Season 2 Sydney/ Vaughn & Will/ New Francie relationship

The whole Sydney Vaughn relationship is pretty cool, but what's with the Will and murderous Francie relationship?? It's all very confusing to me. :eek:

I'm very confused about this :confused:
yea, so do you think will and "francie" have actually been together, or will just thinks they have since "francie" has brain washed him??
I think that WIll actually wants to be with Francie, because I think he made out with the REAL francie, not freplica. Freplica just took control of the situation. I don't like her I bet she's anna. I say that a lot.
YAH... who DOES like her? she is EVIL!! I don't think Will and Freplica have 'been together'.... he's just brain-washing him..... seriously.... the freplica is a man... I'm sure of it.
I don't know who Freplica, lol, is, but geez, she can get all the information about the CIA's tactics through Will. Eventually, don't you think that they might think Will is being a traitor?
:D Will and Francie have slept together, or so it seems with the whole waking up next to killer Francie, and to answer "ALIAS_RULES" "Freplica" is the new Francie the psycho who killed the nice Francie :( I don't know with the whole Anna possibly being the new Francie, some people are talking about a Cloning machine thing, I don't know :confused: I don't really think Will is traitor because he doesn't know about psycho new Francie, I don't really like the psycho Francie, she's too actually I don't know, I just don't. ;) But if you have any questions, email me and I answer them for ya :D
Poor Will doesn't know what he's getting into. ELF (EviL Francie) has been brainwashing him to think he's been with her, EW! And what ALIAS_RULES said I agree with, ELF can get a lot of vital or classified information through Will. Possibly ruin more chances at getting Sloane/Sark and now maybe Irina. MAYBE Irina.
I agree with you guys and gals, that's why I started this topic, I definitely agree with you about Will aliasjgfanaticmv, and I love the "ELF" thing. Once again, I agree with aliasjgfanaticmv as well as ALIAS_RULES, Francie or Psychautic Francie can get a lot of vital information from Will, so he definitely needs to watch out. And Sydney as well, it seems like she noticed something's up with Psycho Francie, but I wonder when she's going to figure it out. Who knows :confused:
Hey, psycho Francie met Vaughn so he's in danger too. But with Will possibly giving vital information, what will she do to him after?? And the whole possible Vaughn being evil thing, which in my opinion he isn't, is Vaughn's relationship with Sydney in jeopardy?
There's no that's it, Psycho Francie is a killer, not little happy one that was killed by psycho Francie. So Will's life is in danger, how do we know that Psycho Francie is going to get what she wants and just shoot Will dead center in his forehead when shes done.
Very true, Psycho Francie isn't really Francie, you have to know that. But the whole Will and Psycho Francie relationship isn't really Will's fault, he thinks it's the Francie he knew for years, not Psycho Francie, so I feel sorry for him and I hope he figures out Psycho Francie soon.
Yes, Will does need somebody, but too bad it's Freplica. Well I believe he used to have that crush or something like that on Sydney so I guess he's moved on or maybe hasn't, Freplica is just there to pass time by. But we all know that's not the reason Freplica is there.
Don't worry, I agree with you, I don't want it to be Freplica either. Unless he has a taste in murderers, well, I still don't want it to be Freplica.