The Story of Joshua


Hi everyone! :D This fanfic is written by Hannah (yumyum_sark_&_vaughn) and I. we will both be posting so don’t get too confused. Also if yumyum_sark_&_vaughn posts saying how great the fic is or something, don’t think its Hannah just complimenting herself. Her twin Grace shares the account with her. This is our first fic and if it sucks please let us know. If you like review and we will post another chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to Corinne (vaughnsmyguy) who suggested we write this and Alefiyah (demented_dreamer) who checked it for spelling and grammar mistakes.

*Neither of us owns alias or any of the characters.

The Story of Joshua

Chapter 1

He swirled round on his chair. ‘No! I want you out of there. It is too dangerous. I cannot bear the thought of –‘
‘Joshua, I did it for you. You know it means nothing. Anyway, I can’t just leave – they’ll get suspicious, they’ll check up on me… on us’.
He sighed. ‘Alright. Just, just be careful love.’ There was a pause. ‘I’ll keep you informed’. The phone line went dead.

* * *

Sydney stepped out of the elevator onto the cool office floor. The sound of her heels echoed through the quiet room. She looked across the crowd of busy agents to her desk. Then past it. There they were. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn. In a quiet but heated conversation.
She quickened her pace and smiled to herself. She was going to move on and let Vaughn get on with his life. With Lauren. She arrived at her desk just as Dixon’s secretary appeared. ‘Agent Bristow, Mr. Dixon would like to see you in his office please. Now.’ Sydney nodded and rose from the chair in which she had just sat down. She knew that on her way she would have to pass Vaughn.
She approached resolutely, keeping her head high, unconsciously flicking her hair in their direction. Before she even realised, she has passed them. She fought the urge to glance back. Did he look? She felt eyes at the back of her neck. He looked.
She entered Dixon’s office and found him and Weiss in deep conversation. They turned towards her. Weiss grinned, ‘Looking happy today aren’t we Syd?’

Lauren’s POV

I know he saw that bloody little tart come in. the way he started to stutter slightly gave it away immediately. She’d been called into Dixon’s office. I tried my hardest to ignore her as she flicked her hair flirtatiously at MY husband. I gritted my teeth as Michael’s eyes wandered over to Sydney… and stayed there.
amisha said:
This chapter is dedicated to Corinne (vaughnsmyguy) who suggested we write this and Alefiyah (demented_dreamer) who checked it for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Aw ppl ure sooooooooo sweet dedicating it to me! lol. Thanx amisha. I luv da story. Thanx for the pm.

:blush: :woot:

I hate Lauren.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Soz people don't mind me I'm just the stand by guy (in other words I'm a bit high)

I would read the fanfic but I've already read it (and know what's gonna happen :devil: ) If anyone want's to blackmail me to find out what I know please go right ahead!!!
Amisha and Hannah??? A few days?!?!? disgraceful to keep so many fans (and me)waiting hurry hurry hurry!!!
alefiyah, honey be nice. or hannah and i won't let you read the next chapter in advance!

thanks for all the great feedback!

here is the pm list so far:
Alias Fan Gillian

did i miss anyone out? wow that is a long list!

heyyyy!!!! i helped edit part of it toooo!!!!!!! well, a couple of words in chapter 2....but that counts!! [im the other twin btw, in case ne1 was wonderin]

its good girlies, but i didntknow you were only gonna post such a small amount at a time!! u should do thew next 2 2getha if they are that short.
is that hannah?! coz i thought it was grace before!
i know!
note to self: get a recorder for all notes to selves.

though i only have one self!
Misha and Hannah? I have two words for you: evil schmevil!!
Stop having lil' convo's with yourselves and talk to your ever loving and ever adoring fans!!! And you can't exclude me coz im the editor!!!hahahahahahaha
Yeh but if i hadn't suggested to amisha that she should do a fanfic with her story, it wouldn't exist! Muahahahahahahahahah!

Oh and you're PM list is getting soooooooooo long.