
well....already read this on sd-1 but its great!! are u ending it after the next chapter? you cant do that!! its too confusing everyone is gonna need more!!! or atleast me....
Holy Freak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great chapter
cant wait for more

im just UGH!!!
Chapter 8

Waking once more, Sydney did her best to assess her surroundings. However, dust and dimness impeded her progress; that and a new sound came to light. The sound was that of voices; to whom they belonged, she did not know.

“Where are they?” one voice called out as the footsteps descended the stairs.

“Down here!” the other responded. “Hurry, he’s going into convulsions again!”

Looking around, Sydney did her best to make out the scene at hand. The room was dark with only a hint of light and a chaotic noise of voices and footsteps filled the air. She searched for Vaughn but did not see him anywhere.

“VAUGHN!” she cried out, still not able to see him. Eventually, she could hear Vaughn; he was moaning in pain. Sydney tried to sit up but was quickly pushed down by a strong and yet gentle hand.

“Agent Bristow, please lie down. We need to have you checked out by medical,” the medic instructed as he prepared a syringe; the contents of which were unknown to Sydney.

“What’s that?” she asked; apprehension apparent in her voice.

“Just something to make you rest,” he informed her as he tried to inject Sydney with the contents. Disorder clouding in her mind, Sydney attempted to fight off the medic, wanting only one thing.

“Vaughn,” she cried out as she struggled with the medic; trying to find the one she cared for deeply.

“VAUGHN!” she cried out once again but only louder. Looking to her left, she saw that which she had been seeking. Vaughn did not look good. Trying to focus her vision, Sydney panicked when it appeared to be going into another convulsion.

“You’re killing him!” she screamed as two medics struggled to inject Sydney with the contents of the syringe. Knowing that the medication would act quickly, they released Sydney and watched and she stumbled towards Vaughn.

“Vaughn?” she cried out softly as the medication made each step more and more difficult, until she could walk no more and fell into the arms of a stranger.

“Sydney?” the voice beckoned.

Hearing her name, she did her best to shut out the world, but it was of no use. The voice called to her once more.

“Sydney? Wake up, please wake up?”

Slowly, Sydney’s eyes fluttered until they were fully opened. The vision that greeted her was a small surprise.

“Weiss?” she asked, not sure if she was dreaming once more. It was Weiss, her one friend at the CIA as well as Vaughn’s partner. He’d been let into Sydney’s chaotic world the day she walked in with that red of hers; she offered to work as a doubled agent to bring down SD-6. Weiss knew then that Vaughn and Sydney were meant to be. The trouble was, convincing Vaughn that he was right.

“Hey there,” he answered as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her face.

“What are you doing here?” she question, confusion returning once more to her mind.

“I called him. I thought you would like to see a more uh . . . friendly face.” Jack Bristow stood in the doorway to Sydney’s room. Making his way over to his daughter’s bed, he leaned down and gave a “fatherly” hug.

“You look well. We can debrief whenever you’re ready,” he informed her.

“Okay,” Sydney replied, lost in thought for a moment. Then she had a question for her father. “Dad?”

“Yes?” he responded.

“Where’s Vaughn,” she wondered. The last thing she remembered was holding Vaughn in her arms, waiting for help to arrive. She was worried that he didn’t survive.

“He’s resting,” Jack told her. “You can see him in a few hours.”

“But . . . I . . . want . . . to see him . . . now,” she pleaded with a childlike voice; the medication beginning to take effect once more.

“You can see him later. I promise.” Jack reassured her as he quietly left her room.

“Okay,” Sydney nodded sleepily as she drifted off to sleep once more.

“Hey you gonna sleep all day?” the voice asked.

“Mmm . . .” was all that Sydney offered for a response and she stretched her muscles in bed. Opening her eyes, she was a bit surprised with the visitor standing before her.

“Weiss?” she began; she had really hoped to see Vaughn.

“Hey how ya doin?” he asked; the ever present Weiss-smile present on his face.

“Good,” Sydney answered, wincing a little as she moved. Thinking back, she was glad she wore her vest when Annette attacked. Otherwise, things would certainly be different. A little soreness was definitely better than a bullet wound. However, there was still one thing on her mind . . . or rather one person

“Where’s Vaughn?” she asked Weiss, hoping he would have an answer for her.
“Well he woke up about fours hours ago,” Weiss began, not quite finishing his answer.

“And?” Sydney questioned further.

“And, he’s . . .” Weiss stumbled. He knew Sydney was not going to like his answer.

“Weiss, OUT with it!” her lack of patience truly evident.

“Um, he’s back in his office. He said he had some reports to write?” Weiss braced himself for what he was sure to be the impact of Sydney’s temperament.

Sydney was clearly surprised and irritated at the same time. Flinging the covers aside, Sydney swung her legs over the side of the bed.

“Weiss? Are you going to help me, or do I have to do this myself?” she asked. Weiss quickly recovered from the vision of Sydney’s semi-naked body and went to the closet to retrieve her clothes.

Taking the clothes from Weiss, Sydney made a motion with her hand indicating that Weiss was to turn around. When she was finished dressing, she spoke.
“Okay, where is that S.O.B.?” Sydney was clearly ready to give Vaughn a piece of her mind. Weiss said very little on their drive over to Ops. He did tell her how he was glad to see her and Vaughn alive. Sydney offered no more than a nod in response. Weiss finally decided he’d said enough. Vaughn was definitely going to get his butt kicked.

As Sydney entered the building, her anger continued to build, much like a whistling tea kettle. Trying to calm herself down, she rationalized that perhaps Vaughn had picked up some papers and headed home to rest. He couldn’t be that stupid as to go straight back to work after all that they had been through.

Upon arriving at the doorway to Vaughn’s office, Sydney was dumbstruck by the vision presented before her; sure enough, Vaughn was there, busily typing away at his computer. Sydney opened the door a little wider and closed it behind her. Vaughn didn’t even notice she entered his office.

“Vaughn?” she spoke in an almost whisper-like tone.

He looked up from his computer, his face devoid of emotion, “Yes?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be resting? I mean you’ve been through a lot in the past three days.” Sydney couldn’t help but be concerned, because if he wasn’t careful, he could put himself back in the hospital.

Vaughn cleared his throat. “I’m fine. I’ve got some reports to type. Syd, I’m behind and if I don’t get these done, I’ll . . .”

“REPORTS? YOU WANT TO GET CAUGHT UP ON REPORTS?! Michael, I can’t believe you. You’ve been poisoned, kidnapped, tortured and you almost died today, not to mention the fact that I was shot. Can’t the reports wait? Why do you have to do them NOW?” Sydney’s voice was becoming so loud that her voice penetrated through the door and out into the hallway for all operatives to hear. Weiss did his best to act nonchalant as possible; even through the sounds of objects breaking in Vaughn’s office.

Even Jack could hear his daughter’s very distinctive voice. Weiss just smiled as Jack walked by Vaughn’s office. Weiss just knew that Vaughn was going to be torn apart and who better to do it than Sydney.

Inside his office, Vaughn was very aware that everyone could hear Sydney. He did his best to calm her down, but to no avail. “I do what I have to do. You know that Syd. Now, please lower your voice.”

Vaughn’s attempt to calm Sydney only enraged her further. “LIKE HELL I WILL! I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND YOU AGENT MICHAEL VAUGHN! WHY DON’T YOU JUST KILL YOURSELF AND YOU’LL SAVE THE TAXPAYERS SOME MONEY!” With those words, Sydney stormed out of Vaughn’s office, slamming his door in the process. She failed to see the glass shattering behind her or the poor girl who almost had her coffee sent flying out of her hand.

Three hours later . . .

Coffee sounded so good tonight. For some it was the “drug” of peace and tranquility, and to others it gave a necessary energy boost. For Sydney, her coffee of choice was of the frozen variety . . . namely Ben & Jerry’s “Coffee Delight.”

It offered Sydney the opportunity to gorge herself on the half gallon of ice cream she now had in front of her. She wanted to kick the felgercarb out of Vaughn for his stupidity. She was at a loss for words as to understand his most recent behavior.

“Hmm . . . I wonder if I could get a promotion for doing the government a service?” she mused to herself as she contemplated various ways to torture Vaughn. Sydney knew that she would never understand Vaughn and so for the moment, she decided to enjoy her ice cream.

Thirty minutes later, Sydney finished her ice cream and was about to head for her bedroom, when she heard a knock at the door. Opening the door, Sydney was a little surprised at the visitor standing before her; Vaughn.

“Michael?” Sydney was clearly surprised; even calling Vaughn by his first name.

“Can I come in?” he asked in an almost pleading fashion. Sydney nodded and now her curiosity was peaked as Vaughn walked past her.

“Please do,” she offered as she closed the door. Sydney was about to say something when she saw Vaughn stumble. She caught him before he hit the floor and led him to her couch.

“Vaughn, are you okay? You look a little pale.” She began.

He nodded in response, but Sydney was not finished with her questions. She wanted answers and she wanted them now. “Vaughn? Why DID you come here tonight?”

Releasing a breath he’d been holding, Vaughn knew that he was not going to be able to get by without giving something to Sydney he had rarely done before; the truth.

Sighing once more, he began his explanation. “Kendall wants me to rest for three days. When he saw me working on reports, he told me I had two choices. My first choice was medical for three days,” Sydney did her best to contain a laugh that wanted to come forth. “With restraints,” Vaughn added. Now, Sydney laughed, but quickly recovered. She knew how much Vaughn hated hospitals of any kind.

“And what was choice number two?” she inquired.

“I was hoping . . .” Vaughn began, having difficulty getting his thoughts across. Sydney was enjoying every minute of Vaughn’s time for “true confessions.”

“Go on . . . you were hoping . . .” Sydney pushed a little more. She knew what he needed but she wanted to Vaughn say those words.

“. . . That you would help me there?”

Sydney could have sworn that she was mistaken, but she believed she actually saw a slight smile cross Vaughn’s face.

“Oh I think we can manage something Vaughn. Let’s just make sure to make the most of our . . . time.” As Sydney finished her words, Vaughn leaned forward to take her his embrace. His lips brushed lightly against hers, in an almost teasing manner. While it was true that Vaughn had come to her, Sydney decided she would have things on her own terms. Threading her fingers through his hair, Sydney pulled his head to her lips. This time, she kissed him but only deeper. Vaughn knew that there was a passion burning between them. Although there were rules that govern the role of an agent and a handler, Vaughn knew this was not the time to bring something such as this to Sydney’s attention. Chances are, she’d kick his butt for even mentioning it. Finally, Vaughn resigned himself that this was going to be a very long three days.

“What?” Vaughn asked; seeing the Sydney had the strangest smile now adorning her face.

“Well, I was wonder . . .” she began.

“Yes?” he asked, unsure of her reply.

“Will be three days be enough?” she asked him; a sparkle shining in her eyes.

“Enough for what?” Vaughn’s curiosity was now peaked.

“For everything,” she concluded.

“Well,” Vaughn countered.

“Yes?” Sydney replied.

“I guess we should make good use of our . . . time,” Vaughn told her as he pulled her into what was sure to be a very long kiss indeed.

The End

Yes this is the end for this story. I have to finish another story of mine called "Second Chances" and then I will start on some others. Here some possible "teasers" as it were.

Sydney and Vaughn on a mission at a S&M Bordello or sorts (guess that's going in the NC-17 category)

Sydney and Vaughn on a mission at a ballroom dance competition. (My notes for this one are at the end of "There are Rules Between a Man and a Woman")

That's all for now, I hope you like this one. One final thing - I have a master PM list because it's easier. If a PM comes your way and it's not something you want to read, that's ok. If you have a chance to check things out, great.

who's rattled on too long for now