The Road Not Taken


The Road Not Taken
By: Détente
Disclaimer: Alias is not mine if it was I would be rich and syd and sark would be together. Don’t sue me I have no money.(not true I have about 27 dollars but you can have it just bring season four back sooner)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Irina took Sydney with her?
A/N: This is my first fic be gentle


Assistant Director Devlin paused and gazed pensively at the woman in front of him, “You said you were willing to cooperate, so tell us about your self, what’s your name”

“I have had many names. If you’re referring to my first name, my birth name, it was Sydney Bristow. It seems logical that I use that name to describe myself. However I am no longer that person. Sydney Bristow was a pathetic weak American girl who died when she was six years old. My new name, the name that Russia gave to me is the title I use most frequently. When my mother took me from America to the Soviet Union I became Svetlana Derevko.”

She paused and reflected on her answer. The name Sydney was not erased completely from memory. Sometimes, her mother Irina would call me that sometimes accidentally. Almost immediately afterwards a look would come over her face of extreme regret and sadness. In her minds eye she could almost imagine her mother mourning the loss of her father who was killed by his own government after attempting to escape with them. This forlorn expression would fade over time as the name itself was forgotten and she became a new person. She hated the U.S.A. they had taken her sister Nadia from her.

“You said your mother raised you in Russia.” Kendall stated blandly as he rubbed his bald head in frustration.

“The first thing I learned when I came to my new country was to hide who I was, who I had been. Americans were not popular in the Soviet Union they were thought of as capitalist pigs. Being raised in America I stuck out rather noticeably every time I opened my mouth to speak. I learned Russian rather quickly and did everything I could to conceal my accent. It was only with my mother that I ever dared to speak English and she was forever away on missions for the KGB.”

She paused for a moment, thinking about the family she had not seen in so long. During the periods when her mother’s absences were quite lengthy her aunts Katya and Elena or my grandmother would look after her. She had particularly enjoyed the visits with Katya who would teach her things that her mother would frown on, how to shoot, how to spy, and how to fight, these became new favorite activities. Sydney had no formal education. She never went to any real school. Her mother would eventually become her teacher and she was more than qualified in this field. Sydney learned about normal things, literature, advanced math, and science, then I would learn language after language, assorted types of martial arts, chaos theory, everything and anything that her mother could teach me.

“When did you join The Man’s organization?’

Sometimes I wondered if my she planed for me to be a spy. Sydney thought to herself. While circumstance would show that this was part of her endgame she was never sure.
“As I showed greater and greater affinity to the skills needed for the job it became obvious what I wanted to do with my life. At 17 I became a full member of the man’s organization.”

“What did you do for the man?” Kendall questioned.

“My first mission for the Man was an assassination. I progressed quickly through the ranks. Spying was easy, it made sense. My chief task for almost 6 years was to locate and retrieve Rambaldi artifacts. However, the frequent missions especially the ones dealing with Milo Rambaldi attracted the attention of the Alliance of 12 and of the CIA. Your agency is of course are aware of this fact. Though I was always careful to avoid being photographed.”

“Could you give us an example of some of the missions you preformed or the artifact’s you gathered” Kendall asked suddenly intrigued.

“I will tell you my code name then perhaps you will know who I am. Your agency assumed I was male and I earned the nickname the Red Claw, probably because of my work with knives.”

As for Kendal he did his very best not to look surprised of the fact that the woman in front of him was a notorious murderer and had thwarted almost every CIA attempt to gain Rambaldi artifacts. However she continued to talk because the Assistant Director seemed to baffled to speak at the moment.

“On a non-eventful afternoon I was called into the Man’s office. You know the rest I was assigned to the SD-6 mission.”

“Exactly how did you infiltrate SD-6” He spoke finally as he tried to regain his composure.

“ That could take a little while to explain,” she said with a smile
Ohh, I love the premise for this story!! Please post more!!
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The Road Not Taken
By: Détente
Disclaimer: Alias is not mine if it was I would be rich and syd and sark would be together. Don’t sue me I have no money. (Not true I have about 27 dollars but you can have it just bring season four back sooner)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Irina took Sydney with her?
A/N: This is my first fic be gentle


Irina Derevko had never before been overly concerned for her daughter’s well being. Sydney had always been more than capable of taking care of herself. What troubled her was the mission Sydney was about to undertake. The woman who called herself the Man had no doubt that her daughter could complete the task assigned to her, however, Irina worried about Arvin Sloane, the person her daughter would have to ally herself with. He was the X factor in this situation she had no way of knowing how Sloane would react to Sydney’s presence so she was taking a calculated risk and the situation was precarious. There were some truths that Sydney would never be able to learn. The fact that Jack Bristow was very much alive, the real purpose of the Rambaldi artifacts, why it was so imperative that they find Nadia, Sydney would not be ready to understand these things.


Arvin Sloane adjusted the tie his wife Emily had picked out for him earlier that morning and stepped outside the Credit Dauphine building. He waited a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the blinding Los Angeles sunlight. Sd-6 had just lost another Artifact to the Man. It was the third one that month and Sloane’s organization was no closer to identifying a way to crush the Man whose name still remained an elusive secret. To make matter’s worse Sloane’s only operative in the Man’s organization had been butchered by the Red Claw. So Arvin Slone had decided to take a walk hoping the fresh air would lighten his mood, but considering the abysmal turn of events and the recent pressure the alliance was applying on SD-6 he felt very little could distract him.

And then he saw her, the ghost from his past. The woman’s hair was long chestnut brown and it fell in waves down her back. The color if not the texture evoked memories he had surpressed for quite some time. Sloane’s gaze turned to the her face and found that her eye’s were obscured by sunglasses however her nose, her cheek bones, her lip’s, were nearly identical. The logical part of his brain told him that she died almost 15 years ago nevertheless he could not stop himself from calling out her name.

“Laura?” he called out in a questioning tone. She was now gazing intently at him from down the sidewalk. Her lips were turned up into a smile, as if she knew something that no one else did. As she came closer to him Sloane began to notice the subtle differences, that the woman in question was not Laura Bristow and in any case, was far to young to be.

“Sydney?” he questioned again

“I have not been Sydney for a long time.”

Her accent held the slightest of lilts and he identified almost immediately as Russian. He had been to occupied in the conversation to notice that he had followed her into an alley. Arvin had no time to react a black van drove up to the alley they had walked into he was pulled into the van and Sydney followed quickly in suite slamming the door behind her as the engine accelerated and the tires squealed on the pavement.

“You’re supposed to be dead” he stated while being careful to control his voice.

“You knew that I wasn’t. You suspected that my mother and I had survived the crash. Think about it Arvin. “ When he did not reply she continued to speak I am sorry for the cloak and dagger routine but I needed your undivided attention free of your security section. My employer wishes to make a deal.”
Arvin paused for amount to process this information

“ Who is your employer?” Sloane asked, genuinely interested.

“You know him as the man” Sydney stated evenly“ The man has amassed an extensive collection of Rambaldi artifacts. However, the fact remains that the CIA and the Alliance have a significant stockpile. Neither of our organizations can hope to realize Rambaldi's goal unless we collaborate.”

“What Exactly are you suggesting?” he said.

“The man purpose’s an alliance between our two organizations whatever we find regarding Rambaldi will be shared equally with the Alliance”

Sloane spoke “The man has been an enemy of Alliance and SD- 6 in particular and I have been the voice of descent in regard to any previous suggestion of a truce, particularly since the incident with Mckenas Cole. I am curious why the man choose the Alliance and not some other organization.”

She sighed noticeably, as if she knew he was going to ask that question. “Most likely because of your previous relationship with my mother, the Man thought this would work effectively as a negotiation tactic.”

“But you disagreed”

“Yes” She handed him a disk “ this contains the details of our proposal agreement, should you choose to accept our offer. I will contact you in three days time. That should be long enough to decide.”

The van had long since come to a halt the driver a blonde man turned in his seat. Sloane had no time to react before he was shot with a tranquilizer dart and slipped into unconsciousness He awoke hours later and dialed a familiar number “ Allan” he spoke “ This is Arvin I have just received some information I think the Alliance would like to hear”