The Dark Knight

I thought this was an excellent movie. The way Heath Ledger played The Joker so sinisterly made the movie perfect. I am sad that The Joker wont be in any sequels since Heath Ledger is dead. R.I.P
I watched it 2 days ago and it was superb excellent movie. A good twist in the movie as well. Poor Joker though. Too many drugs/medication at the same time is not good. 9/10 Must Watch!
For those who watched it, read the black text. Those who didn't, don't try or it will ruin your fun when you do watch it :D

When the Mayor and Police Head Officer were talking, the fake batman dead hit the window..that made me jump for a sec (not really jump out of my seat lol).

I was focussd on the people talking. On the very right side, this body just flings into the window. It distracted me :D I didn't jump - i only leaned back fast :D Was very good movie tho

Why so serious? :D