This Time Around

loved the chapter, and was it corny? I like it that way :D

It was so funny when syd and brook talked about her hubby :lol:
And Vaughn in bare chest is always a good thing ;) boxers 🤤

BUT no francie and vaughn, cuz it would be tooo strange :rolleyes:

Thanks, update soon ;)
bubblezk88 said:
they are gonna meet up at the restuarant tomorrow rite? n then all intrest in Francie will die, rite? cause i like Francie, but Vaughn better not go out with her. it would be too weird. i love Brook. she sounds so nice.
can i please get  a pm wen u update? thanks.

you'll just have to wait and see! and i'm glad you like brook!and dont you know me by now that i tend to lean in the direction the readers want :D but not always you just have to trust me ;) and i added you to the pm list

smartgirl2004 said:
hey, great story, can i get a pm?

yup yup you sure can :D

peanutbutter said:
loved the chapter, and was it corny? I like it that way  :D

It was so funny when syd and brook talked about her hubby  :lol:
And Vaughn in bare chest is always a good thing  ;)  boxers 🤤

BUT no francie and vaughn, cuz it would be tooo strange :rolleyes:

Thanks, update soon  ;)

lol i agree vaughn in nothing but boxers is definatly a thought to ponder!and trust me with the francie thing ;) i already have the chapter written i just need to type it

berry_kyoote_spy88 said:
that was so sweet!! and it was so NOT CORNY!! i loved it!! i cant wait for more!!! im loving this!!! S/V!! :P :smiley:!!

thanks glad it wasnt to corny for you guys!and i already have the next chapter written... ^_^ maybe i'll start typing :smiley:
~current pm list as of last chapter

Oh sick, do we get a school reunion?!?!? AWESOME!!

Syd and Vaughn are so gonna meet at Francie's restaurant, he'll be there to meet Francie and she'll be there with Brook!?!?! Am i right?

Thanks for the PM I can't wait for more!! :smiley:
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>CHAPTER 5</span>

~Sydney’s work~

Sydney was sitting in her office going over some files she was supposed to have had finished the previous day and now regretted slacking off the day before. She was so into her work that she didn’t even here the knock at her door.

“Sydney Bristow”? She suddenly heard someone say her name bringing her out of the haze she was in. she looked up and locked eyes with a gorgeous young man. He was around 6 feet tall was very tan and built and had short black hair and even from across the room she could see his bright blue eyes. She smiled suddenly realizing she hadn’t responded yet.

“Yes…”she said still smiling

“Oh umm I wasn’t sure if it was you or not he laughed just checkin.”He said rather quickly and his cheeks turned red. Sydney raised an eyebrow at him not knowing who he was or what he wanted.

Seeing Sydney expression reminded him that she probably had no idea who he was.
“Oh I’m sorry I’m Shawn…. Shawn Porter he hesitated for a second his expression dropping I’m married to Broo…”Sydney cut him off. “Yes yes I know who you are she said standing up from her desk. Omg Shawn wow you look completely different” she said smiling. A smile he returned.
“Yeah I lost a lil weight.” He said laughing
Sydney laughed at his comment “A little weight! Shawn you lost another you!”
“Yeah about 4 years ago I decided I didn’t want to be over weight anymore so I did something about it and I’m happy with my results.”

“I bet.” She said smiling
“I know we weren’t really friends in high school on account you were popular and I was well…not, but I know you and Brook were and she’s everything to me and I just want to get to know you like Brook does...or did.” he finished looking at the floor

“Does,” she said smiling “I haven’t really changed much Shawn I’m still me you and brook sound really happy and yes I would love to get to know you better.” At hearing this he looked back up and smiled

“Cool oh hey before I forget me and brook are having a house warming party on Saturday if you interested its not really a party just beer and food and a lot of talking.” He finished with a smile.

“Sure I’d love too but just to warn you I’m only going for the beer!” he laughed at her comment “ then you should fit in real well, I’m sure Brook will bring it up today at lunch and tell you more about it I’m not good with explaining things…or so she tells me.”

This comment had Sydney laughing “it’s a girl thing hard to explain.” They both laughed at this “then I guess we both have problems explaining then huh Bristow.” He said smiling, which she returned, “you caught me.”

“Well I better let you get back to work it seems you have a lot to do.” He said jesturing towards the stacks of files on her desk
she groaned and responded, “don’t remind me.” She said frowning he just laughed “I’ll talk to you later then.”
“You better Shawn!” she could hear him laugh as he walked away.

She was now alone again and she sat back down her thoughts wondering…she couldn’t get over how much he had changed for the better of course. She wondered if brook had changed a lot too…. not just Brook and Shawn, but Will, Sarah, Lexi…and Michael. From what Francie had said he was still hot. She smiled to her self “hot cute Francie.” She said smiling to herself. She looked at the files on her desk then back up to her clock on the wall. She had about 15 more minutes until she was aloud to leave, but she didn’t feel like hitting the books again or the files really. She decided to call Francie and see how her day was going…and she hoped that maybe she would mention that Michael was there or something.

She picked up her phone and dialed.
“Francie's Diner Mark here how can I help you.”?
“Hey Mark Can I please speak to Francie.”
“Of course Ms Bristow just one moment.”
The line went silent and Sydney thought to herself how on earth does her remember me! Do I really call that much? She didn’t get a chance to think much longer because she heard Francie's voice on the other line.
“Hey Sydney what up is everything ok”?

“Yeah I’m just bored I probably shouldn’t be bugging you either.”
Francie laughed, “Please Sydney I don’t have a boss to report too! Besides I’m bored too. Its kind of slow in here.”

“Yeah I know what you mean, hey before I forget I wanted ask if you could save me a table for two I have a friend from high school meeting me for lunch and I just incase it gets really busy you think you could grab us a table"?
“Sure no problem now the friend is he hot ex boyfriend? Hot best guy friend or what”?
Question brought a smile to Sydney’s face.

“No but HER husband is,he's not an ex boyfriend but he’s umm hot.” She said feeling kind of guilty that she felt so attracted to Brooks Husband, but she couldn’t be the only one that thinks he is…can I she thought to herself.
“Oh I see an old best friend kinda thing.”

“Yeah something like that I haven’t seen her in like 5 or 6 years and we want to catch up you know”? Sydney ask still unsure about her self
“Yeah I guess…” Francie said getting quiet on the other line
“What wrong Francie you got quiet all of a sudden”? Sydney asked scared that she had said something wrong.

“Nothing its just…you wont replace me will you I mean this Brook isn’t going to be like a 24/7 friend or a shopping, gossip about guys friend”? Francie ask scared for the answer
Sydney had to fight not to laugh knowing her friend was probably serious.
“NO Francie no one can replace you! Not now not next week not ever! And you never know you and Brook would probably get along really well.”

“Yeah I guess but hey I better get back to work my employees are giving me dirty looks and its not fair that I’m barely doing anything.”Francie said sounding happier than moments before.
“Ok Fran I’ll see you in a little bit anyways so later.”
“Bye” Sydney was going to respond but she heard the line go dead.
She looked back over at her clock and realized that she could leave. And that’s just what she did.”

~Francie’s Diner~

Sydney pulled into a parking spot farther away from the Diner than she would have liked too but the crowd seemed to have formed that wasnt there when she talked to Francie. As she walked up to the entrance she couldnt help but feel nervous what if we don’t get along like we used to…what if she doesn’t like the way I turned out… she didn’t have time to think more on the matter because once she got inside Francie immediately spotted her. How she didn’t know since she hadn’t even seen Francie until she was 3 feet away from her.

“Hey Syd!” Francie exclaimed greeting her friend with a hug she was obviously nervous about Brook as much as she was but for different reasons. There hug broke apart and Sydney was finally able to speek. "Hey Fran I thought you said it wasn’t crowded!” she exclaimed looking around at the lines of people and the tables full.
“What all of this? Please this isn’t crowned this is just lunch! I managed to save you a table. Come on follow me.” Sydney did as she said

“So Francie is she here yet”?
“Not that I know of when she does I’ll escort her over here ok.” She said smiling
“Thanks so much for doing this for me Francie!”Sydney said talking loud in order for Francie to hear her over the crowd. They had reached the table and Francie placed two menus down by the seats and turned around to face her.” its no problem Sydney its what a friend for” Francie stated winking at Sydney. Which caused her to laugh Francie "I told you I’m not going to replace you!”
Francie smiled “I know you wouldn’t cause I’d kick your but!
Sydney just smiled and sat down.

“I’ll be back when she arrives” Francie said before wondering off in direction of the door.
Sydney just looked around at the various people around her. She looked over at the bar to see a guy starring at her an older man in his 40s. This caused her to look away in disgusted praying that he didn’t come over to talk to her. Sydney looked over at the direction of the door to see Francie walking towards her smiling with Brook following her. Seeing Brook caused Sydney’s excitement to build up. She stood up from the table with a smile on her face and hugged Brook as she came to the table.

“Omg Sydney! Its been way to long girl!” they broke the hug off and just looked at each other both amazed at how they had each changed.

“Gosh I know! This is just unbelievable I can’t believe you here!” Sydney exclaimed smiling at Brook who was herself grinning from ear to ear. “I can’t believe it either!”
Sydney looked over at Francie and mentally slapped herself for not introducing her moments ago. “Brook this is my good friend Francie” she said gesturing towards Francie.

“And Francie this is an old friend of mine Brook.” She said mimicking her earlier gesture only now towards Brook.
“Hi Francie its nice to meet you I’ve heard great things” Brook said shaking Francie’s hand. “Like wise.”Francie said smiling “well if you excuse me I must be going I have a diner to run.”Francie said waving goodbye at them.

“Bye Fran” Sydney said before turning to Brook who was smiling “I still can’t believe this!” Sydney said smiling.
“I know I cant either but here lets sit down we have some catching up to do!” Brook said sitting down. Sydney followed in suit. After they had sat down there waiter came over and took down their drinks. And left again with a smile.

Sydney was the first to break the silence “so Shawn came up to me today and introduced himself.” she smiled remembering there earlier conversation

This comment made brook smile even more if possible
“And let me guess you didn’t recognize him at all right”?
Sydney laughed “no I actually didn’t at all man has he changed!” she said half to herself
Brook just laughed “yeah he has defiantly changed …she paused before continuing…he’s a lot easier on the eyes.” Brook said smiling up at Sydney.

“Yes, yes he is.” Sydney said smiling
“What about you I mean are you married? Single? engaged”?
Sydney just waved her off and laughed “um no, I haven’t been on a date in like forever. And when I do they’re all jerks.” she replied suddenly feeling more lonely than ever.

“Yah I know what you mean, I mean before me and Shawn were officially dating I would go out with these guys and I doubted whether there was a decent guy out there! But Shawn soon changed my mind.”

Sydney smiled at her friend
“So you and Michael never caught up”? Brook asked raising her eyebrows at her.
“No I haven’t even seen him since…since the airport.” Sydney said looking down at her hands
“Oh that’s to bad I pictured you guys married and having kids by now!”
Sydney smiled at this having thought the same thing over and over again.
“Its kinda funny he lives around here because Francie said he was in here the other day, and from her description he’s still the best looking guy in the school.”

Brook laughed "are you serious? Maybe you guys will run into each other some time soon then?”

Sydney went back to starring at her hands “I um I don’t think he would want to see me I mean I just left Brook!”

“Sydney you had to your career was in Paris!”
“That’s ironic you didn’t seem to agree with that statement when I told you before leaving!” Sydney said smiling at her friend.

Brook just shook her head “I was loosing my best friend! I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

Sydney’s smile slowly faded “listen Brook I’m sorry for just leaving you I mean we had been through so much and you helped me through so so many hard times and I don’t think I ever thanked you for putting up with me…I guess I never realized until now how much I hurt you by leaving.”

Brook smiled” you never have to thank me for listening you always returned the favor too. And I’m not going to lie it did hurt when you left, I actually went home and cried…pretty sad I know...I mean I was 18 getting ready to go to college and I was at home on my bed hugging my bear crying Brook said laughing lightly. College was hard with out you there telling me to do better and talking to for guy problems I mean when Shawn proposed I wanted to call you so bad to tell you, but then I realized I didn’t have a phone number to call. Nor did I know whether or not you were still in Paris.” Brook finished looking down at her own hands.

Sydney had tears that threatened to fall but she held them back
“I should have kept in touch! I would have loved to have seen your wedding!”
Brook laughed “you still can its all on tape! She laughed again
“Yeah but its not the same thing…”Sydney said smiling slightly

“Yeah I know.” Brooks expression suddenly went to shock as she looked passed Sydney and towards the door. Sydney followed her gaze and what she saw she didn’t expect to see.

Brooks voice filled her ears” isn’t that…”? Sydney broke her off…”yup” was all she could say…

Ok sorry this chapter isn’t that great but I decided to make it a long one since I haven’t written in a little while…so hope you like it!! If not tell me I won’t be offended! Reviews please!!
glad brook and syd caught up
man you HAVE to update SOON!!!
cant wait for more
thanks for the pm

Tanya :beret:
it's michael!
it so is michael!

and aww she's met up with shawn and brooke so cute

awesome update!

luv JuJu :harp:

lol i like capitals, but seriously update please... :smiley:

Thanks for the PM :smiley: UPDATE!!
Brooks expression suddenly went to shock as she looked passed Sydney and towards the door. Sydney followed her gaze and how she saw she didn’t expect to see.

Brooks voice filled her ears” isn’t that…”? Sydney brook her off…”yup” was all she could say…
Let me guess - Vaughn?? Great chapter. Update soon. :smiley:
“Sydney Bristow”? She suddenly heard someone say her name bringing her out of the haze she was in. she looked up and locked eyes with a gorgeous young man. He was around 6 feet tall was very tan and built and had short black hair and even from across the room she could see his bright blue eyes. She smiled suddenly realizing she hadn’t responded yet.

I thought it was Vaughn :( hehe

Michael. From what Francie had said he was still hot. She smiled to her self “hot cute Francie.”

Teeeeheeeehe, so funny sweet :love: :lol:

“Sure no problem now the friend is he hot ex boyfriend? Hot best guy friend or what”?
Question brought a smile to Sydney’s face.

Nooo, that's Vaughn, Francie ;)

What all of this? Please this isn’t crowned this is just lunch

haha, ambitious Francie on the roll!!

yup” was all she could say…

her reaction is great! It's Vaugh, it has to be!!

Yay! Nice chappy, girl!! :rockon:
evil, evil cliffhanger!!!!! if Syd n Michael dont end up in a corner booth making out by the end of lunch, there will be a serious problem. they need to get back together.
great update. thansk 4 the pm.
Hey guys so its ur lucky I was gunna post another chapter over the weekend but I had a snow day today...that’s one of things I’m gunna miss when I graduate...but I’ll start typing it now and should have it up some time today....
And since the last chapter had so many mistakes I had checked and rechecked this chapter. So I hope you don’t find any. And I apologize for all the mistakes in the last chapter

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 6</span>

Brook turned to look back at Sydney “Sydney you have to go talk to him…you just can’t…” Sydney cut her off “and say what Brook oh hey Michael sorry we didn’t keep in touch like I swore we would, didn’t mean to hurt you but I’m back so lets go get lunch!” Sydney said looking back over her shoulder at Michael who apparently hadn’t seen them since he was talking to Francie up at the bar.

They must have been joking about something because they both started laughing. Sydney’s stomach turned she was suddenly flooded with emotions of jealousy, pain, sadness, and anger. She didn’t know why she felt this way she knew she shouldn’t be jealous of Francie or mad for that matter she had left him long ago he was no longer hers she had no right to feel this way.

She turned back around to see Brook staring at her as if waiting for her to say something when she didn’t she took matters into her own hands. “Listen Syd I know things weren’t great between you two that day you left, because they weren’t good between us. You left him like you left me…the only difference is that you didn’t give me a kiss goodbye.” this got a soft laugh form Sydney. Brook smiled at her accomplishment in getting her friend to laugh.

“But look at it this way whether you want to go over there or not you know deep down that you’ll have to face him sooner or later if him and Francie go out, and when that happens it might be to late to explain things to Francie cause if things between you and Michael heat up again then how is your friend going to handle that? She’s gunna feel betrayed, mad, and to me she doesn’t seem like the type to hold that stuff in.” Sydney looked down suddenly becoming interested in her napkin.

She knew Brook was right she just didn’t want to admit it. She was about to say something when out of the corner of her eye she saw Brook get up. Her head immediately snapped up. “Were are you going!” Sydney said frantically

“Well you see there’s this guy over there that my friend used to go out with and we hung out a lot and became good friends and I haven’t seen him in forever and I want to go say Hi.” Brook finished she took one last look at Sydney and walked in the direction of Francie and Michael.

Sydney didn’t know what to do she was scared to go over there even if she knew she should…she knew she shouldn’t let Brook explain what was going on to Francie because she knew she should her it from her. She got up and started walking in the direction Brook had just headed only as she got closer and closer she felt sick she turned in a different direction and headed for the bathroom.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>~Brook and Vaughn Reunite!~</span>

Francie was talking to Michael when she saw Brook approaching them she was suddenly worried that something had happened that she missed. Michael’s back was facing Brook so he hadn’t seen her yet. “Brook is everything alright”? Francie asked a little annoyed that she was interrupting her and Michael’s conversation, but acted as polite as possible for the sake of Sydney.

When Francie said this Michael finally turned around to see Brook smiling at him. He immediately got up and hugged her with a look of complete shock on his face. Francie was completely confused and her face showed it. “OMG Brook! How have you been! Gosh I haven’t seen you in like forever!” Michael said hugging her again which caused Brook to laugh. “I’m good Michael how are you?” she said smiling

“I’m getting by I’ve been having a rough couple of days but its getting better!” he said smiling. Brook took the time to look over at Francie who still looked shocked and confused at what had just happened. “Michael and I went to high school together Francie that’s how we know each other.” Brook explained it was Michael’s turn to look confused

“Wait you two know each other”? He asked looking back from one to the other. “Well kind of not really we just met today and...” Francie cut her off “wait a minute if you and him went to high school together than so did Sydney am I right”? Brook looked over at Michael to see his reaction to her name. To someone who had only known him for a short time they would have said that his expression didn’t faze. But Brook saw through it. She turned back to look at Francie to see her patiently waiting for an answer. “Yes Francie we all went to high school together.”

“Oh” was the only response Francie gave who suddenly looked deep in thought. Brook looked back over at Michael who was staring at her. She was about to say something when he spoke up. “Does this mean…he stumbled to find his words…does this mean she’s here”? After he said this he looked scared and excited. Brook didn’t know how to interpret it.

“Yeah she’s…” Brook turned in the direction of their table to find it empty. She looked around the restaurant and didn’t see her. She turned back to Michael “well she was over there I don’t know were she went.” She said looking disappointed in Sydney.
“I’m right here.” The voice was so soft that only Michael heard it. He turned in the direction he heard the voice and came face to face with Sydney…

and yes I am that evil!!!! Lol I promise you that you’ll get ur sydney and Vaughn chapter! Lol I cant hold if off anymore! Now can I? Well let me know what you think I love reviews and feedback so let me have it. :smiley:
evil!!!!!!!! thats not cool! how could u leave us like that!?!?!?!? we need to know his reaction!!!!!! and wat about Francie. she's gonna be pissed!!!! but she'll need to get over it.
please update again soon!!!! thanks 4 the pm.