Stranger to Myself


The Bubbly
Title: Stranger to Myself
Author: Suzi aka hotpot
Continuation: Ah, first the prequel, I Know followed by Say Goodbye, Hard Luck, Saint and Sinner and lastly, Slip Away. Um, you might want to read those first if you are new to this series, it probably won’t take long and this piece will make a lot more sense to you ^_^
Rating: PG – damn, couldn’t end it with any smut.
Ship: Is there more than one? :confused:
Disclaimer: Yada, yada – no characters are mine and the song is “The Child is Gone” by Fiona Apple.
Summary: Sydney looks for closure on her old life and finds the answers to questions that have been plaguing her.

A/N: I do believe this is probably the final installment of my Sarkney songfic series. I might try another one sometime soon seeing how I have a new fascination with Fiona Apple lyrics. Hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have enjoyed writing it. This final piece had been mulling around for awhile and today, out of nowhere, it came together. Thank you for continuing to read and for all your excellent feedback. :flowers:

Darling, give me your absence tonight
Take the shade from the canvas and leave me the white
Let me sink in the silence that echoes inside
And don't bother leaving the light on

The nightmares started a few weeks after Vaughn’s death.

In the dreams, she was her mother preparing to rip her own heart out due to the intense pain that coursed through her with every beat it took.

In the beginning, she always awoke right as she would take a sharp blade, pierce it into her own chest and begin to remove the vessel that beat within, but soon after she dreamt of what occurred when it was removed and she held it in her hands.

The heart was blackened but beating in an alluring cadence that seemed to quell the absence of her heart. As Irina, Sydney saw herself as a little girl appear in the dreams, she would offer the heart to her daughter but Sydney would look upon it and cry for her father, leaving her mother and fleeing to the safety of Jack.

Even as her mother, in her unconscious state, she felt the sorrow and pain that griped her every time she saw Sydney turn away from her, refusing what she would give to her and the one thing she would give up for her daughter.

It would never be enough.

Sark had expressed his concern when she uttered Vaughn’s name in her sleep. She did not recall dreaming of Vaughn, she thought she only dreamt of her mother and her dark heart, but Sark was certain of what he heard.

He wanted Sydney to talk to him, but it was impossible since she did not remember even dreaming of Vaughn. Sark gently suggested seeing a doctor to help her sleep.

That is when the nightmares stopped and the insomnia began.

In the stillness of the night, she laid awake in the bed she shared with Sark, hoping for sleep and knowing it would never come.

As she looked over to him, sleeping peacefully beside her, she wondered what his dreams were like. She was envious of the fact, despite everything wicked he had done in his life, he still slept serenely.

She tried to push away the resentment, but in the wee hours of the morning, when all she had was herself, it was the one thing she could comprehend.

Something was not right, she was not herself anymore but she did not know how to return to the way she was before.

Cause I suddenly feel like a different person
From the roots of my soul comes a gentle coercion
And I ran my hand o'er a strange inversion --
A vacancy that just did not belong
The child is gone

It happened in an instant, the moment fleeting before she even knew it had occurred, elusive sleep coming to her at last. She stirred in their bed, waking to find herself alone, and tried in vain to recall any dreams she might have had.


Days would pass without sleep, without feeling, without anything – until one evening, he was sitting at the small counter of their flat reading the paper and she was coring an apple before preparing to slice it in halves.

“I want to go to Los Angeles,” she said.

He looked up from the paper. “Why is that?”


Sark did not reply right away, but eventually nodded his head and went back to reading the paper.

Two days later, they were in Los Angeles driving past Sydney and Vaughn’s old apartment.

A small family lived there now, evident from the toys littering the back patio, but there was more that she needed to witness.

All the things Sark had been able to teach her in a life with him, closure was the one thing she had the hardest time learning.

He pulled the Range Rover along the winding road leading back to Vaughn’s marker.

It was a large cemetery, it would be difficult to locate him if she didn’t know any better, Sydney only guessed where Vaughn would be buried and she was correct.

Sark waited in the SUV, watching her from a safe distance, as she walked towards the Vaughn family plot.

There were three markers; one was shared by Vaughn’s grandparents, Vaughn’s father and Vaughn’s own stone.

She expected a small cry to escape her lips at the sight of the marble finality spelling out his name, but it was not the stone itself that caused her to cry out, but the common bond shared by the three Vaughn men.

Written above each of their names was the following line: Beloved Husband and Father.

Michael had a child.

Honey, help me out of this mess
I'm a stranger to myself
But don't reach for me -- I'm too far away
I don't wanna talk cause there's nothing left to say

Sydney fell to her knees and brought a hand to her mouth.

Small tears began to settle in her eyes and she tried desperately to blink them back.

It had to be a mistake, she thought. While her mind tried to deny what she was seeing, her heart felt it’s true meaning at once.

Vaughn, at one time, had been who she considered to be her soulmate. Cruel circumstances had connected them, her mother killed his father, but something between them felt much stronger than that.

When he had proposed to her, he said it was love, in it purest and simplest form, from the moment he saw her. An instinct he had said.

He showed her his father’s watch, the one you could set your heart to, and told her it stopped the day they met. Only now, did she truly understand why.

When they were together, with nothing but the promise of the future before them, it had felt all wrong to Sydney.

They were irrevocably connected, but not for the reasons they naively believed.

Sydney understood why she dreamt of her mother. She had become her, Irina had taken Vaughn’s father and Sydney had killed Vaughn, taking him from his child.

She knew why she only dreamt of herself as a child, when she was a child, she would never take what Irina had to offer.

No, it was wrong but now, as an adult, she had accepted everything that a dark heart had to give.

The only thing causing her grief was the child inside, holding her back and trying to go back in time, to make Sydney see the world clearly in black and white again.

Moments passed, Sydney continued to stare blankly at the stone before she heard soft footsteps coming towards her in the grass.

She turned her head, expecting to see Sark, but her eyes covered by her dark sunglasses fell upon her father standing there in disbelief at the sight of her before him.

So my darling, give me your absence tonight
Take all of your sympathy and leave it outside
Cause there's no kind of loving that can make this alright
I'm trying to find a place I belong

Sydney stood up slowly, running a hand through her hair, and looked at her father for the first time in almost three years. He had not changed at all.

“Sydney, I didn’t know if you would truly be here or not.”

She wondered how he knew she was going to be there until it dawned on her. Sark must have contacted him.

“I had to come and see it with my own eyes,” she replied.

Her father, for once in his life, appeared to be struggling for the right words to say.

“Anna Vaughn lived,” he said, quietly, before continuing, “I thought you might want to know.”

Sydney lowered her head, not responding.

Jack stepped towards her then, reaching for her arm. Sydney’s immediate reaction was to act defensively and she took a step back, away from her father, noting the pain evident in his eyes.

“Sydney, I can help you.”

It became clear to her now why Sark had called her father. He was giving her a chance for complete closure on her old life or an opening for a way out of her life with him.

She crossed her arms across her chest. “I don’t need your help.”

“Please, Sydney. I don’t know why you have done the things that you have done,” he stopped before finishing. Then, continued, “but we can figure something out. Let me help you, please.”

She reached up pulling the sunglasses from off her face and looked her father directly in the eyes as she spoke. “Why I have done the things that I have done?” she asked, incredulously.

“Do you realize, if I hadn’t done this,” she waved her hand back, gesturing to the grave at her feet, “Vaughn would have killed me instead?”

He stared at her, no longer able to recognize the woman standing before him.

“The only thing I regret is that it had to come this far for me to learn who I truly am.”

She started to move past him, but he reached out, grabbing her arm. “Sydney, I can’t let you do this to yourself.”

She glanced at his hand before coldly looking her father in the eyes. He had kept saying her name, trying to make her remember who she once was, it was no use.

“It’s already done.”

Jack let his hand fall as he watched her walk towards the black SUV and out of his life forever.

And I suddenly feel like a different person
From the roots of my soul comes a gentle coercion
And I ran my hand o'er a strange inversion
As the darkness turns into the dawn

They boarded a plane back to London that night.

Sark asked no question and Sydney offered no answers.

It was blatant by his actions in their trip that he would do anything for her, including sacrifice his own happiness with her, just as long as she was happy and well.

Finally, she was able to show him that no matter what consequences her life with him would ensue; she would never leave him to have her old life back or doubt the choices that had led her to him.

As far as she was concerned, there was only one life that she had ever been living and that was the one she lived when he was by her side.

After that trip to Los Angeles, there was no more talk of the past between Sark and Sydney.

It was something she was finally able to learn and appreciate from him, in their life, the past is all that you can leave behind.

The child is gone
I'm going to cry :( ...Aims's story is ending...your series is ending... why is everything I love being taken away from me....WHY?!?! :thinking: :confused:

Um, so sorry...let's just call that my Steel Magnolias's moment...I've been watching it just a little too much!! :lol:

It would never be enough

Wow...Out of everything in the entire story..that one line stands out for me the most....A person never really accepts something from the person that first introduced hurt and pain into their lives. I understand that...more than I would like to.

As she looked over to him, sleeping peacefully beside her, she wondered what his dreams were like. She was envious of the fact, despite everything wicked he had done in his life, he still slept serenely

I guess you always want what someone esle has..

She expected a small cry to escape her lips at the sight of the marble finality spelling out his name, but it was not the stone itself that caused her to cry out, but the common bond shared by the three Vaughn men.

Written above each of their names was the following line: Beloved Husband and Father.

Michael had a child.

I can only imagine that feeling that has put in someone. Reading that took my breath away. I felt her pain and shock.

Jack stepped towards her then, reaching for her arm. Sydney’s immediate reaction was to act defensively and she took a step back, away from her father, noting the pain evident in his eyes.

“Sydney, I can help you.”

It became clear to her now why Sark had called her father. He was giving her a chance for complete closure on her old life or an opening for a way out of her life with him.

She crossed her arms across her chest. “I don’t need your help.”

I hurt for Jack with that...but at the same've made me love Sark that much more!

Finally, she was able to show him that no matter what consequences her life with him would ensue; she would never leave him to have her old life back or doubt the choices that had led her to him.

As far as she was concerned, there was only one life that she had ever been living and that was the one she lived when he was by her side

Oooh, gave me my happy ending!!! And, honestly that was beautiful, a great way of wrapping the series up. And though smut would have been great (haha :lol: it always is!!) I like this ending just as it is!
That was wonderful, I'm so sad that this series is over but I'm hoping you'll do more songfics, I'm totally addicted to this series!!
Loved the ending and how she knew what the dream was referring to.
Sooooo glad she stayed with Sark..
Please let me know if you do another fic.

until one evening, he was sitting at the small counter of their flat reading the paper and she was coring an apple before preparing to slice it in halves. 

“I want to go to Los Angeles,” she said.

He looked up from the paper. “Why is that?”


Sark did not reply right away, but eventually nodded his head and went back to reading the paper.

Beautifully written. :smiley: I love the simplicity of "home life with Sark." LOL Home life with Sark! *sigh* I just love Domesticated!Sark -- and the pause and nod thing is SO him! I pictured him doing it. :smiley:

Written above each of their names was the following line: Beloved Husband and Father.

Michael had a child.

Oh felgercarb! :eek:

It was blatant by his actions in their trip that he would do anything for her, including sacrifice his own happiness with her, just as long as she was happy and well.

*sigh* :love: The way it's meant to be...

in their life, the past is all that you can leave behind. 

Love that line (U2 tribute! :lol: sorta kinda). ^_^

Another amazing story, Suzi. I do hope you continue this sometime... or maybe a start a new one? :thinking: :angelic: ^_^

Much love!

In the dreams, she was her mother preparing to rip her own heart out due to the intense pain that coursed through her with every beat it took.

In the beginning, she always awoke right as she would take a sharp blade, pierce it into her own chest and begin to remove the vessel that beat within, but soon after she dreamt of what occurred when it was removed and she held it in her hands.

The heart was blackened but beating in an alluring cadence that seemed to quell the absence of her heart. As Irina, Sydney saw herself as a little girl appear in the dreams, she would offer the heart to her daughter but Sydney would look upon it and cry for her father, leaving her mother and fleeing to the safety of Jack.

Even as her mother, in her unconscious state, she felt the sorrow and pain that griped her every time she saw Sydney turn away from her, refusing what she would give to her and the one thing she would give up for her daughter.

It would never be enough.
What an incredibly heart-wrenching dream…I wonder what it could possibly mean… :thinking: :Ponders:

She expected a small cry to escape her lips at the sight of the marble finality spelling out his name, but it was not the stone itself that caused her to cry out, but the common bond shared by the three Vaughn men.

Written above each of their names was the following line: Beloved Husband and Father.

Michael had a child.
Oh dear – that must be distressing…and suddenly parts of the nightmare make sense…

He showed her his father’s watch, the one you could set your heart to, and told her it stopped the day they met. Only now, did she truly understand why.
I absolutely love what you did with the watch…and why it really stopped the day they met…

It became clear to her now why Sark had called her father. He was giving her a chance for complete closure on her old life or an opening for a way out of her life with him.
Well that was wonderful for Sark to do that for her…that speaks of real love, contacting her father – who most likely doesn’t really like Sark a whole lot…

It was blatant by his actions in their trip that he would do anything for her, including sacrifice his own happiness with her, just as long as she was happy and well.

Finally, she was able to show him that no matter what consequences her life with him would ensue; she would never leave him to have her old life back or doubt the choices that had led her to him.

As far as she was concerned, there was only one life that she had ever been living and that was the one she lived when he was by her side.

After that trip to Los Angeles, there was no more talk of the past between Sark and Sydney.

It was something she was finally able to learn and appreciate from him, in their life, the past is all that you can leave behind.

The child is gone
Oh my gosh – such a wonderful ending…not happy, but yet happy in a way. They love each other in a very real way, not all rainbows and sunshine…but with all of their flaws and everything.

This was so wonderful! As sad as I am to see it end :( I look forward to more Name the Stakes ;) And who knows…maybe another songfic series someday *hint hint* :smiley:

Thanks for sharing these beautiful songfics with us!
For some reason, AA doesn't like to pop up my PMs from you. <_< So, when I saw that post in PETROS about the songfic, I was most put out you didn't PM me...but you did, so it's all good. Just AA's fault and mine, for me not checking my inbox. :lol:

Wow. I'm truly sad this is over but at the same time, that was a beautiful ending to the series. Very bittersweet and slightly melancholy, but fantastic all the same. (y) (y)

In the beginning, she always awoke right as she would take a sharp blade, pierce it into her own chest and begin to remove the vessel that beat within, but soon after she dreamt of what occurred when it was removed and she held it in her hands.

Sounds like one hell of a dream. Maybe someone should seek professional help? :thinking: But beautiful description here. Lovely alliteration.

Something was not right, she was not herself anymore but she did not know how to return to the way she was before.

This really got to me. I just love the way you worded this. Very poignant.

He looked up from the paper. “Why is that?”


Sark did not reply right away, but eventually nodded his head and went back to reading the paper.

I wonder what he's thinking. Is he upset that she's going to visit Vaughn's grave? Bored? Worried? Suspiscious? Hmmmm. But, anyway, I love this scene between them. They're very easy with each other, comfortable. Well-written.

Written above each of their names was the following line: Beloved Husband and Father.

Michael had a child.

Oh Scheiße. That *sucks* for Vaughn Jr.

It became clear to her now why Sark had called her father. He was giving her a chance for complete closure on her old life or an opening for a way out of her life with him.

He must really love her to do something like that for her, going out on a limb to Jack to get her some much needed closure.

It was blatant by his actions in their trip that he would do anything for her, including sacrifice his own happiness with her, just as long as she was happy and well.

:love: I've always maintained that if Sark and Syd should ever get together, he would love her like no other. Glad to see that reinforced in my fav fics. Awww. :love:

It was something she was finally able to learn and appreciate from him, in their life, the past is all that you can leave behind.

Perfect last lines. So...perfect. What a great, beautiful, lovely way to end a fabulous songfic series. Ahhhh... I miss it already!! :(

I loved it, the whole series!! :::hint, hint::: Perhaps you might consider starting anew?? Of course, put me on your permanent PM list if you do!

Thanks for the PM! A :flowers: to you for a fab series!!
Since my sister was in town last week, I didn't get a chance to give thanks for the reviews! I have lots of thanks :smiley:

Galicdreamer: I'm sorry I had to end it, :( , but it was time. I'm happy you enjoyed it so much, but there is more to come (more than likely) in the future. Oo, I'm glad to see you liked she stayed with Sark. I think in my mind, I had Syd come to far to go back to her old ways. Nothing was like she left it, there was nothing to go back to. Thank you for all your great comments fellow mod sister! :lol: :D

sarkfan: I'm sure I will do more songfics - they are a passion all by themselves. Too many good songs out there for Sarkney that cannot go to waste! ;) The dream symbolized a lot for Syd - I love using dreams for future symbolism/parallels. I do that in my other fics too. I really think our conscious speaks volumes. I will be sure to PM you if I do anything more. Thanks for reading :D

Leslie: Domesticated!Sark - I love him too! See, it has the potential to be totally natural without any of the fluff like a certain other ships seems coast on. I'm glad you liked the U2 reference, at first, it was unconscious then I was like, Oh! hehe. Thank you for reading Leslie dear!

amy lynn: I love that you loved the watch! That was one of the elements I wanted to be in this story - not some fluffy soulmate felgercarb, but morbid destiny. :lol: I think I cackled when that thought came to me - it seems so evil but damn it - I liked it and I'm glad you did too! :D :D Also, I am so glad you got that Sark would do what Vaughn couldn't by calling Jack - Sark could let her go if he had to so long as she was happy. Ah, now there is good good love. Thanks for the wonderful comments and for reading! ^_^

Dita: Ah, how I love your reviews :D Like I said, I love writing dream sequences - anything can happen in them but it's scary how they can parallel real life. Glad you liked that part even though it was a bit disturbing! :lol: Hmmm, maybe if I would have given this more time - I would have went along and added something to Sark's thought process before I put this up ... but maybe he is just maintaining his stoic front only to plan his actions (by calling Jack) in the background. I knew that would be a shock for Vaughn to have had a child but I wanted Syd to be more like Irina than she ever would have imagined. I promise there will be no sequel where Vaughn Jr meets Sarkney daughter and they realize her mother killed his father but they are soulmates. No, no and no. :P Of course, like I said above, I wanted to show Sark loved Syd in a way Vaughn never could - he would sacrafice his own happiness for her, instead of trying to kill her for leaving him. He gave her an out but she didn't take it. Thanks so much for all your reviews, they always make my day! :smiley: