The Alias Story that Remains Untitled

Chapter 5

“She knows my father? I can’t believe it! Her mother killed him!” he thought, as he left from his session with Sydney.

“Did you get any information from her?” Kendall asked.

“Yes, but not the kind you’re looking for. She killed my father. Well, her mother did, but she was there” Vaughn explained.

Kendall nodded.

“I see…” was all he could say.

Vaughn walked away from Kendall without saying a word.


He opened the door to his apartment, and threw his coat on the ground. He loosened his tie, clicked the T.V. down, and fell into his favorite chair.

“What a day…” he mumbled.

He flicked through all the channels until he reached the Kings game.

“Well, at least my Kings are winning…” he thought.

Before he could enjoy anymore of the hockey game, he was interrupted by a gun trained on his head.


Sydney sat on her steel bench, and thought about what Vaughn had sent to her.

“Let me make this very clear. If you ever talk about my father again… I will open this cage and kill you myself”

“Heh. I admire his audacity” she mumbled.

She wasn’t afraid of him. She wasn’t afraid of anyone. Nobody could make her tremble, and she never showed any emotion. Back home, they called her bleak face because that’s how her face always looked. Bleak. Ever since her mother and father died, she showed no emotion towards anyone. She only felt pain and rage in her life.

“How is it that I feel for no-one?” she asked herself, while starring at her hands.

Her hands were clean, at least they appeared clean. They were really blood stained, with the blood of the innocent. Well, not really innocent. They had it coming. They either died because they were undeserving, or they took something from her.

“That’s it. I don’t murder. I take the lives of those undeserving, and I give them to the dead. Then maybe someday, the people who’ve died who didn’t deserve to, can come back, and the idiots will be banished to the pits of hell…”

She tried to think.

“There must be something, or someone I care for… but who? Or what?”

Then, it hit her.

“I do care. I do care for someone. And she will be coming for me very soon”


“Michael Vaughn, I presume?” she asked, sitting down next to him, gun still trained on his head.

“What do you want?” he asked, a look of disgust on his face.

“You took someone from me. I believe that she is in C.I.A. custody, and I would like her back” was all she said.

“You mean Sydney Bristow. What do you want with her? She’s a terrorist.

“I know who she is. Do you know who I am?” she asked.

He got a good look at her.

“Nope. I’ve never seen you before” he replied.

“Are you sure you don’t know who I am?” she asked.

“Yes. I’m sure”

“I’m Nadia. Sydney’s little sister”

“What?!? Her file never said she had a sister! It only said she had two dead parents!” he shouted.

“I know. That’s because us rebel mercenaries need to have our identity hidden. We can’t tell everyone exactly who we are, or that would make us easy targets” she replied.

“You want me to release your sister?”

“Yes. Sydney is on a mission, here in the United States. If she doesn’t complete it, everyone will pay. She will be enslaved again, along with me and the others. I can’t let that happen. I won’t go back there. She won’t go back there. Sydney’s already spent most of her life in captivity, treated like an animal, and I know the last things she wants is to spend the rest of her life in a jail cell” Nadia explained.

“Treated like an animal. That explains why she acts like one…” he thought.

“So you see? You need to free my sister, or else we will all loose”
hey --

that was an incredible chapter!! poor Syd!! held captive most of her life :( Can't wait for the next chapter!!

-- Laura
Chapter 6

"Why would I set her free? What has she done for me? She is a murdering, lying, cheating animal, that would do anything to get what she wanted" Vaughn stated.

"Yes. She is. But it's not her fault. She was trained to do that. She watched as our parents were slaughtered, spent most of her childhood in captivity, was beaten, interrogated, and a whole lot more things that you couldn't even begin to imagine. Do you think she wants to be the way she is? Of course not! They made her become what she is. She didn't have a choice. She may be a cold-blooded murderer, but she is my big sister, and I love her" Nadia explained.

Vaughn did feel bad. If what Nadia said was true, then Sydney really had been through hell. But then again, she still destroy countless lives, including his father's. But was she really to blame? She was basically brainwashed into doing all that.

"I don't know. I feel bad, and I understand, but even I couldn't break her out now" Vaughn explained.

"I can do that. I just need a little help from you, that's all" Nadia replied.

"Really? What kind of help?" Vaughn asked, suspiciously.

"I need your C.I.A. identification" Nadia said.

"No!" shouted Vaughn.

"Do you want to help Sydney, or not?" she asked.

"Personally, I don't care" Vaughn replied.

"Well you should" Nadia said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know much about your father, and the full scoop on how he died. But Sydney does. Sydney was there. She doesn't talk about it to anyone. It paralyzed her with fear. Whatever happened to him... it haunts her dreams. I'm sure if you help save her life, she'll tell you what happened" Nadia explained.

"She, and your mother killed him" Vaughn stated.

"No" she replied.

"Yes. Sydney told me herself" Vaughn said.

Nadia sighed.

"Simple-minded fool. Sydney and my mother didn't kill him, but they contributed to his death" she explained.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"Sydney can tell you, if you save her. Now, are you in or out?" she asked.

"... In ..."


Sydney was still on the steel bench. She hadn't moved a muscle. She just sat there, lost in thought. However, her thoughts were interrupted by 2 guards coming into her box. They pulled her off the bench, and made her stand up straight. They handcuffed her, and put shackles on her feet, so she could assault them. They escorted her outside, and into the back of a van. The guards entered the back of the van as well, and the van started moving.

"So, you're the killer?" one guard asked.

Sydney said nothing, just stared at the guard like he was an idiot.

"Well killer, they'll take care of you, once we get there" he said, smirking.

"And where is there?" she asked.

"Camp Harris, for unrestricted interrogation" he replied.

"Scared yet?" the other guard asked.

"You little men don't frighten me. Camp Harris doesn't frighten me. Death doesn't frighten me. Whatever you have to throw at me, I can and will handle it. I've been through too much to fall apart and die now. Not after I'm so close..."

The guards looked at each other, and then looked at her, like she was a phsycho.

"Okay there buddy" the one guard said.

It was silent for a few minutes, until a voice same over the guards walkie talkie.

"Camp Harris. ETA: 10 mintues"

"Copy that" he said.

"Well girly, you better be scared, because this country shows no mercy to evil, conniving b****es, such as yourself"

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but someone like you will never hurt me" she said.

The guards just glared at her, but there glares were interrupted by a car ramming into the side of the van.

Who was driving the car? They did not know.

"Who the hell hit us?!?" one guard shouted into his walkie talkie.

"I have no idea!" the man replied.

"Nadia, my sister. You have come for me!" she thought.

She knew this was her chance. She had to help Nadia out a little.

She punched the guard in the face, and continued to hammer at him with her binded wrists. The other guard tried to pull out his gun, but the van was much too small, and he couldn't find it in time. Sydney disposed of him quickly as well.


"Vaughn! You stay in the back of the car! Make sure they can't see you!" Nadia shouted, as she jumped out of the car. The driver jumped out at the van, but before he could pull the trigger, he was dead.

There were 2 cars. One behind the van, and one infront. Agents were pouring out of the van, and Nadia quickly took care of them.

Then, another came busting out of the back of the van. Just as she was about to shoot, she realized it was her sister.

"Sydney! Get in!" she shouted, pointing to the car.

Nadia jumped into the driver's seat, and Sydney jumped into the passenger's seat.

"Thank you, my sister" she said, as they sped away from the scene.

"Don't thank me, thank him"
Chapter 7

Sydney turned around. It was him! Her eyes were wide with shock.

"You? You... helped me?" she asked, confused.

"Well... yeah" he replied.

"But why? You go through all the trouble capturing me, and turning me into the C.I.A., just to set me free again? What about you? When the C.I.A. finds out the you assisted a terrorist, you'll be charged for treason" Sydney asked.

"Your sister came to me. She convinced me to help you" he answered.

Sydney looked at Nadia.

"What exactly did you tell him?" she asked.

"I told him the truth. I told him of your life" she replied.

"Nadia! You know I don't like it when you do that! I don't want anyone to know about my life" Sydney said.

"Yeah well, I felt sorry for you. After hearing all that you've been through, I couldn't just let you die. I wouldn't" Vaughn said.

Sydney turned around, facing Vaughn.

"I don't need your pity, Michael. I'm fine. What happened throughout my life, is my own problem" she said, her voice harsh and clear.

Vaughn decided to shut up.

"Sydney, show him some respect! He helped save you" Nadia said.

"Well, I didn't ask for his help, nor did I need it. I could've gotten out of their by myself" she shouted.

"Jeeze. I try to help her, and this is the thanks I get?" Vaughn thought.

Sydney then crossed her arms, closed her eyes, and leaned back against the seat.

"Uh, Sydney?" Vaughn asked.

"What?" she replied.

"Nadia said the... well... you know. She said that if I helped you escape, you would tell me about my father, how you knew him, and how he died" Vaughn said.

"Well Nadia shouldn't be putting words in my mouth. I already told you, me and my mother killed him" she replied.

Vaughn looked at Nadia, who looked back at him.

"Come on, sister. Tell the truth. You know you didn't kill him. You know exactly what happened" Nadia said, trying to convince her sister.

"Well Nadia, if you were there, you'd know why I prefer not to have this conversation. It took me a long time to get over that, and still, I haven't fully recovered from it. I don't plan on starting it up again" Sydney explained.

"But please! I need to know!" Vaughn shouted.

"The problem is, Mr. Vaughn, once I tell you, you'll have nightmares for the rest of your life" she replied.

Sydney closed her eyes, trying not to think about it. The more Vaughn spoke of his father, the more memories it brought back. Painful memories. She couldn't help but remember back to what happened.

"Sydney?" Nadia asked.

Sydney was silent for a few moments, but then spoke.

"I can tell you this. I didn't kill him. Neither did my mother" she whispered.

"But then why did you say what you said? Back at the C.I.A.?" he asked.

"What I said was true. Not entirely true, but somewhat true" she replied.


"Mr. Kendall! Sydney Birstow has escaped!" an agent shouted, running towards Kendall.

"What?!? How?!?" a furious Kendall asked.

"Everyone was slaughtered! But Bristow didn't do it! Right before he died, one of our agents said that there was another woman. She came, and smashed into the van that was transporting Bristow. She then killed all of our agents, and her and Bristow got into a car and drove away" he explained, out of breath by the time her was done.

"Call the FBI, call the NSC, and call anyone else who can help us catch her. We will not let her leave this country she's to big of a risk!" Kendall said.

"Yes sir. But, uh, what do we do one we get her?" the agent asked.

"I want her, along with her accomplices, killed on sight"
Go SYD!!! Go Nadia!!!! aaaaaannnnnnd Goooooo Vaaaaauuughn! ya ha ya ha ya ha oo yeah oo yeah oo yeah, dey awesome, lets party!!! don't mind me!!! woop woop. gr8 lot of chaps