Sue and Mary:The Age of Innocence...

I was kinda bored earlier so I made this......

Hope its ok........

Sue and Mary: The Age of Innocence
By: Sunfire_77


The hot June sun belted down on Suzy and Mary-Jo’s head.
The two young girls sat gazing from Suzy’s Patio Steps.
They gazed at the scorching hot cement on Sue’s walkway.
Suzy Schlitz and Mary-Jo Babel were two of the best friends ever found in the little town of DewPoint Nebraska.

The year was 1967 and both girls, Suzy (7th Grade) and Mary-Jo (6th Grade), were getting restless.

Their pedal pushers clung tightly to the girls sweating legs. Their halters doing the same.

“Suzy, We need to find something to do fast, before I shrivel up into a raisin.”
Said Mary-Jo in a miserable tone. Laying down on the Patio Mary-Jo let her feet dangle freely.
Suzy squinted her eyes then smiled devilishly.
“Hey, Mary-Jo… didn’t you say you could spend the night tonight?” She said with a sly smirk.
Mary-Jo sat up curiously.
Suzy turned herself to Mary-Jo.
“OK. Didn’t you say you’ve been dying to go to the cemetary up the road? Suzy smiled at Mary-Jo’s Response.

“Yeah… but your parents would never let us go.” Mary-Jo Frowned. A quiet pause filled the air.
“Well, who said they had to know. I mean it’s easy. Everyone goes to bed. We sneak out my bedroom window… We’ll be back before anyone notices we’re gone.”

The two girls smiled.
“I swear Suzy… You’re just like Lucy.” Mary-Jo Smiled slyly.

Suzy made a funny pose and in a rich women voice she chimed.
“Why yes dear… I think I am, but that would make you my Ethel.”
The girls started to laugh.
“We should start planning,” said Suzy as she got up and wiped her dark red hair away from her forehead.
Mary-Jo followed.
“ I agree”
And the two girls ran inside with one last smack of the screen door.

The night fell fast upon the girls and it was already 9:25pm so said Suzy’s nightstand clock.
The girls had watched the sun fade with its orange evanescence, but now there were only specks of light upon the dark blue skies.
Suzy shut her curtain and the two girls crawled into bed waiting for Suzy’s mother to come in.
With a light creek of the wood door, a pinch of light flooded the room.
The figure of a Women walked to them.
Kneeling down Suzy’s mother kissed the girls cheeks and told them goodnight.
Suzy and Mary-Jo smiled back and held the covers tightly.
With one final glance Suzy’s mother shut the door and the room was dark once again.

Soon after the light of two flashlights showed the faces of Suzy and Mary-Jo.

“I thought for sure she was going to see we had our day clothes on.” Mary-Jo whispered.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Suzy whispered as she quietly opened her curtains. The window she had opened earlier so her parents couldn’t hear it squeak.

First Suzy climbed out and down the side of the house then Mary-Jo.
The two girls trotted down the street on their way to the cemetery.

The night had given a slight breeze and the chill of the heat made Suzy and Mary-Jo Shiver.

The girls opened the gate to the cemetery and started slowly through the trees.

“OK, Sue. Now that we’re here… what do we do?” She asked befuddled.

Suzy looked around at the groups of huddled trees.

“Well… I guess we look for a headstone.”

The two girls huddled together in search for a headstone.

A loud whaling noise starteld the two girls.

“AHHHHHHHH!” The two jumpy girls screamed.
Turning eachway the girls looked for the source. A sigh of relief escaped Suzy’s mouth.
“Mary-Jo, Its just a coyote. Probably over in the fields or something.”

Mary-Jo clung to Suzy’s Shirt.
“Well, if I get ate so will you.” She mumbled
Suzy looked back at her and glared.
“NOT funny.” She smiled.

The two skittish girls lead their way through the woods.

With a “Thud.” The girls tumbled down.

“Watch where you’re going SUZY!” Mary-Jo demanded as she got to her feet.
Suzy on the other hand stayed down and stared at amazement at what they had fell over.

“Uhhhhh. Mary-Jo… I think we found our head stone…”

Mary-Jo looked back and saw what Suzy was looking at. A Grey piece of block sat crooked in the now tall grass. The initials R.K Rawling chiseled into the rocky piece of pavement.
What the girls noticed right away was the big chip down the center of the block.

“It looks like it was broke in half.” Suzy said curiously

“SUZY! Do you know what that means. You remember hearing that when a headstone is broke the spirit can go free… and they usually go after the ones that broke it!” Mary-Jo looked at Suzy.

The girls exchanged a familiar glance.

“RUN!” The girls said InSync.

The two girls headed for the way they came. Every sound making their nerves tingle.

Once they spotted the gate there was no stopping them. Instead of opening it Suzy didn’t wait rather jumped over the tiny black gate, as did Mary-Jo.

Down the desoluted street the girls stopped running.
Both bent down gasping for breath.
“You… don’t… actually… think… we… broke… it… do… you?” Suzy panted.

“I…don’t… know…Suzy… but… I wasn’t… going to… wait to see.”

Both girls sat bent over panting.

“I think we should be heading back before they find out we’re gone.” Suzy bent up and took a deep breath. “Good Idea.” Agreed Mary-Jo.

The two girls reached Suzy’s house.

“I’ll go up first.” Suzy volunteered.

Climbing up the rail Suzy saw her window had shut. She peered down and whispered.

“Mary-Jo… Its shut.”

Climbing back down to reassure a nervous Mary-Jo, Suzy said, “Don’t worry. I am sure my parents are sleeping. We can use the Window in the hall way.”
So the girls climbed up the roof and over to the half- opened window.
Suzy couldn’t see in because of the swaying curtains but she took her chance and crawled in.

Once Suzy had her head in she looked to see a big black frying pan headed her way…


Sue fell to the hallway floor.

“MOM! It’s me!!!!!!” Sue looked up at her mom who was holding the frying pan.

“I know its you! If you’re going to come in like a burglar then you’re going to be treated like one… You won’t climb through the window any more will you? Susan, Did you think the pillows in the bed trick could fool me over.”

Mary-Jo climbed in with caution to her head.

They both knew the same thing. That Mrs. Schlitz was one step ahead of them.

Suzy and Mary-Jo exchanged the same glance.
eee! okay well that was funny. poor suzy. hehe frying pan. :rotflmao: --mandy :angelic: