The Art Of Dreaming


An Old Friend
I know that dreams are just a way for your brain to defragment and file memories, feelings & emotions.
I also know that the prescription drugs I have to take will affect my dreams.
But there is some really strange felgercarb going on in there...

I never hear my name spoken to me. But one time I did and it was not my name. I woke immediately but could not remember the name I was refered as. I would have googled it.

In dreams where I fall - I can steer and land gently.

I have detailed dreams of me operating some steampunk machinery and I know things that I have never learned nor seen or read about. Last night I knew how to operate a huge attack sub and navigate the Ohio river as it will be when the Great Lakes upheave in the distant future. ???

I am able to actively morph attacks upon my person to result in controlled outcomes.

I not only dream in full color (including ultraviolet and infrared) I also dream in full loud stereo.

Sometimes I dream that I am a star. No, A huge ball of burning gasses type star.

I often dream about beings that are not animal shaped as we know them.

Yes, I did acid when I was younger...but not lately!
Strange dreams indeed!I've had some odd ones before too.
Most recently, I died in my dream and came back as a spirit to say goodbye to loved ones and explained how I wanted my ashes put in with a tree seed to start the first forest cemetery. Then I asked them to have my brain analyzed for mercury damage...

I have had numerous zombie apocalypse dreams. In one of them, we were saved by consuming nacho cheese. The nacho cheese was so bright orange, I'm sure it was probably radio active. haha

I've never done acid... lol

I have read somewhere that the best supplements to take to achieve the lucid dream state are Choline and Galanatamine. Apparently the pineal gland has a lot to do with reaching the Rapid Eye Movement sleep and lucid dreaming too. Over time the pineal gland can become calcified and not as active (from fluoride and chlorine... not to be confused with choline) so achieving deep sleep becomes harder as does REM and Lucid Dreaming.
Maybe you haven't done acid lately but your meds might have some chemical combination similar to acid?
I'm a child of the 60s. LSD was the defining experience back then. I wasn't what you call a junkie but if I had the money and it was available I would get some for a friday or saturday night. Most trips lasted about 30-36 hrs.

As for lucid dreaming, I think I have had that ability for most of my life. Oh, when I was young, really young I had nightmares but not for a very long time. I do however have disturbingly complex dreams that create a logical puzzle in my mind when I awaken. I find those types of dreams disturbing - not frightening but disturbing to the point I feel uneasy.

In the 80s, While I was in the military I did an experiment in sleep deprivation. I went 9 days and 10 nights without sleep. During the final days I was hallucinating in the extreme - Much more than I ever did on acid.
I recall being able to follow people behind objects and at a distance. I could lock in on their state of mind and 'See' them as they left the barracks and went down the street. I also could see emotions as a colorful aura around people.
I ended up being hospitalized the final 24 hrs because I was talking on a level that nobody but me could understand. The shrink who took my case, an military anylist, wrote down everything I told him and read it all back to me after I slept for 4 days. I guess he expected me to be amazed but I understood what he had written and I still recall the feelings, images and sounds I was experiencing.
I remember seeing people as if they were part of a separate dimension. One woman, for instance, I saw as a insectial being that used her probiscus to suck in the emotional baggage of the people around her. The more emotional people around her were the more she seemed to feed. Another fellow was so distraught with being alive he hid himself from everything. I could see him creeping aroud outside the building trying to get a hidden peek at me. I could feel his horror when he would sneak to the window for a look inside and he constantly met my gaze. I could see him thru the walls. I believe the whole experiment yeilded one conclusion to me: We (humans), only acknowledge a fraction of what we really percieve. Some realities are too far outside our own safety zone so we do not look.

In 1990, January to be more accurate - I died in a car accident. Perhaps I will relate my experiance another time.
Very interesting! I hear sleep deprivation is a regularly occurring thing in the military. Navy Seals in particular.
The longest I've ever gone without sleep is two days and I felt like complete garbage.

I've never done hallucinogens but I have thought about experimenting with salvia. I understand that the effects only last 5 to 10 minutes and it's much less damaging than chemical drugs.
It's likely I won't though... I think I'm too scared of what I might see... who knows though! it might be life changing in a good way.
decisions decisions.
I read somewhere once that LSD changes your spinal fluid chemically - forever.
Not sure if thats true but interesting if it is.