Season 5 To kill a mockingbird



“Mockingbird” opens in Monte Carlo with very pregnant Sydney throwing dice as Tom breaks and enters elsewhere in the casino. Dixon, also at the dice table, objects. When suspicion falls on Sydney, she leaves in a huff, but is called into a back room. She tells them she's “not like other moms” and promptly tranqs them. She makes for a safe, calling Tom for a key code and picks up the package, which turns out to be an archive of some type. Tom delivers the getaway car, posing as a valet, but when they reach the ferry, the car is lifted by magnetic crane and Sydney receives a call from Gordon Dean. He says he wants Mockingbird or he will drop her. Sydney tells him he doesn't know what Mockingbird is.

Shift 72 hours earlier to Los Angeles. Rachel is continuing her brain dump, telling Sydney she can't rest until she gets it all out. After all, all her co-workers died because she had to return to work that day. Sydney asks about a code word that pops up continuously in her debriefing—Mockingbird. Rachel's callsign is Mockingbird.

Back at Dean's Ranch, Dean assigns new guy Keach to a mysterious target. Meanwhile, Peyton reminds Dean that she needs money to keep things running.

In LA, Marshall has been watching Dean's accounts and strikes pay dirt: Dean has consolidated the accounts to a master account in the Cayman Islands. If they can crack the account and steal the money, they can cripple Dean's organization. Rachel, however isn't so sure that's possible because of account 1017's restrictions. To get to the money, you must be present and follow a strict protocol—one which was outlined on the destroyed server in Prague. No problem, Marshall says, he can reconstruct the data from the fried disk. However, Rachel must take them through the blasted remains of the office to the correct computer.

While Sydney and a reluctant Rachel head to Prague while Dixon and Tom head to the Cayman Islands, Sloane heads to a hearing regarding his pardon agreement . . . and the board seems none to friendly about it.

Dixon and Tom settle on the beach to await the bank official, while in Prague Sydney coaches Rachel in how to handle carnage. She tells Rachel to play the part. You're this person on the name tag, she says. You see this every day. As Rachel enters the office, she envisions what it used to look like as she leads Sydney to the computer. In the Cayman Islands, Pierpoint from the bank arrives early to meet Dixon and Tom and leads them to a satellite office set up . . . on the beach. Dixon calls with a coded message, signalling Sydney and Rachel to hurry. They hook up the drive just in time for the two to begin answering the questions of the protocol. One question, “If there was never a one there was ever . . .” resulted in no result from the disk, but Rachel recalls Dean mentioning this aphorism and finishes “. . . the twelve.”

Back on Dean's ranch, Peyton notices the transfer of funds. Dean realizes that Rachel Gibson is alive and the two resolve to get her back.

Meanwhile, Sloane's hearing is not going so well. He is forced to admit that for years did many misdeeds in a “misguided attempt to pursue a higher power,” but insists that he is “a changed man” thanks to the influence of his daughter, whom he only recently learned existed. Unfortunately for Sloane, however, the board believes that Sloane betrayed the agency, in part causing thousands of deaths in Sovogda rather than going undercover to avert world disaster as his colleagues believe. In fact, Hardin, the chairman, asserts, “these procedures are merely a formality” and Sloane can expect his pardon agreement to be revoked. Jack tells Sloane that it is unlikely that he will be given any time to put his affairs in order. Sloane tells Jack to thank Sydney and Dixon for their help.

Now that APO is in full control of Dean's finances, they've intercepted a call from Dean to one of his henchmen in Monte Carlo. Apparently he has an archive of the organization's computer records that they want to pick up. The team rushes to beat them to it.

Meanwhile, Keach pays Sloane a visit, telling him that he has powerful friends who can sway the board's decision. Sloane says, “I assume these benefactors of yours want something in return for their help?”

As the APO team rushes to pull the op together, they realize that it will be difficult to get the key code for the safe—it needs to be done on-site. Rachel offers her help.

We return to the opening scenes, filling in the missing piece: Mockingbird, who is stashed in the trunk of the car. She gives the key code to Tom, who relays it to Sydney. And as Sydney hangs from the crane, she is still there. Dean tells Sydney the archive is a fake: bait for this trap. Sydney stalls,claiming that Rachel is in a safehouse in Philadelphia. Dixon and Tom arrive, finding video monitoring—at which point the car is dropped some distance in warning and the two are warned off. Dean insists on talking to Rachel and eventually he realizes that she is in the car—at which point he cuts bait and drops the car—but Sydney has solved the problem and hangs from the crane holding on to Rachel.

Sloane returns for the ruling on his pardon agreement. Stating their “extreme disapproval” with his conduct, they state that his results “fall within the guidelines of [his] agreement,” and Sloane is free to go. A very suspicious Jack looks on.

As they return from Monte Carlo, Rachel wonders how the others can sleep and sadly realizes that “it doesn't end with Dean.”

Comments . . .

Kill her, get her back, kill her . . . um, make up your mind already! Seriously, folks, why's Rachel so important . . . yet somehow dispensable?

Sloane, who ignored an open door last episode, discovers that no good deed goes unpunished. Now he must pay—probably dearly—for his freedom. But, as we know, dealing with Sloane is not something one should do lightly. If I were Dean, I would keep Sloane very close indeed. It's obvious, though, that Jack smelled a rat . . . Sloane has to know that was an unavoidable consequence of this machination.

Meanwhile, our little Mockingbird's education continues. She gets through the ugly scene of death and destruction by pretending to be someone inured to such things. Some things, like going back to Prague and talking to Dean, Sydney gives her a push and coaches her through; other things, like going to Monte Carlo, she volunteers for. She's comfortable with tech things, not so comfortable with people or gore.

Quibbles . . .

Again with the back-up structure. The main reason for doing this seems to be to allow the show to start with an exciting action scene. This particular one left out Rachel so that they could replay it later on, showing her parts (oh, we'll show Tom opening the trunk, but we won't show what's inside!). Now, really, what reason do they have for this little preview? To leave us wondering how she got in this predicament? No, they showed us that. To leave us wondering what the heck Mockingbird is? No, wait, they answered that question almost immediately. I guess it could be a little intro to the Mockingbird theme, but that's a pretty feeble reason to repeat an entire sequence. Which leaves us with—to give us an exciting scene to start the show with. If you really want to start the show with an exciting scene, can't you write the story that way? Meanwhile, we've only got a 40-minute show. Do we really need to pad it?

This little “pull an action scene out and play up to it” structure has been repeated so frequently on Alias that it's become quite the cliché. Perhaps the producers consider it the Alias trademark or hallmark, but for me it's simply “what, again?” I've seen it used many times on many series, sometimes effectively, sometimes not so effectively. However, the more it's used, the less effective it is, in my opinion. (Your opinion may vary.)

Random thoughts . . .

Tom's codename is Sidewinder. Not bad—and not a bird! Or is it Tom's? It could be Rachel's . . . but if it is, why did Sydney speak to Tom as if she was speaking directly to Sidewinder, then Tom reply in third person? Just being tricky for the back-up gimmick?

Ah, the twelve . . . shades of the Alliance of Twelve? If so, I've kind of missed them, so I wouldn't mind if they've somehow managed to limp back into existence . . . and, if so . . . hm, Sloane might have some 'splainin' to do . . .

Sloane coming back after finding no cure last week. Hm. Is that really what he'd do, or was he really thinking that they'd let him out? I'm not so sure I think he'd take that gamble, but what the hey.

Questions . . .

What do you make of Dean's eagerness to get Rachel back considering she flew the coop? In light of his willingness to cut her loose (that is, kill her)?

Any ideas about Dean's interest in Sloane? Do you think Jack has any concrete ideas, or just general suspicions that something's going on?

Are you liking the way Sydney and Rachel's mentoring relationship is developing?

Who's in the box?

1) (2005/10/27) Sidewinder - Could be Rachel's callsign?
nice title - i must say i was expecting it (y)

sidewinder ain't bad at all is it :smiley: and i am taking quite a liking to our tom - he seems to fit right on it there without taking anyones limelight and has some good lines and greta chemistry (his mission with duxon was awesome!)

the questions -

1. plain weird!! don't really see what he would do with her other than kill her anyways. so all a bit dumb really.

2. :Ponder: not really thought about this yet......but could be liking it if sloane becomes a bad boy again :lol:

3. pfft not really caring to be honest. i do like rachel but it's the actress i am enjoying more than her plot - she is making the best of a repeated storyline. Syd seems weird with her - not our usual syd - like she has matured all of a sudden (which we know she hasn;t after her hissy fit with her dad after he paired her up with thomas instead of dixon) - it doesn't suit her much.

who's in the box???...............if i aint vaughn i don't really give a felgercarb........ -_-
What do you make of Dean's eagerness to get Rachel back considering she flew the coop? In light of his willingness to cut her loose (that is, kill her)?
I have no idea, it was really weird but then again we don't really know anything about Dean..

Any ideas about Dean's interest in Sloane? Do you think Jack has any concrete ideas, or just general suspicions that something's going on?
I'd love to see evil Sloane again! He's a bit boring when he's nice and just cares about Nadia.. Perhaps Dean needs Sloane to help him with some Rambaldi stuff? That's the first thing that came to my mind. I think Jack has suspicions that Sloane got some illegal help; Jack looked so shocked when they let Sloane free.

Are you liking the way Sydney and Rachel's mentoring relationship is developing?
I actually like Rachel, she's so sweet and innocent. I think it's a bit early to say but obviously Sydney likes Rachel more than Tom :D I was thinking that Rachel could actually in time be Sydney's friend. Certainly not like Francine but at least something.
What do you make of Dean's eagerness to get Rachel back considering she flew the coop? In light of his willingness to cut her loose (that is, kill her)?

It's either bad continuity or he's suddenly discovered she's important to his long range plans somehow. Or perhaps he just wants to debrief her to find out what exactly she's told APO before he kills her?

Which is a long winded way of saying I don't know!

Any ideas about Dean's interest in Sloane? Do you think Jack has any concrete ideas, or just general suspicions that something's going on?

Could be Rambaldi related or now he knows who he's up against, he might want to have the advice of someone who knows the players and could perhaps be put into a position to spy on them? He ordered Sloane's recruitment before his assets were seized so access to Sloane's money isn't the reason. Could be that now his organisation has come to notice he just wants someone around who's experienced in getting the job done when under constant threat of attack.

In any case, he's playing with fire. Sloane is no-ones pawn and what he'll do is anyones guess. The only certainty in my opinion is if Dean threatens Nadia - he's a goner.

No, I don't think Jack knows anything concrete at this time he's just generally suspicious that what was looking like a hanging party just turned into freedom party - and Sloane, who was certain his pardon would be revoked didn't even have the grace to look suprised when he was handed the key to the door.

Thinking of which, could that have been deliberate on Sloane's part? A way to send Jack a warning?

Are you liking the way Sydney and Rachel's mentoring relationship is developing?

Time for confession here. I haven't actually seen any of the season. I've always commented based on what I've seen in the episode captures, watched on video clips and read in episode threads, added to my ideas about the characters formed over past seasons. On that basis, I haven't really seen enough, joined up to have a view.

I hope it's still OK to come here on that basis? I've read the rules and I can't see anything forbidding it?
Questions . . .
What do you make of Dean's eagerness to get Rachel back considering she flew the coop? In light of his willingness to cut her loose (that is, kill her)?

I didn't even think about that....I thought all he wanted was to kill her, and in order to do that he wanted to get her back. Maybe he had planned to "interrogate" her before killing her, to find out what she gave his enemies.

Any ideas about Dean's interest in Sloane? Do you think Jack has any concrete ideas, or just general suspicions that something's going on?

I would say....Jack was completely shock-surprised and was, like a dear friend said it "outsmarted".
But we all know Jack's brilliant brain (setting the kill-Irina fiasko aside, he can't think properly when it comes to her) won't take him long to find out what Sloane is up to...

Are you liking the way Sydney and Rachel's mentoring relationship is developing?

I'm not sure.....I haven't seen enough. I liked parts of it, but others I didn't.
Has anybody noticed that Rachel is much stronger and self-conscious without Syd being around? E.g. when she got out of the trunk and worked with Tom to get that code, she made a way better impression than in her scenes with Syd where she almost always became a bit "whiny".

Oh, and before I forget, I have to disagree about your point on the Rachel-in-the-trunk story.
I was amazed when i realized she had been in there, and I loved how they set it up. It was one of my favourite things in the episode.
What do you make of Dean's eagerness to get Rachel back considering she flew the coop? In light of his willingness to cut her loose (that is, kill her)?
It's interesting really, it makes you think if there is something about Rachel that we don't know what is maybe special about her or something.

Any ideas about Dean's interest in Sloane? Do you think Jack has any concrete ideas, or just general suspicions that something's going on?
Not too sure what's going on with Dean's interest in Sloane. Jack always has some ideas on yeah I do.

Are you liking the way Sydney and Rachel's mentoring relationship is developing?
Yeah, I like it. Finally Sydney is showing the seniority here and having to show someone else the way of things.
What do you make of Dean's eagerness to get Rachel back considering she flew the coop? In light of his willingness to cut her loose (that is, kill her)?
Then he kills her ... or tries. I think she's got all the technical links to his organization or the real bosses; she doesn't real know it...yet.

Any ideas about Dean's interest in Sloane? Do you think Jack has any concrete ideas, or just general suspicions that something's going on?
Because he was a member of the Alliance? Do any surviving members trust him? Or do they not know he was behind their demise? Jack may not have any concrete ideas, but he's working on them now. That Sloane was totally freed was a well...
The meeting between the two ended with Sloane telling Jack to take care of Nadia as though she were his own daughter...hummmm....are we closing in on the parental truth here...or are the writers playing us. Oh gosh, I'd like to have IRina back to explain her "who did she get that from?" remark. :eek:

Are you liking the way Sydney and Rachel's mentoring relationship is developing?
Yes, it's good. Sydney was a trained agent. Obviously, Rachel is a techie and not at all able yet to fight her way out of situations. So Sydney has to mentor her and TOM has to do the rough stuff.

I actually really do enjoy Sydney and Rachel's relationship so far. I was extremely skeptical at the beginning of the season, but I think it works because they aren't making Rachel a clone of Sydney. Perhaps that's why I always had trouble liking Nadia, because she was supposed to be so similar to Sydney and it didn't work well. I enjoy that Rachel is quite different than her, and that she doesn't appear to be replacing her.
Rachel is very likable because us ordinary people can relate to her - super scared, sick about death, stuff like that.
What do you make of Dean's eagerness to get Rachel back considering she flew the coop? In light of his willingness to cut her loose (that is, kill her)?

I was thinking he was only trying to get her back to torture and kill her. He prolly wanted to make sure she was dead. I didn't think anything else of it.

Any ideas about Dean's interest in Sloane? Do you think Jack has any concrete ideas, or just general suspicions that something's going on?

If you want to be the most evil man, having Sloane by your side seems the smart move. Dean was able to infiltrate APO, which means he knows the workings of it, therefore knows that Sloane is a part of it. Who knows, if Sloane gets back with APO, he may tell Dean that Rachel is still alive. Sloane the Evil is back. I'd rather him just be dead.

Are you liking the way Sydney and Rachel's mentoring relationship is developing?

So far, it's not so bad. Syd has no Nadia and no Vaughn, but now she has a Rachel. Rachel can keep her busy and distracted.

Who's in the box?

I vote Bill Vaughn.

Comment - I noticed you all mentioning code names... I have one quibble... and that is when they are calling syd by her code name, then Jack will say, "Be careful Sydney..." Why does he say her name? he's suppose to use her codename!!! They do this a lot. It bothers me.
(Your opinion may vary.) LOL Verdantheart thanks for allowing us this :smiley: hee hee :smiley: just kidding ;) Anyway I actually enjoy the ways these play out... I do tape and rewatch though - I don't know if that makes a difference - I just like the "a ha" moment...

Tom's codename is Sidewinder. Not bad—and not a bird!
Any ideas as to why it is Sidewinder? I don't know what that is a reference to (if anything) do you?

What do you make of Dean's eagerness to get Rachel back considering she flew the coop? In light of his willingness to cut her loose (that is, kill her)? I think Dean's intentions were always to "dispose" of Rachel - of course he thought she was dead when they destroyed The Shed - but figured out she was still alive b/c of their loss of $$. I think he wanted her back so that she couldn't divulge anymore information to the CIA. I thought if they gave her back to Dean he would have killed her.

Any ideas about Dean's interest in Sloane? Do you think Jack has any concrete ideas, or just general suspicions that something's going on? Well, Slone could be a Rambaldi Link - but it is bizarre...

Are you liking the way Sydney and Rachel's mentoring relationship is developing It def. is interesting - I like the character Rachel - but I am having a hard time with a "desk agent" becoming a "field agent" I mean look at a Marshall - generally he stays inside APO - although when he has gone on missions he does "OK" and- they have similar reactions (The "spork" incident ;)) to gore...

Overall I thionk ALIAS is going some where interesting ....
Thinking of which, could that have been deliberate on Sloane's part? A way to send Jack a warning?
Very good point. Sloane is the last person to manipulate and he and Jack have been quite chummy lately. He might be willing to rely on Jack for help if he needs it at this juncture. It might be fun to see that happen.

Time for confession here. I haven't actually seen any of the season. I've always commented based on what I've seen in the episode captures, watched on video clips and read in episode threads, added to my ideas about the characters formed over past seasons. On that basis, I haven't really seen enough, joined up to have a view.

I hope it's still OK to come here on that basis? I've read the rules and I can't see anything forbidding it?
As far as I'm concerned, that's just fine. :smiley: I've confessed that I've felt a little distant myself, so I can hardly blame others for feeling the same way! . . . Although . . . I must say I'm a bit surprised and gratified that you'd keep stopping by my little column.

On the other hand, you might want to check out an episode and see what you think. I don't have the same sense of deep meaning (relationships, themes, layers of meaning, and so on) that drew me in during the first two seasons, but the spy story engine seems to be chugging along nicely and so far it has been reasonably consistent.

Oh, and before I forget, I have to disagree about your point on the Rachel-in-the-trunk story.
I was amazed when i realized she had been in there, and I loved how they set it up. It was one of my favourite things in the episode.
I'm glad you liked it, and by itself it's not so bad. It's just that I've seen them back it up way too often and most times for little or no reason. Not showing Rachel was a gimmick (we knew something was in the trunk because we saw Tom open it and I guessed it was a person because of his response) and I wasn't really surprised when Rachel popped up. If the gimmick worked, and you were delighted, that's great. (y) For me, the rehash was mostly a yawner, but maybe that's just me.

Comment - I noticed you all mentioning code names... I have one quibble... and that is when they are calling syd by her code name, then Jack will say, "Be careful Sydney..." Why does he say her name? he's suppose to use her codename!!! They do this a lot. It bothers me.
I'm not so big on that either. It's really out of character for someone like Jack to break protocol, but they want to show that he cares by having him use Sydney's name. Call it an artistic compromise. (shrug)

. . . several mentioned that they think Dean wanted Rachel back just to kill her. I hope it's not so simple as that because that idea is a little boring. ^_^ I hope that she is more valuable than that but it is that he is willing to destroy her if she is in the wrong hands--and perhaps he does not want anyone else to know how valuable she is. Anyway, that would be more fun. But his want her/kill her approach is peculiar.
Time for confession here. I haven't actually seen any of the season. I've always commented based on what I've seen in the episode captures, watched on video clips and read in episode threads, added to my ideas about the characters formed over past seasons. On that basis, I haven't really seen enough, joined up to have a view.

I hope it's still OK to come here on that basis? I've read the rules and I can't see anything forbidding it?

As far as I'm concerned, that's just fine. I've confessed that I've felt a little distant myself, so I can hardly blame others for feeling the same way! . . . Although . . . I must say I'm a bit surprised and gratified that you'd keep stopping by my little column.

Thanks for that v. I'm afraid my failure to see any episodes so far is more due to geography than choice. I live in the UK. Last year we were 10 episodes behind you in the States. This year?

I'm a spoiler glutton though so I read as much as I can about the eps that air in the US.
1.I think that Rachel must have some importance that is bigger than dean's pathetic existence...I think that perhaps he says that he is going to kill her so that no one will expect her importance...I do hope that it is something technical and not the prophecy tho bc if she is connected to rambaldi that would suck. bigtime.

2.Hmmm, I must not have caught that...I think that Jack must be in on it/investigating and he always know more than anyone else doesn't he?

3.NOOOO. I like the relationship but i would rather have her just be marshall's protege/some one else for tech like how carrie was first introduced, I know that she wasn't a tech person but she was like a sidekick...


Any ideas as to why it is Sidewinder? I don't know what that is a reference to (if anything) do you?
Nope, but it would be nice if it were. ^_^

I'm afraid my failure to see any episodes so far is more due to geography than choice. I live in the UK.
:lol: I should have looked for your location in your info . . . Silly me.

I do hope that it is something technical and not the prophecy tho bc if she is connected to rambaldi that would suck. bigtime.
I'm hoping there is something special about her, but it would be nice if for once the "something special" did not have anything to do with Rambaldi, I have to agree! ^_^ I suppose that a lot of us agree that they've gone to the Rambaldi well once too often . . . I think it may have to do with some of more confusing and disappointing ways some of the extremely elaborate Rambaldi tales eventually played out.