Through Vaughn's Eye's

The next day I Met up with agent Sydney Bristow. She was beautiful and she had bright red hair the brought out her face. She was so pale looking and her make up was running down her face, she must have been crying before she came here. "It's nice to finally meet you" I said in a soft voice."Same here, I hope wrote enough information about SD-6 for you". "Hey Syd anyime you need to talk I'm here.

Later Devlin told us syd was going on a mission to get another piece of Rambaldi and she needed to switch them so we would get the real one. It was interesting listening to her kick guys butts in my ear, you can actuall here that they were in pain. "Syd go to the room on your right" said Dion her SD-6 partner said. "Ok going off line now Dixon". "Vaughn Im sending you the code and getting the artifact". "Ok getting the transfer". "Ok its done all see you in LA later".

I met up with her while jogging in the park I just couldn't keep me eye's off of her. She looked at me like no one else was around. She passed me the package, with a smile. Then I waved good bye as I watched her jog away. "Vaughn what are you looking at" said Weiss voice in my ear. "Oh I see " I looked over to see Weiss waiting for me in the car. "Come you big day dreamer lets get back to the office". I had to look one more time before I got in the car.
The next day I woke up with this awful pain on my back. I really couldn't stand up straight. I had to get to work.
I reached my office still in alittle pain. I heard Weiss call me but I didnt feel like turning around.
"Dude Vaughn I called your name, I know you heard me". "Wow whats up with you, you look awful".
"I have just a really bad pain in my back thats all".
"I would give a back massage, but it would be wrong". I looked up at him and he just walked away laughing.
"Hey Vaughn" I heard a wonderful cheery voice say
"Hey Syd how are you doing..." I couldn't finish my sentence the pain in my back hurt everytime I moved.
"Vaughn whats wrong, did you do something to your back"? she asked with a worried look
"Here my friend always made me feel better when she did this"
I so wasn't ready for what she did next.
She pressed her hand hard on my back, in the spot where it really hurt.
I felt like screaming,. I looked at Syd and she just said " Dont worry it will feel better in a sec".

After feeling alot better a curious Weiss walked in and was smiling really big.
"I knew you had something for her".
"Weiss she was just helping e with my back thats all".
"Ya ya sure, thats what they all say".
In my head I was smiling really big because ya , I did have a little crush on her. But I couldnt do this, it was against everything.
I daydreamed maybe one day everything will change, Maybe?

ok i dont realy like this but I have had a major writers block a needed to write something