GOOOOD Alias! hope u post more soon.

GRRRRR! if anyone let me near Kane and Sloane, I'd beat them up bad 4 treatin Vaughn like this! and Jack......... why cant he tell Syd what's happened to Vaughn instead of letting her worry, cant he b happy she likes Vaughn - fathers! what are they like!
OKay, I'm putting up some of Chapter 3, maybe all of it. I have ch. 4 ready for you too. We'll see how my fingers and wrists hold out!!

Chapter 3

"So, what do you have?" Sydney asked the agent that stood in front of her. Other agents busily moved around them, observintg Vaughn's house.
"We found some finger prints." The agent started. "And we have an identity." Sydney held her breath, waiting for agent to continue. He held out a slip of paper with a picture attached to it. "His name is Brian Wilkom."
Sydney studied the picture, and read every line. She looked at the agent. "Thank you."

* * *

"They made an analysis of the finger prints they found." Sydney said as Derevko studied the picture. "That's him. I'm going after him."
Irina's head snapped up. "Are you sure that's the best move?"
"Mom, this man, Wilkom, he kidnapped Vaughn." Sydney stared directly at her mother. "He will tell me who made him do it, why and where Vaughn is."
"Are you going in alone?" Her mother asked worried.
Sydney nodded. "Yes."

* * *

Jack snagged Sydney by the arm. She stopped and looked directly at him, predicting trouble. He glared at her, still gripping her arm. "What have you been seeing Derevko about?"
"She's helping me to figure out what could've happened to Vaughn." Sydney replied steadily.
He looked a little shocked. He quickly regained his posture. "She suggested Vaughn's house be analyized." He stated it, he didn't ask.
Sydney nodded. "And it was good advice. We found the finger prints of a man we don't recognize. He could be the one who took Vaughn, under orders."
"He could be." Jack repeated coldly.
"I'm not asking for your approval." Sydney told him firmly. "I'm going after this man." She turned, but Jack caught her by the arm again.
He clenched his teeth. "Sydney, I will not let you go off on a wild goose hunt for Vaughn."
She glared at him. "I'm not a child, dad. You can't keep me from looking for Vaughn!"
She would not tolerate being treated like a child. Her father was always so distant, she practically raised herself. He couldn't expect to be able to demand her around. Especially at her age, she's an adult!
"You have more important things to worry about." Jack replied.
She squinted her eyes, shaking her head. "Nothing is more important to me than Vaughn!" She whispered witha shaky voice.
Her father loosened his grip on her arm, staring at her shocked. And, he looked hurt. Sydney shrugged his hand off her arm. Still looking at him as she turned, she walked away.

* * *

"So, you think it's this guy?" Wiess asked, staring at the picture of Brian Wilkom.
"I think he did it for someone else." Sydney corrected. "So technically, yet. Him."
"What are you gong to do about it?" Wiess looked up at her.
Sydney looked at him slyly. "I'm going to pay him a visit."
Wiess sighed. "Good luck."
"Thanks." Then something came to mind. "Hey, could you do me a favor?"
He shrugged. "Sure."
She looked around before leaning in closer to him. "There's word at SD-6 that Sloane has an agent from some other agency in custody." She whispered secretly. "I need to know what Sloane's up to. Would you mind looking into it while I'm gone?"
"No problem." Wiess said, sitting at his desk.
Sydney smiled weakly. "Thanks."

* * *

Sydney cautiously made her way around the house. The car was in the driveway, she could hear the noise of the TV, he was here. Slowly she peeked through a window. She saw the TV, a football game flashing across the screen. And a big chair in front of it. He must be in that chair.
She moved away from the window and made her way to the back. She grabbed the doorknob and messed with it. Locked. She pulled out her lock picking tools, making sure no one was around. She knelt down in front of the keyhole and stuck the skinny tools inside, and began to wiggle them around.
Her heart jumped when she heard the click of his unlocking. Glancing at her surroundings one last time, she softly stepped inside.
As she made her way down the hall, pistol in hand, she kept her eyes on the chair in front of the TV. She could just see the top of his hair. Her heart started to race. Finally, she'd know what happened to Vaughn. She'd be able to find him, save him.
She held her breath, and decided she was close enough. She aimed her gun at the big chair, and pulled the hammer back on her gun. "Stand up and put your hands behind you head!" She yelled out in a demanding tone. She stared at the chair, breathing hard. "Get up now!" She quickly made her way around the chair. "I said, stand up and-" She stopped, choking. Her hands began to tremble and sweat. Shocked and disgusted she dropped the gun and backed up, getting away from the chair. As far away as possible.
This man, who was the one she was going to get intel on Vaughn's location from, sat slumped in his chair. His head back against the head rest, his eyes rolling up. His jaw sagging open. And fresh blood trickling down his face from the bullet wound in his forehead.
Someone knew she was coming, someone who did not want her to get this intel. But there were only three people she told about this. And none of them would do it. So who? And how did they know? Were they spying on her?
Something caught her attention. She walked over to the man, and stared at the folded piece of paper in his lap. She hesitantly reached for it. She was petrified as she slowly unfolded the paper. Across the top was one sentence that consisted of two words. And they confused her, not of what it was about, but again, who wrote it. The words terrified her. She started to shake again as she read them, over and over.
Stop looking.

* * *

Wiess shook his head as he watched the CIA team clean up Wilkom's dead body. "I don't understand."
"Niether do I." Sydney said.
"That blood was pretty fresh." Wiess pointed out. "He was shot not too long before you showed up. Which means-"
"Someone knew I was coming. ANd they don't want me to know where Vaughn is." Sydney finished his sentence. "But what really gets me, is who it was. I only told you, my mom and my dad. And none of you would do this."
"Thanks." Wiess gratefully replied.
"So that leaves the question of how this person knew." Sydney continued.
Wiess shrugged. "Well, there are numerous ways. You could be bugged, or someone could by spying on you."
"And then there's the note." Sydney reminded him.
He nodded. "Obviously, this person doesn't want you to find Vaughn."
"Okay." They both turned to see Kendall approaching them. "We've got a team making an analysis of the house, and the note." He reported.
Sydney sighed. "I doubt that's going to do anything. This person obviously knew what he...Or she was doing. They're not going to leave behind a trail."
"Well then what do you suggest we do Agent Bristow?" Kendall raised his eyebrows, waiting for a reply.
Heavy heartedly, she shook her head. "I don't know."

* * *

Sydney dragged her feet with every step. Inhaling deeply, fighting back her tears. Her head hung as she walked down the cold hall. When she looked up, her mother was staring at her, her eyes flaring with concern and pain. "What did you find?" She asked quietly. Her voice sounded as if she were afraid of the answer.
Blinking rapidly to keep in her tears, Sydney took a deep breath. "I found Wilkom, dead." Niether spoke and tehre was pure silence. They just stared at each other. Sydney swallowed. "The wound was fresh. Which means, someone who knew I was coming, someone who doesn't want me to find Vaughn, arived and killed taht man. Minutes before I showed up." She paused, taking a shaky breath. "And then there was a note." Her voice shook with on coming tears. "That told me to stop looking."
She stared at her mother, her eyes sparkling with helplessness and fear. She sniffed as tears started to wet her face. Irina, feeling like her heart was being squeezed, watched Sydney cry with more pain than ever. She wanted to hug her daughter, comfort her. But she couldn't behind glass. She just didn't know what to do.
"Who did you tell, besides me, that you were going after that man?" Derevko asked quietly with a soft and gentle voice.
Sydney rubbed at her puffy eyes and sniffed her runny nose. "Dad, and Vaughn's best friend." She answered, her voice still watery. "But niether of them would have done it!" Her eyes lit up in panic, trying to defend Jack and Wiess.
She studied Irina who was again, tracing her lower lip in thought. "Then who could it have been, and how did they find out?" They sat in a few more minutes of silence. She looked to Sydney. "Do you have any leads?"
"The CIA is analyzing the house." Sydney explained, her face still red from crying. "But I doubt they'll find anything. Whoever did it, knew what they were doing. They wouldn't leave anything tracable behind." She sounded more professional.
Irina nodded. "I agree. You should alos check the cloths you wore when you mentioned going in, for any bugs." Sydney bit her lip and looked at the ground as she slightly nodded. "And Sydney, please be careful."

Okay, that's ALL of chapter 3. I'll get chapter 4 up, proabably late saturday or sunday. Hope you like it, and please review!!!
Okay, I have chapter 4 and I'm working on chapter 5. But my friend is over(not the one who said that I write stories just for glory.) and(but this one won't read ANY of them!!!! ANd if frsuterates me!!!) I don't want to make her bored while I type a long chapter. So maybe I'll have it up tomorrow, maybe Sunday. I don't know. But just be paitent with me okay? I'm glad you guys like it!!
Okay, here is the long awaited chapter 4!!!

Chapter 4

Sydney was disapointed. She didn't get anywhere. She still had the two questions: Who killed Wilkom, and how did they find out? There were no bugs on her cloths, her hair or skin. Nothing. So she was right back where she started. Confused and lost.
Her mood and spirits took her into a depression state when she thought of Vaughn. She didn't know where he was, or what was happening to him. For all she know, he very well could be...
A tear crawled down her cheek. Her eyes burned and her vision blurred. A couple more tears joinged the other, creeping down her face. She bit the inside of her lip, and the tears began to fall faster.
"Vaughn..." She whispered, her voice cracking. She put her hand over her eyes and wipped at her nose.
What was she going to do? She could hardly get through one day with out seeing hiim. How was she going to be able to keep going? She couldn't and she knew it. He is everything to her, and he doesn't even know it. She was being driven mad. At night, she couldn't sleep. And when she did, she wished she never had.
With out him, she was lost. Her is her guardian angel. Literally. And he was gone. She had no guardian angel. She was weak and exposed. With out him, she was...She couldn't even think of a word.
Exhausted, she laid on her bed. Bringing the antique picture frame with her.

* * *

"Ariana, you have twelve hours remaining." Sloane informed her. "Please tell me you have something."
She sighed as she shook her head. "Nothing I do to him will get him to talk."
Sloane thought for a minute, his chin in his hand. "I know a way we can."

* * *

Sydney walked over to Wiess's desk. "Hey, what's going on?"
Wiess glanced up at her, then turned in his chair to face her. "You remember you asked me to look into Sloane's new assest in custody?" Listening intently, she nodded. He sighed. "I got nothing."
She parted her lips. "Nothing? Surprised she raised her eyebrows.
"There's no agents in any agency that have recently gone missing." Wiess explained. He lowered his head. "Except Vaughn."
She practically glared coldly at him. "It's not Vaughn."
"Sydney, you don't know that!" Wiess persisted.
"Why would SD- kidnap Vaughn?" She asked, her voice raising. It couldn't be Vaughn. It didn't make any sense. It couldn't be him.
Wiess shook his head. "I don't know!" He sounded surprised that she'd be asking him.
She looked away from him. She didn't want to talk about this. "What do we have on Wilkom's house?" She was still looking away from him.
He hesitated, and licked his lips. "There's nothing. The killer left no trace behind, whatsoever." His voice was soft and quiet.
Sydney didn't move. "I thought so." They were startled by the ringing of Sydney's phone. Still not looking at Wiess, she answered it and held it to her ear. "Hello?"
"Sydney it's me." Her's father's voice came through the phone. "We need to talk. It's probably best that it's not over the phone. Meet me in the parking garage."

* * *

Sydney brushed a strand of hair from her face. She crossed her arms and swallowed. She didn't know what this was about. But it was obviously important.
"Did you go after Wilkom?" His voice had no tone to it. His face had, once again, it's stone mask. But his eyes, they gave her that flicker that bewildered her.
Remembering the stomach-wrenching, gory scene, she nodded. "Yes."
He stared at her, as if he was trying to read what information she got. "And, what did you find?"
Sydney licked her lips as she looked away from him. Then she looked back. "I found Wilkom in his chair, dead. With a fresh bullet wound." She studied Jack, he didn't seem in the least bit effected.
"So he was killed, minutes before you arived." Jack sated, mainly to himself.
"Which means, someone who odesn't want me to get to Vaughn, knew I was coming." Sydney completed his thought. "I already checked my cloths for bugs, there's none. And I know that you or Wiess wouldn't do it, and mom can't." She paused, taking a breath. Still looking at him. "I think I'm being watched."
"It's possible." Jack agreed. "Did you have the CIA make and analysis of the house?"
"Yes, but they found nothing. This person...He didn't leave a trace!" her voice was toned with surprise and disbelief. Then she looked at the floor. "And there was a note." She looked back up at him. "It told me to stop looking." Jack lowered his eyes. "Dad, I won't stop. I have to get Vaughn back."
Jack looked at her alerted. "Sydney-" He was cut off by Sydney's cell phone. They both stared coldly at each other as the phone rang.
She turned away from him and answered her phone. "Hello?"

* * *

He froze, it was her. Her voice sent tingles down his back and to his stomach. He was excited, it was her!
But why would they let him talk to her? They have no reason to-it's a trap. For Sydney. he decided he wouldn't talk. But god, he wanted to talk to her!
"Hello?" She asked a second time.
Her voice, it soothed him. He wanted to say something to her, but that's exactly what they want him to do. He wouldn't put her in danger. Not again.
There was a long silence before she spoke again. "Hello?" She sounded confused and stressed.
He felt the pressure of a gun to his head. Kane nealt close to him. "If you don't talk, we'll make her suffer...A great deal." She whispered through clenched teeth. "I know you don't want that."
Vaughn hesitated only for a second. "Sydney!"
"Hello?" Sydney repeated.
He was confused, couldn't she hear him? "Sydney!
A cold laugh echoed in the room. "She can't hear you." Kane told him, taking the phone. She started to walk away from him.
"Don't you dare hurt her!" Vaughn yelled.
Kane stopped and faced him. "Thank you Mr. Vaughn. For proving twice, that you definetly know Sydney."

* * *

Sydney brought her phone down from her ear. She stared at it frusterated. She just held it in front of her, studying it for the longest time.
"What is it?" Jack asked curiosly, watching her.
Sydney shook her head. "I just got a call, but no one responded to me." She looked up at him. "It was like it was a dead line."
"It was probably just a wrong number. Or a disconnected call." Jack reasoned, not caring much about it.
Sydney looked back at her phone. She was too suspicious of it.

* * *

Irina opened her eyes when she heard the first gate open. She waited at the glass for her visitor. She thought it would be Sydney, but it wasn't. Instead it was Jack. Serious as ever.
"I know that you've been helping Sydney to find Agent Vaughn." Jack stated. "I want you to stop."
Irina looked at him surprised. "What, you think I'm behind it?" She asked with disbelief.
"Sydney, is set on finding him. No matter how dangerous. It's highly possible that it's a trap for her. I don't want her walking into it." Jack construed.
"What if it's not?" Irina countered.
"I don't want to take the risk." Jack said, clamping his teeth.
"Sydney does."
"If you care for Sydney, you'd understand where I'm coming from."
"I do love her Jack. That's why I'm helping her." She said softly. "She loves Agent Vaughn, Jack. I can tell, he makes her happy." She shook her head. "I won't take her happiness away."
Jack studied Irina in silence. He obviously didn't like the fact that Sydney is in love with Vaughn. "That is exactly why her judgement is being clouded."
She shook her head. "No Jack. I think your judgement is being clouded."
He glared coldly at her. "You have no idea what the situation is!" He yelled, losing his control.
Irina narrowed her eyes at him, studying him. "Are you hiding something from Sydney, Jack?" She continued to watched him.
Jack leaned away from the glass. The look on his face expressed regrett for speaking his last sentance. He gave her is famous, bone-chilling stare. "No."

okay there's more but i can't type it. hope you like!!! please review!!