Time is Precious

Never done this type of thing before. If it is horrible tell me, and i will close it and hang my head in shame.

Time is Precious

Part 1

Los Angeles-Sydney’s apartment

“…for all you who resisted pulling off the covers until now, it’s time to get up and get a fresh start to the day.”

Vaughn let out a sigh and peeled himself from Sydney’s embrace.

“Ummm, is it time to get up already?” Sydney opened her eyes and stretched luxuriously. She looked up at him with those innocent, sleep filled eyes of hers. Vaughn leaned down and gave her a kiss. When they finally broke away, they both were smiling.

“Oh God, we’re gonna be late again. Sloane’s going to murder us!” Sydney giggled, it wasn’t like they cared, he had killed someone that they loved. They often talked about him behind his back.

“Syd? I don’t want to intrude, but Weiss is here to pick me up. I guess I’ll see you at work.” Footsteps sounded from behind the door as Nadia walked away.

“I guess that was our other wake-up call. Come and take a shower with me.” Vaughn stood up and stretched, showing off a very lean, muscular, and very bare chest. He held out his hand to Sydney who got up and followed him into the shower. They took a long elaborate shower, finally getting out when they were both getting wrinkled.

“Guess what?” Vaughn asked Sydney.

“What Vaughn?”

“I love you.”

“So do I.” They both gave each other another hug, they put on less revealing clothes and left.

APO headquarters-conference area

“Sydney, Vaughn, nice of you to join us.” Sloane looked up as they came in. “I trust that you both have good excuses for coming in 45 minutes late.”

“Yes, we weren’t too organized this morning and we had to rush.” Sydney blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. “It’s my fault.”

“Well then, hopefully you both will be more organized tomorrow then?” Sloane emphasized on the word organized, signaling he knew the real reason for their lateness. Weiss shook his head behind Sloane, with an amused grin on his face. Nadia also looked as though she was holding back laughter, and Marshall was being Marshall.

“Yes sir.” They both said it at the same time. Vaughn pulled out the chair for Sydney; she smiled, looked down and sat in it. He took the chair next to her.

“As we were getting started, I must step down, because a player has been introduced that I am forbidden to interact with in any way. So, Jack is going to be head for the next couple days. Now, if you will excuse me.” Sloane nodded to the room and walked out and down the hall into his office.

“This player is someone known by many in this room. We have dealt with him before, but not with someone so powerful as his partner. Marshall, please bring up the picture.

“Oh my God it’s him.”
here's part II

hope you like

Part II

Sydney stared in amazement at the screen. It was Julian Sark, a co-worker and enemy.

“You are looking at a man known as Julian Sark. He has helped to carry out many murders. Recently he has acquired a nuclear bomb, it is capable of taking out a city the size of the United States. He got off the plane 2 hours ago in Cairo, Egypt. He is there now under the alias of Lucas Johnston. You are going there.”

“Why? I mean, if we know who he is, what he has, and where is, then what's the worry or rush?” Sydney asked her father in bewilderment, well actually she was only trying to get him to talk more, while she reminensed the night and morning.

“Sydney, we are going because we believe he looking for a potential buyer, another player that is well known, Elena Derevko.” a picture of Elena Derevko popped up on the screens. She was scowling at something. “She has flown out to Cairo and is checked in a hotel under the alias of Johanna Swarten.

“Sydney, Nadia, Vaughn, Weiss, Dixon, Rachel, and Thomas, you are all flying out to Cairo now. Nadia, you are flying out under the alias of Elena, and Thomas and Rachel, you will also be on that flight. Sydney, Vaughn, you will be on another commercial flight out to Cairo as tourists, and Weiss and Dixon, you are flying in the jet out as backup. Any questions?” No one questioned anything, but the assignment of Nadia as Elena raised a lot of eyebrows. “Good.”

“Nadia, sure you are okay doing this?” Sydney asked in concern, she walked over and put her hand on her sister's shoulder.

“Yeah, just brings back a lot of memories. I mean, I used to want to be Sophia Vargas, and then when I realized she was a whole other person, I was horrified that I had even admired her. Now, I'm going back in as her and dressed like her, like I used to do, but this time, to actually be her.” Nadia looked up at Sydney with tears in her eyes.

“I know how you feel, if you want to back out...”

“I can do it.”

“Okay, we'll talk more later, ready?” Sydney held out her hand to Nadia

“I'll never be ready, but now is as good as ever.” Nadia took her hand and they walked together towards the exit so they could go together to the airfield.

On the plane-somewhere over the Pacific-Vaughn and Sydney's flight

Vaughn and Sydney sat in the same seat almost. Sydney was lying across the seats with her head leaning on Vaughn's chest.

“Tyler?” Sydney asked, getting used to the name she was going to have to call him until this was over.

“Yes, Ashley?” he was still getting used to that name as well.

“Are we there yet?” he laughed, she smiled back, her small dimples showing up.

“No sweetheart, but I can still kiss you.” he reached down and gave her a smack on the cheek.

“Haha, very funny.” she snagged his head and kissed him.

“Well well, Sydney Bristow and Michael Vaughn, making out on an airplane, why does that not surprise me?”

They turned around and their worlds went dark.
This is a shot update, and not much Sark.
Enjoy and I hope the PM's worked

Part III

Cairo, Egypt-Unknown warehouse

“Look what I found on the plane.” The man motioned to his cronies, who threw the two down onto the floor. They had torn off their wigs and stripped them down to the bare essentials, for Sydney that was her black camisole and some shorts, and for Vaughn a white undershirt and baggy pants. All of their gadgets had been taken and all jewelry removed. They were handcuffed and gagged.

“Where were they? Did they have backup on the plane?” a voice asked.

“No ma’am, I did extensive background checks, everyone’s held up except for theirs. They were going to Cairo and carrying a lot of weapons and CIA issued equipment.” The man answered. He kept his eyes on the two prisoners as he spoke. Vaughn had opened his eyes and was gently nudging Sydney, who was still out.

“So, they were trying to follow Mr. Sark are they?”

“Yes ma’am, it would seem so. I believe they might have had other backup on the other planes. Elena Derevko is flying in now. She should land in about 15 minutes.”

“What do you mean? Elena is in the other room.”

“So, an imposter is on that plane?”

“Yes, and I want you to get her as well, bring her here, but don’t let her know that we are onto the plan.”

“Yes ma’am.” The man spun on his heel and left, his cronies followings him out. The woman walked over to the prisoners as soon as they were out of sight.

“Hello again Sydney, it’s been awhile.” Sydney struggled to open her eyes, but when she did, they widened in shock. “Yes, it’s me sweetheart; I’m told you were trying to get to Cairo to get to Sark.”
She reached out and rubbed the side of her face. Sydney pulled away, disgust written all over her face. “I am you mother, don’t pull away from me.” She slapped her daughter’s face and ripped off the tape. Then she ripped off the tape of Vaughn’s face, who’s face grimaced as the tape tore off some hair and skin.

“Mom? You said you loved me and that you were going to disappear so you would not be doing any harm!” as Sydney spoke, Irina look scandalized. Irina’s phone rang then. She walked away.

Other room-unknown warehouse

“Irina, I heard that you have run into some problems. Can they be solved?”

“Yes, we now have two hostages, Sydney Bristow and Michael Vaughn. I am going to torture them to see how much information that they have.”

“When you get results call me and kill them.” Sark slammed the phone shut and went down to the hotel’s floor and ate lunch, flirting with girls as though he had just told someone to have a nice day, not given orders to kill.

Irina went over to her sister, Elena, who sat typing furiously on the laptop she had brought.

“I just hacked into airport security, it’s Nadia, she’s masquerading as me. She just left the gate and is meeting with Ethan.”

“Good, now, I have some torturing to do.” Irina smiled an evil smile and walked over to the drawer. She pulled out a tazer and examined it. It was perfect. She walked back to the door and it closed behind her with an ominous snap.
This is gonna be a little longer of a fic than i imagined, but it will be worth it.


Part IV

Cairo, Egypt- Unknown Warehouse

“Irina! Stop! There is an unexpected twist.” Elena burst into the door, and walked quickly over to Irina. She took the tazer that Irina was preparing to send into Sydney and tossed it over to the other side of the room. She grabbed Irina roughly by her upper arm and shoved her over to the other side of the room.

Other side of the Room

“What do you mean she’s pregnant?” Irina asked in disbelief, her voice rising to something slightly above a whisper, and Elena gave her an icy glare, “What the h*ll do you mean she’s pregnant?” she asked in a whisper.

“When you brought them in, I checked their blood samples, because it is part of the prophecy that she will bear a child and so I checked. I was right, now go get her, I need her to run some additional tests, do not say a word to the boy.” She spun around on her heel and slammed the door shut behind her.

Vaughn and Sydney’s side of the room

Irina picked up the tazer on her way back. She knew that she couldn’t use it, but it would be useful for leverage.

“Mr. Vaughn, if you move, I will tazer your wife in the neck were it will paralyze her. Sydney, get up now.” Sydney obeyed without saying anything. Irina grabbed her and put the tazer up to Sydney’s as a warning to Vaughn, who stayed put.

Other room in the warehouse

“Good Irina.” Elena turned around as she heard the door close with the clicking sound of a lock locking. She turned and shot a tranq gun and almost immediately Sydney went limp in Irina’s arms, who gently laid her down on the ground.

“The Chosen One’s child will be the one to carry out the endgame of Rambaldi and in doing that, will kill the Chosen One and the Passenger. Am I right in quoting off the Rambaldi Manuscript?”

“Yes, dear sister, you are correct. Take Sydney and strap her down to that table over there. Reviver her and then attach her to the EKG machine and hook her up to an IV and put in some of the fluid. It will speed up the progression of her pregnancy.” Elena said without looking up. “Sark’s here.” She glanced over to the wall of security screens and saw the blond hair of Sark.

“Irina, Elena, how nice to see you again. I understand that you have found the Chosen One pregnant and you have her in your grasp?” Elena nodded sharply. Sark took a step forward and not a moment to soon, the door slammed shut, giving off a loud mechanical beep as all of the locks engaged.

“So, Mr. Sark, you decided to join us in our pursuit of Rambaldi’s endgame?” Sydney stirred a bit and muttered something in her sleep. Sark turned around quickly to locate where the sound had come from. When he located the origin of the noise, he made a beeline for her, only to be stopped by Irina with a gun in her hand.

“Don’t-touch-her.” Irina said with venom dripping off each of the words. She cocked the gun and kept it pointed at his head. “Now, do sit, we are going to talk money before you are given the girl.” She pointed with the gun towards a mahogany table.

“I have got something better than money. I have recently acquired a Rambaldi manuscript, in fact one that tells how to use the orchid and I believe that you two have been searching for, for lets see, almost 30 years, so how about it, the girl for the manuscript?” Irina pondered it for a minute and then glanced towards Elena who had walked over at the mention of the manuscript. They looked at each other and nodded towards Sark.

“Very well then.” He gestured towards the henchmen who had come in with him. One of them handed the manuscript to Elena who took it greedily with a gleam in her eyes. The other unshackled Sydney and put the air tranquilizer gun to her neck, and immediately her body went limp and her head drooped over the edge of her captor’s arms along with her legs and arms. He took the IV with him, taking it off the hook and setting it on top of Sydney’s stomach.

They walked out and Sydney was placed in the back of an unmarked black van with care and shackled to the wall. Sark took great care to make sure the lock was in place, he was going to get his hand on this baby eventually. He had made sure she was still getting the fluid and he could already see her stomach had grown a few inches. He smiled and got into the black Mercedes that would follow the van, and gunned the engine.

This is gonna be a little longer of a fic than i imagined, but it will be worth it.


Part IV

Cairo, Egypt- Unknown Warehouse

“Irina! Stop! There is an unexpected twist.” Elena burst into the door, and walked quickly over to Irina. She took the tazer that Irina was preparing to send into Sydney and tossed it over to the other side of the room. She grabbed Irina roughly by her upper arm and shoved her over to the other side of the room.

Other side of the Room

“What do you mean she’s pregnant?” Irina asked in disbelief, her voice rising to something slightly above a whisper, and Elena gave her an icy glare, “What the h*ll do you mean she’s pregnant?” she asked in a whisper.

“When you brought them in, I checked their blood samples, because it is part of the prophecy that she will bear a child and so I checked. I was right, now go get her, I need her to run some additional tests, do not say a word to the boy.” She spun around on her heel and slammed the door shut behind her.

Vaughn and Sydney’s side of the room

Irina picked up the tazer on her way back. She knew that she couldn’t use it, but it would be useful for leverage.

“Mr. Vaughn, if you move, I will tazer your wife in the neck were it will paralyze her. Sydney, get up now.” Sydney obeyed without saying anything. Irina grabbed her and put the tazer up to Sydney’s as a warning to Vaughn, who stayed put.

Other room in the warehouse

“Good Irina.” Elena turned around as she heard the door close with the clicking sound of a lock locking. She turned and shot a tranq gun and almost immediately Sydney went limp in Irina’s arms, who gently laid her down on the ground.

“The Chosen One’s child will be the one to carry out the endgame of Rambaldi and in doing that, will kill the Chosen One and the Passenger. Am I right in quoting off the Rambaldi Manuscript?”

“Yes, dear sister, you are correct. Take Sydney and strap her down to that table over there. Reviver her and then attach her to the EKG machine and hook her up to an IV and put in some of the fluid. It will speed up the progression of her pregnancy.” Elena said without looking up. “Sark’s here.” She glanced over to the wall of security screens and saw the blond hair of Sark.

“Irina, Elena, how nice to see you again. I understand that you have found the Chosen One pregnant and you have her in your grasp?” Elena nodded sharply. Sark took a step forward and not a moment to soon, the door slammed shut, giving off a loud mechanical beep as all of the locks engaged.

“So, Mr. Sark, you decided to join us in our pursuit of Rambaldi’s endgame?” Sydney stirred a bit and muttered something in her sleep. Sark turned around quickly to locate where the sound had come from. When he located the origin of the noise, he made a beeline for her, only to be stopped by Irina with a gun in her hand.

“Don’t-touch-her.” Irina said with venom dripping off each of the words. She cocked the gun and kept it pointed at his head. “Now, do sit, we are going to talk money before you are given the girl.” She pointed with the gun towards a mahogany table.

“I have got something better than money. I have recently acquired a Rambaldi manuscript, in fact one that tells how to use the orchid and I believe that you two have been searching for, for lets see, almost 30 years, so how about it, the girl for the manuscript?” Irina pondered it for a minute and then glanced towards Elena who had walked over at the mention of the manuscript. They looked at each other and nodded towards Sark.

“Very well then.” He gestured towards the henchmen who had come in with him. One of them handed the manuscript to Elena who took it greedily with a gleam in her eyes. The other unshackled Sydney and put the air tranquilizer gun to her neck, and immediately her body went limp and her head drooped over the edge of her captor’s arms along with her legs and arms. He took the IV with him, taking it off the hook and setting it on top of Sydney’s stomach.

They walked out and Sydney was placed in the back of an unmarked black van with care and shackled to the wall. Sark took great care to make sure the lock was in place, he was going to get his hand on this baby eventually. He had made sure she was still getting the fluid and he could already see her stomach had grown a few inches. He smiled and got into the black Mercedes that would follow the van, and gunned the engine.