Season 5 The Watchman cometh


Hey guys. Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!

Okay. I finally get what everyone has been saying about the similarities to Alice In Wonderland. Dean was flipping out after being injected and he kept talking about how "they" want his eyes and about the WatchMan. Alice in Wonderland was a dream. What if Sydney wakes up and it's like either back to the end of S2 and her and Vaughn are still together!!!! Or, I mean, she could wake up at any time in S1 and S2 and realize it's all been a dream. Am I crazy? Don't answer that :blush:
It's possible a lot that's happened after she woke up in the S2 finale has been a dream, but I think it'd be plain mean to the audience.
This whole "dream" idea is so lame, she might as weel wake up in the 80's as a six year old...
The whole season being just a dream would be the biggest disappointment in TV history!