The BIG quiz there a new question yet, or may o post one?....

just in case - here's a simple one...

When Lauren Reed finds out that Sydney Bristow was infact Julia Thorne and Lazeray's killer Vaughn helps her escape - where does sydney go?
New Question:

In 2x16 Firebomb, when Fran walks into Syd's room, and says "we used to be really good friends, you can talk to me" the phone rings, its Vaughn, but Syd tells Fran it was the bank and that there is a problem with a client in which city?

Since you answer so many of MY questions, I figured that I should answer at least ONE of yours.

I could've used that question in my Location Quiz, because that's a good one!

Anyway, here is a new question:

What was the true identity of Sloane Clone?

-- J<o>sh

In the Almost Thirty Years commentary, the cast comments that Victor needs orange juice because he looks a bit what?
the commentarty for that is so funny!! but i haven't seen it that many times but i think it is that he looked a little pale. but i could b wrong

in the epside liberty village what is Syd and vaughn's Alias?
the commentarty for that is so funny!! but i haven't seen it that many times but i think it is that he looked a little pale. but i could b wrong
in the epside liberty village what is Syd and vaughn's Alias?
Uh... well I've seen it a few too many times :lol: and they say he looked a bit clammy.

And to answer your question:

Dave and Karen Parker.

In episode 3.17 The Frame, Syd needs to get Beresovski to say which word to activate the elevator?
I'm pretty sure it's Faina. If not, its Two Of A Kind. But I do remember an inside joke between the two of them at the end about playing in Czech (boy...if anything can drive a sane person crazy...)


Into what lake does Sydney say Martin Shepherd "threw himself into" in the episode 'Colorblind'?