story lines that would never happen but funny if they did!

ok so me and SpyGirl426 have come up with an idea of things that would never happen but would be funny as if they did,


sloane and jack admitting their love for each other and walking off into the night together, awww :D

also the Rambaldi artifacts all coming together and making a giant...bubble machine,

so wot do u guys think,

add on

lol this sounds like fun :D

- slone and lauren joined the circus for a mission and travelled around america looking after the elephant
and then Sloane finds his twin, the chimp in the next cage!!!

(with his grey stubble beard he looks a bit like a monkey)

then after the circus Sloane decides to work for the greater good and release the animals from seaworld, then him, lauren and his new chimpy twin ride away on the back of a manatee

...Then the whale eats the real Sloane so to honor his memory, Lauren marries the chimp and gives him a funny name like the ones Syd and the rest of the APO gang gave that weird guy who thought he was Sloane (Arvin Cloane or Sloane Clone). Then they have part-chimp part-human crime fighting babies...
While all this has been going on Marshall is put in charge of APO. His first official act as Director is to bring in all new, inflatable furniture to the office.
Mean while, Sydney has lost her memory and is wondering through the forest. She comes to a quaint house, but know one is home. She is feeling confused, sick and hungry so she enters the house thinking if I just lay down for a little while, I will feel better and be able to collect my thoughts. She goes into a room and find seven small beds in the room. Walks over and collapses on the first bed and falls fast asleep.
pinks and yellows swirled around the room, a mixture of colors and sounds filled her head as she woke.
slowly her eyes opened, surrounding her were the mish mashed gummy bears from rachel, prepared to take their revenge on the entire cast, knocking their way through one by one,

slowly as they draw closer, into a tight group, the door swings open,
but it cant be, is it

its weiss, deep under cover in his favourite gummy bear costume,

meanwhile back at apo nadia and director chase are in the supplies closet with sloanes chimp twins and babies...
Weiss pulls out his giant candy cane (which is really a high power automatic weapon fashoned by Marshall) and shoots each gummy bear w/ a lazer and turns them back into regular, non living, but still enormous gummy bears. Syd is eternally greatful as Weiss lifts her from the corner the gummy bears had forced her into and gently places her beside one of the 7ft tall gummy treats. He then pulls out 2 sets of silverware, hands her one, and they proceed to cut and eat the tasty gummy. But all of a sudden something strange happens to Syd. Not feeling so well again, she trys to stand up and walk back over to the bed but quickly falls... her legs have turned into a gelatinous mass! Syd is turning into a gummy bear!! In shock, she calls out Weiss's name only to hear a loud, deep cackling. She turns around just in time to see who she thought was Weiss take off his mask and reveal himself to be...

Meanwhile, back at APO, Nadia and Director Chase are in quite of a bind themselves. They just happened to be stuck in the closet where Marshall stuck all the old furniture and the chimps are stacking it against the door blocking them in! They scream and bang against the walls for someone to let the out of the closet where the crazy chimps are holding them captive, but their crys cannot be heard over Marshall's new nature and tribal noises CD he has blasting over the loud speaker. Confused and scared by the loud noises Nadia and Director Chase are making, the chimp babies begin to cry, resulting in anger from the chimp parents towards the noisemakers. Quickly realizing this could get ugly very quickly, Nadia and Director Chase pick up broken legs from a chair and prepare for a fight...
Weiss pulls out his giant candy cane (which is really a high power automatic weapon fashoned by Marshall) and shoots each gummy bear w/ a lazer and turns them back into regular, non living, but still enormous gummy bears. Syd is eternally greatful as Weiss lifts her from the corner the gummy bears had forced her into and gently places her beside one of the 7ft tall gummy treats. He then pulls out 2 sets of silverware, hands her one, and they proceed to cut and eat the tasty gummy. But all of a sudden something strange happens to Syd. Not feeling so well again, she trys to stand up and walk back over to the bed but quickly falls... her legs have turned into a gelatinous mass! Syd is turning into a gummy bear!! In shock, she calls out Weiss's name only to hear a loud, deep cackling. She turns around just in time to see who she thought was Weiss take off his mask and reveal himself to be...

none other than Suits and Glasses!
Suit and Glasses gave Sydney an evil grin and she was surprised to find out that he had no teeth, instead his mouth was lined with rows of gummy bears.
A cell phone rings. Suit & Glasses answers..
"Hello..." a brief pause.
"I miss you too Irina!...
You're at the movies with Elena?..How is she?...
Oh good, good...Well tell her I said 'Congratulations' for being
accepted into the millitary...You too, bye!"
((his voice turns eveil again))
"Now where was I?!!"
as S&G turns around Chase lyes on the floor and rolls,real slow, into his legs, Syd stands there in awe at these new, stunning moves.
Jack bursts thro the door with the newly edited meuler device, fashioned from marshall of course, which now emits happy thoughts and bubbles into the air....
All of the sudden everyone stops what they are doing to join hands and frolic around APO and pass out lolly-pops while singing the chorus of 'I'd lLike to Teach the World to Sing' as the credits roll.

Next on an all new Alias . . .