the alice haters club

I have a feeling all of you guys hate Alice cuz she used to date Vaughn. Had she not, you guys wouldn't be terroizing the poor woman! -runs and hides from alice haters- :hide:
Poor girl. Despised for doing exactly what all you do: love Vaughn . . . If you were on the show, you would be Alice . . .
I'm sorry, but I just find this kinda funny... I think the only anti-anyone club that hasn't had any problems is the Anti-Kendall thing on SD-1. No, wait, that had problems too... :gives up: These anti-anyone clubs just don't work. And yet, I join them.

Sorry, I'm rambling, I just kinda find this funny. And DONT YELL AT ME! :shudder: Anti-Sydney's are scary enough...
aliaschick4mv said:
:nods: They really don't like her.
That just seems weird to me. How can you like Alias and hate Sydney? Maybe I'll wander over there some time. Sorry, I guess I'm wandering off-topic . . .
That was the whole contreversy... but they're on their... 3 thread? 4th thread?

On sd-1 every 10 pages you get a new thread, keeps their masive server from jamming. 7000 members...

Anyway, they really don't like her... its actually pretty funny, I was reading their thread the other day, it was pretty amusing.
yeah they are freaks over there but not all of them are. like me for instance i am a member over there but its not as fun as here. and there are people from here that are members over there also so i dont think everyone are freaks just the majority.
i'm not a member there cause i don't wanna have a bad reputation. (i don't wanna get dragged into the anti-syd's cult) :angry: why would they hate syd anyway? they r so stupid 4 dissing syd :P hahahaha! u suck if you're an anti-syd!
I cant believe there are anti-sydneys!

Grr...Alice should die! Do you think she's Vaughn's wife on alias? if she is, i might break my tv or something...and i'll definitly be yelling at Vaughn the whole time...

btw, anyone know who the actress who played alice was?