Jennifer Schefft was originally introduced to television audiences in April 2003, during the third installment of The Bachelor, where she won the heart of Andrew Firestone. Although she accepted his proposal, the relationship with Firestone ultimately ended in heartbreak. Jen, who resides in Chicago, remains a hopeless romantic and is optimistic about finding her husband on The Bachelorette. Once her new role was announced, US Weekly named her The Hottest TV Comeback of 2004.
As for the qualities of her ideal mate, Jen says: This show found Trista the man of her dreams, and now it's my hope to find the one man with whom I can spend the rest of my life. My husband needs to be someone who is down-to-earth yet ambitious. I want us to be able to connect on all levels. She has learned from past relationships that she wants someone who will listen and understand her, someone who likes to laugh and have fun. Jen dreams of one day residing in a city or suburban environment with her soulmate and raising two or three children.
After college, Jen, 28, began her career as an account executive at Getty Images, a photography company in Chicago, where she worked for five years. On The Bachelor, her magnetic appeal made her a favorite with the show's avid viewers, as well as the press. After filming the show, she moved to San Francisco where she worked as a sales manager for the Firestone Family Vineyards. She also served as the Goodwill Ambassador for Firestone Tires, which included serving as a spokesperson and advocate for the Driver's Edge, a program that educates teens about the dangers associated with drinking and driving. When she returned to Chicago, Jen was invited to join Rockit Ranch Productions as an event planner. An integral part of the marketing and consulting team, she is proactive in creating unique events for top clients looking to reach young, savvy, consumers. She uses her expertise in customer relations to benefit various philanthropic efforts by coordinating charity and fundraising events.
Jen is from Mentor, Ohio, where she and younger brother Jason, who is a teacher, were raised by her parents, Diane, a health teacher/aerobics instructor, and Dave, a human resources manager. To this day, Jen especially values her relationship with her parents, who provide her unconditional support. At Mentor High School, her outgoing personality led her to be a cheerleader for both football and basketball. A well-rounded student, she was also Student Council Secretary and was inducted into the National Honor Society. Following her graduation in 1994, Jen enrolled at Ohio University in Athens, where she majored in marketing with a concentration in journalism, advertising and public relations. In addition to her studies, she was an active member of a sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, where she developed keen social skills and a flair for communicating with a variety of audiences. She graduated summa cum laude in 1998 with a bachelors degree in business administration.
An avid athlete, Jen's activities include kickboxing, running and especially dancing. She also enjoys spending time with friends and family