sympathy cyborg



Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Algorithm z3l-2011 John has begun to wonder about whether the Turk was given capability to read the other computer somehow that was in competition with it, that, in effect it was given the capability of anticipation. That, it could read both code and the part of code that is commented out and is not read as programming code but comments on the code: so it could read what the code was meant to perform and its proposed outcome.

By activating a scanning device it also was programmed to send messages to the other computer and block any firewall and virus protection from being activated or sending a message to the console.

One such message was an algorithm which is an algebraic formula e.g.: for(x0;x4;x+)code... This code which typically sets one down as part of the record 1, 2, by the x+ which continues to set the program forward (increment) set the opposing computer's program backwards with for(x0;x4;x--)code... the minus signs setting it backwards (decrement). By setting a chess move that would go forward, backwards it would make the program act in the opposite direction, making the code less enabled to perform at optimal level. This had to be done in such a way as to not be an extreme but slightly off putting the code so it would not be noticed as anything other than being not as good as the other computer in the chess game. Giving the advantage to the computer in competition with the Turk but also sending the message back to itself to anticipate the Turk's next move.

Somehow it seemed familiar he began to flash back to when he had the idea and wondered if in 2011 someone would take it and, having come back to this time was using here. He looked at a magazine and there was a movie about race relations, he remembered Cameron in the library when he asked if they were going to allow more time on the computers for students and asked her if she would ask about it. She was in favour of it and said 'Always'. Through this John supposes that CPU's of future robots could, be read by a program of Cameron's and set backwards the anti-human programming, and render them benign towards humans. That is if they were to travel into the future and prevent the robotic Armageddon to annihilate humanity. By setting back their doomsday clock they could use a program to have each robot tap into the next robot with the program initially set off by Cameron, and set back the entire race of robots each short circuiting every other one.

This is as if in a series of nested programming if each robot was one huge internet each computer being invaded by a virus each infecting the rest... What would start off as A SMALL INVASION by only one robot would set off a great invasion around the future world of 2011. That till the last one was a benign traitor to his or her own cause. It would be called after y2k-2000 Algorithm Z3L-2011.

In the meantime, while John has befriended the new girl he keeps flashing back to when Cameron says 'I love you John'. John has been hurtful in comments to her and although she does not feel love he feels as if she was human and is very sorry. He is in fact in love with her. At the library at school, Cameron is at a desk. A girl with special needs who walks with white cane can barely see and goes up to her computer, not realizing she is using it, Cameron, trying out an attempt to smile like a human in love at John, so she can mimic humans better. He asks:
"You said you love me"
"Till 2011"
She is not sure she should say anything tilts her head and says, meaning the girl beside her:
"Do you like her or me"
"Why you, I have not really been able to get to know her yet," meaning the new girl he has befriended. "Give me a diamond again and," her memory banks flash back to a movie she saw last night, "and I'll give you my life"
"Am I interfering with anything?" asks the girl with the cane.
"I will fight you over him"
"I can't see well enough to fight"

At this point her programming still needs to be debugged (getting the bugs or mistakes out of a program.
"Human eyes are filled with fluid (this is reminiscent of a show I saw from years ago where a robotic woman talks in technical terms about eyes and fluid; possibly twilight zone) attached to a retina send are generally unable to infrared a suspected T-8000. "I think you've watched too much sc fi"
"I won't be too harsh on you, after all, I let the rest of you go-even though the T-8000 let back into the system only the terrorist bots like him and kicked out the more passive one's on our side, he must have cut out those bots like him out of the surveillance video leaving our allies in and making them look like they were the antagonists. I could have taken them down but I let them go but he does not. I could even say T could be a long lost twin of P and replace him." John, wishing to change the subject