Taking Over Me

Oh my god! I just read the whole story... Are you crazy to stop here? ;)

Please update soon! And could you please pm me?

Thank you very much! Love the story!
michael has got to hurry! but the last part is quite bothering... is sydney losing it? i hope vaughn gets to her before it's to late. please update soon and thanks for the pm
Really good chapter. I hope vaughn finds her soon and she doesn';'t give up the fight. She has to remember that she is Sydney Bristow not Julia thorne. thanks for the pm. Update agian soon.
Noooo Sydney can't turn into Julia. Vaughn has to save her!
Really liked the chapter.
Thanx for the pm
Update soon - I need to know what happens
that was a little profound- in a good way!!

thanks for the Pm

Hope he finds her in Dublin and that your Dublin is a little more Dublin than the Dublin they did on Alias!
[Chapter 7 //Two Months Two Weeks Missing\\]

"How's the conditioning coming?" Mckenis Cole asked from his place behind the table

Oleg stood in the Covenant meeting hall with the higher ups of the organization. He was ordered to report on his progress with "Pigtails" as Mckenis fondly named her.

"I believe it's off to a good start. Last week the guard who was stationed in front of her door reported that she was pacing her cell asking 'Who is Sydney Bristow?'." Oleg said triumphently

"Excelent. Continue your practices. Report back with her progress next week."

Oleg nodded, "Sir."


Vaughn sat in his fourth hotelroom in five weeks. Was it the fourth? Could it have been the fifth? Maybe it was the third. He honestly couldn't remember. He had never traveled this much in his life. Even when he was globtrotting with Sydney he didn't fly this much. She did, but he didn't. He remembered how burnt out she looked when they'd meet in the micro storage unit, how much he just wanted to hold her in his arms and never let her go. But he wouldn't, because I was obeying protocol. Now look at me, a year later and I've gone rougue and left the CIA behind looking for some hope that she's still alive. If I hadn't been such a boyscout maybe she'd still be here. But she fell in love with the boyscout.. didn't she? I mean she was in love with me like I was with her wasn't she? Vaughn leaned foward and put his head in his hands.

Sighing he picked up the room phone and called the front desk, "Yes I'd like to order a bottle of Vodka. Thank you."

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. Vaughn answered to see a young bell boy standing there with a large bottle of Vodka on a plater.

"Thanks." Vaughn said as he tipped the kid and closed the door.

Vaughn plopped down onto his bed and grabbed the TV remote. He turned it on and channel surfed until he came to the local sports network. He looked away from the bottle, determind not to open it. Finally the comercial ended and two sports newscasters appered on the screen.

"And now back to Extreme Ironing!" the lady said excitedly

"Extreme Ironing is a sport here? Good god it's a good thing they gave me such a big bottle." Vaughn grumbled as he grabbed the bottle of Vodka and began to drink.


"Vaughn." she whispered as they laid in bed together
"How come you never call me Michael?" he asked
"I do sometimes." she said back, "Vaughn."

Sydney sat up quickly as she awoke. She had had that dream before, it felt so real, so vivid. She liked that dream, she felt so safe when she dreamt it. Vaughn took such good care of her. If he takes such good care of you why are you still locked up here? she asked herself, Shut up. He's looking for me. I know it.

Sydney looked around her boring cell and sighed. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She cocked her head at it, "Yes?" she called

The door opened to reveal Oleg standing there with an annoyed look on his face.

"Julia, great news." he started, Sydney raised her eyebrows with intrest as he continued, "You're getting a bigger cell. It has a bed. You'll be exstatic."

Sydney smiled triumphantly, "Does it have a window?"

"Uhm. No. That comes next time you make the heads very happy." Oleg said as the guards lead her down the hall to the new cell

They threw her in and locked the door behind her. She looked around at her new surroundings. I have a mattress! she thought excitedly as she fell onto it, Ok a hard matress.. but anything is better than the freezing floor.

Suddenly a voice called through the door, "You have a meeting with Muckulla in an hour. Be ready."

Sydney blinked, "Muckulla? He sounds familiar."

Sydney sat indian style on her matress and tried desprately to remember who Muckulla was. For some reason she felt it was important to remember. The more she thought the more exausted she became though, Vaughn help me. Who's Muckulla?

Suddenly the door opened, ruining her moment of peace. The guard walked in and grabbed her by the arm, leading her to the office. He knocked on the door and they waited for it to open, once it did the guard lead her into the room and sat her down in a large metal and leather chair. The chair had lots of gadgets on it and Sydney felt rather nervous as she sat in it. The guard started placing small monitors on various places on her head. Once he finished he left the room, leaving her alone in the silence for a few minutes.

Finally Muckulla walked in, "Julia Thorne. I have heard much about you."

Julia? If everyone's calling me Julia maybe I am Julia? Maybe Sydney is who they tried to make me before? This is hurting my head.

Muchulla took a seat behind his desk and looked at the computer, "Let's begin Miss Thorne."
Firstie! :P

Vaughn sat in his fourth hotelroom in five weeks. Was it the fourth? Could it have been the fifth? Maybe it was the third. He honestly couldn't remember. He had never traveled this much in his life. Even when he was globtrotting with Sydney he didn't fly this much. She did, but he didn't. He remembered how burnt out she looked when they'd meet in the micro storage unit, how much he just wanted to hold her in his arms and never let her go. But he wouldn't, because I was obeying protocol. Now look at me, a year later and I've gone rougue and left the CIA behind looking for some hope that she's still alive. If I hadn't been such a boyscout maybe she'd still be here. But she fell in love with the boyscout.. didn't she? I mean she was in love with me like I was with her wasn't she? Vaughn leaned foward and put his head in his hands.

:cry: Poor Vaughnie.

"Extreme Ironing is a sport here? Good god it's a good thing they gave me such a big bottle." Vaughn grumbled as he grabbed the bottle of Vodka and began to drink.

No.. Drinking is BAD.

Sydney sat up quickly as she awoke. She had had that dream before, it felt so real, so vivid. She liked that dream, she felt so safe when she dreamt it. Vaughn took such good care of her. If he takes such good care of you why are you still locked up here? she asked herself, Shut up. He's looking for me. I know it.

*Nods* He IS looking for you. Hold on.

Julia? If everyone's calling me Julia maybe I am Julia? Maybe Sydney is who they tried to make me before? This is hurting my head.

NOOO!!! Bad! Very Very Bad!

Great Chapter
I Loved It
Cant wait for more

Spirit said:
lol don't worry guys, it will come to a point with nothing but fluff. well.. pretty much..  bub vouch for me.
and when the fluff comes (and BOY does it come) it's SOO good

i'm still on a high from the last chapters i read!

luv juju :harp:
well you are sure making us swirm while we wait for the fluff... :rolleyes:

well anyway ahhhhh hurry vaugh hurry- and stop drinking... ok extreem Ironing? :confused:


thanks for the Pm
