Super Spies

This story takes place before phase one. Sydney has met with her mother but her mother isn't in C.I.A custady. I made up the STP. Please ignore all spelling mistakes.

Chapter 1


It was a normal, boring Thursday afternoon. It was Sydney's day off. For once she wanted to go into work. For only one reason. To see Vaughn. She loved Vaughn and everything about him! She loved his crooked smile, beautiful scent, amazing hair, his dark green eyes, she could go on forever. She just wished maybe her and Vaughn could be more than just friends, but that would never happen. First of all, it was against protocol and secondly, why would he like her? There are sooooo many better girls out there than her. Why her?

The phone rang. She answered it. It was Francie.

"Sorry to bug you Syd, but have you seen the recipe for my chocolate deluxe cake?"

Sydney put the phone down. She looked around the house but couldn't find it anywhere.

"No, sorry Fran but I havn't" she replied.

"Okay bye!"

Francie hung up the phone.

Sydney went into the kitchen to get a snack but the phone rang again.

"Hi Syd! Are you sure you havn't seen it?"

"No Fran, I told you"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure"

"Okay thanks anyway"

Francie hung up.

Sydney continued to the kitchen to get her snack. The phone rang again!

Sydney answered it.

'Francie I told you! I havn't seen your recipe!"

"Ummmm......Joey's Pizzia?"

Sydney put her hand over the receiver.

"Oh my god!"

She turned pich red.

"You there? Syd?"

"Ya sorry"

Vaughn hung up.

"Oh my god! How stupid can you get? The one person in the world I wanted to be perfect for and I go and blow it!" said Sydney.

Sydney got in her car and headed to the warehouse.


He heard her footsteps comming.

"Oh my god! She's comming! Play it cool Vaughn" he told himself.

Sydney came in.

"Hey what's up?" she asked.

"What was that all about? On the phone?" Vaughn asked.

"Oh, Francie and I....uhhh.......nevermind. So why did you call me here?
she asked.

"I'm sorry to bug you on your day off but I got a letter from the STP and it's top secret" he said.

"What's the STP? she asked.

"It stands for Spy Training Program. They train spies." he explained.

She opedned the letter.

It said "Congradulations Agent Sydney Bristow. You have been monitured for the last year and you have been chosen to compete in or 27th Anual Spy Compitition to see who is the ultimate spy. Only 50 of the best spies were chosen from around the world. The winner will win a strange mystery item and 10 thousand dollars. Second place will get 5 thousand, third place will get 2 thousand, fourth place will get 1 thousand and fifth place will get 500 dollars. We will explain more when you show up"

"It's a STP invitation isn't it?" Vaughn asked.

"Yep" she replied.

"Should I go?" she asked.

"Sure why not? You've got nothing to lose" he said.

"I could place in last....... that would be embarrasing" she said.

"Well, you were good enough to make it to the tournament. I think you'll do awesome" he said.

"Okay" she said.

She'd do anything for him. She wanted to say "Michael Vaughn your soooo smart" and kiss him but she knew she couldn't.

"We'll, I better get ready! I have a tournament to prepare for!"

I'll write more later.