
my updating days will go back to wednesdays and saturdays but this week went a bit wrong :blush:
there will be another update on wednesday! :angelic:
so here is the next chappy :D

Chap 10:- Double Trouble

“So tell me again what she did!” Weiss asked Syd quite amused.
“She walked up to this teacher and told him she loved him!” Syd told a laughing Weiss and Vaughn.

The four were on a double date and somehow the subject of most embarrassing moments had come up.

“Hey! It was for a bet!”
“Sure it was.” Weiss said not able to stop laughing. “Oh not as funny as Mike’s first hockey match for Kings.”
“Oh no, no, no, no and no!” Vaughn desperately trying to stop his friend telling this story.

“Oh yes my friend!” Feeling defeated he put his hand over his eyes dreading what was going to come next. “Well he had just finished the match and he went into the locker rooms and into the showers. Some guy had let a load of these screaming girls into the locker room. All the other guys had already gone except Mike. He walked out of the shower in just a towel to find these girls all just staring at him.” Vaughn face went bright red while Nads, Syd and Weiss all burst out laughing.

“We need more drink!” Vaughn declared trying to get the rest of them so drunk that they would never remember this conversation.
“OMG! What happened?” Syd asked.
“Well one of the guys left his cell phone and came back to get it and found all these girls and call security.”

“Oh I remember this one time…” Nadia started “… that Syd had this friend, erm his name was …… Ryan, and he was like the loser in the school and she was the only one who really spoke to him. He thought that she loved him because she spoke to him and then one day, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him right in the middle of the canteen!” Sydney blushed.
“What did you say?” Vaughn asked.
“She said no and he ran out the canteen crying.” Nadia replied.
“Alcohol sounds like a good idea. Got any embarrassing stories about Weiss, Vaughn? Since he is just listening to ours.” Sydney asked.
“Actually I do. What’s his name Weiss?”
“Your not about to say what I think you’re about to say?”
“Oh yes. There was this new girl at school and Weiss had the biggest crush on her ever. So one day he finally picked up the courage to ask her out. It ends up that she already has a boyfriend and Weiss telling her that he has a boyfriend.” They all burst out laughing but then Nadia turned serious.
“You don’t have a boyfriend do you?” This made Syd and Vaughn laugh harder.
“Michael?” They heard from behind them. Vaughn turned around.
“Lauren. Hey! How are you?” he asked getting up to hug her.
“I’m fine, hey Eric. This is …”
“Matt?” Syd and Nadia both said.
“Erm hey… this is Lauren, my sister. Lauren this is my ex, Nadia and her sister, Syd.”
“Hi, um I’m Michaels ex girlfriends. Anyway ill see you around.” She said as she and matt walked off.

“OK I’m confused!” Weiss stated. “Lauren is Vaughn’s ex and matt is Nadia’s ex and Matt and Lauren are brother and sister?” he asked.
“It seems that way.” Vaughn simply said.
“You didn’t answer my question.” Nadia said.
“I don’t have a boyfriend!”
They all started laughing again.


PMs are going out in a min
phoenix shotgun 47
Agent Bristow-Vaughn
Great chapter. Nothing like embarrassing stories to bring people together. Small world with the evil exes being brother & sister.

Thanks for the PM
Here is a double update because i wont be able to update on saturday because im away :D

Chap 11:- Screamer

**Syd’s P.O.V**

“I’m sorry I cant come Vaughn.” I wish I could go to this hockey match but I have a concert but the concert is the same time as the match. I hate lying to him but I have decided that I am going to tell him soon.

“Hey don’t worry about it.” He thinks that I have to finish off a paper and hand it in.
“I promise that I will be there as soon as I finish.” I give him a weak smile because I know I probably wont make it at all.
“Ok” he gave me a quick kiss and then he went out to his car.

I walked back into the apartment and went to get ready for my concert. Francie was coming with me so we both got in the car.

“I really wanted t be there, Fran!”
“I know you did but look, we can put it on in your dressing room so you know what’s going on, ok?”

The concert was going well and at about half way through there was a break. We went to my dressing room.

“What’s the score?” Fran turned on the TV and we saw a huddle of players standing round one that was lying on the ice. “I wonder was going on?” just then the commentators began to talk.
“Vaughn is conceices but we don’t know about his injury …” I couldn’t hear the rest of it.

“OMG, OMG, OMG!” I through my wig off and changed into my normal clothes.
“Syd what are you doing?” Fran asked.
“I have to go to him!”
“What about the concert.”
“Can you sort it?”

I was already out the door and didn’t hear her answer the main thing on my mind was Vaughn, what happened, was he alright. I took my cell out and rang Weiss. He told me that he was going to the nearest hospital. I must have broken every road law there was, but I didn’t care. I had to get to Vaughn.

As soon as I got there I saw Weiss and ran up to him.
“Is he alright? What happened?” I said breathless.
“He is in surgery now. He was hit in the face with this other guys stick. It knocked him out.”

“OMG…” was the only thing I could say before I collapsed into one of the seats. “How long will he be in surgery?”
“They think about 2 hours. Nadia just went to get coffee.”

Now all I could do was wait.

** Vaughn P.O.V **

“I’m sorry I be there Vaughn.” I did want her to be there but to me her passing her exams is more important than some hockey match.

“Hey don’t worry about it.” I gave her a quick kiss and walked out to my car. Eric and Nadia were meeting me there. As soon as I walked into the arena a load of girls swamped me. Weiss had to pull me out before I drowned.

“Hey Dude, they don’t give up do they?” he said.
“I wish they would.”
“Where’s Syd?”
“She’s at home studying for one of her exams next week. She said she would be here if she had the chance.” I sighed.
“She has a lot of exams doesn’t she.”
“Yeah, I guess.”

I went to get changed. During the warm up, what Weiss had said was stuck in my mind. She has been doing a lot of studying for exams. She is busy always at least once a week but I haven’t really noticed that much. Time to get focused.

The game was nearly time and suddenly I saw this stick coming towards me and the next thing knew, it was all black.

Chap 12 :- After Hours

A couple of hours had gone by and they had been hell for Syd. She kept looking up at the clock and then looked at her hands again. She was curled up on one of the hospital chairs. Weiss just sat there and kept telling Syd that he would be alright. They were all praying that he would be fine. Eventually one of the doctors came out to see them. As soon and Syd saw him approaching she jumped up off the seat.

“Is he alright?” she asked anxiously
“ He will be fine. He had broken his cheekbone and he was knocked unconscious as you already now. He is a bit concussed. We had to set his cheek in place with bolts and he will be out of hockey for a couple of weeks because if the bone moves then we have to reset it. Other than that he is fine.” They all sighed in relief.
“Can I go see him?” Syd asked.
“Yes he is room … 47, down the hall to your left. You can wait in there until he wakes up.”
“Thank you doctor.” They all went in that direction.

Syd stopped dead in her tracks outside the doors when she saw him. His face was pale and he had a bandage around his cheek. Tears sprung t her eyes.
“We will go down and get something to eat, you want anything?” Nadia asked. Syd just shook her head. Weiss and Nadia headed down the hall.

Syd slowly walked into the room and crept over towards the bed. She pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. She put his hand in hers and started to cry.
“OMG Vaughn, Michael. Thank god your ok. I don’t know what I would have done with out you. I nearly had a heart attack when I heard that it was you who was injured. I want to tell you that ……… I love you Michael, no matter what. Maybe if I was there then this wouldn’t have happened and … and …” She just broke down and cried, she rested her head on the edge of the bed.

“Syd? …” She quickly looked up to see a pair of piecing green eyes and a weak smile. “I love you.”
“Vaughn? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just a scratch.”
“Well next time don’t give me a heart attack okay?” She laughed.
“I Promise.” He said wiping some of her tears away.
“I love you Vaughn, don’t ever do that again.”
“I love you too.” She smiled at him and kissed the back of his hand.
“Weiss and Nadia just went down for some food, you want anything?”
“I’m a bit thirsty.”
“Here.” She said picking p the water from the side.” Drink this.” He took a sip out of it.
“Thanks.” Just then Weiss and Nadia walked in the room.

“Doesn’t look like there is much wrong with you.” Weiss joked. Nadia elbowed him in the ribs.
“How are you feeling?” Nads asked concerned.
“Pretty damn awful actually. My head hurts. What happened?”
“Well one of the other teams players went to hit the puck and hit you in the face instead. You went down pretty hard.” Vaughn turned to look at Syd.
“I thought you were finishing that paper.” Syd felt guilty about lying to him but she wasn’t going to tell him the truth right now.

“I was and then I saw a player down on the ice on the TV and then I literally stopped breathing when I heard it was you. You scared me to death, Vaughn. So I got in my car and drove here as fast as I could.” She gave him a weak smile. “You’ve got some bolt holding the bones in your cheek in place and you cant play hockey for about a couple of weeks in case they move out of place then they have to reset them.”

“Damn. No hockey? How can I live without!”
“You’ll find a way. Anyway we had better be going, come on Nadia. You coming Syd?” Weiss said
“No I’m going to stay for a while. I’ll be there later Nad.”
“Okay, see you later Michael.” They walked out the door.
“Go home get some rest.”
“You sure? Because you need ……”
“Go! I will be fine. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I will be back first thing, Okay?”
“Okay. Now go!”
“Bye” she gave him a quick kiss and went out to her car and home.

PMs are going out in a min
phoenix shotgun 47
Agent Bristow-Vaughn