
I'm sorry I havent reviewed this earlier Lenafan, I got caught up in other things, but I'm here now! And I love this story, twisting it around so that Jack was the spy and irina the unsuspecting wife was brilliant!! Sheer and utter genius!! I love all your stuff and this is turning into a brilliant story!

Keep the PMs coming with updates and I'll do better at reviewing!
Love it!!!
Poor Sasha, Poor Irina, BAD JACK!! Shouldnt have left!! Poor unborn baby...:( But i'm loving this!!
4. Khasinau

He stood at the window of his office, lean, almost gaunt, hair cut short in a military style. His cold blue eyes stared unseeingly out into the courtyard of the KGB office building on #2 Dzerzhinskiy Square, located near the Kremlin. He held the memo loosely in his left hand. It arrived only an hour ago, but Irina was in the hands of the interrogators now for twelve hours.

It was night. He’d been ready to leave when his secretary brought him the piece of paper. When he read it, he was stunned. He’d met Ivan several times and once he was invited to their home for a dinner. He’d gone, because Irina was his special protégé. He recruited her while she was in the last year of high school. She went to the Academy for a year, then to agent training for possible fieldwork. She was regarded as one of the best young prospects ever sent for training.

Irina passed all tests, all challenges. She was being considered for posting to the United States as an undercover agent. However, her aptitude for encrypting and coding was the deciding factor. She would be posted here to #2 Dzerzhinskiy Square and the overseas communications department.

He allowed a small smile to play about his lips. He knew that would be the outcome of her training. She was too good at something the KGB was lacking, code work that could not be broken. It did not take long for her expertise to make itself known to the Party and others in the Kremlin. She was put in charge of coding and encryption of all messages to and from Embassies abroad.

Then Ivan Brestov entered her life.

Khasinau’s dark eyes burned with anger. How could the Party be so stupid? Didn’t they check his credentials? He was waiting now for answers from Party headquarters at the University of Moscow and the University of Irkutsk. He glanced at the wall to his right. There was a picture of Lenin as well as one of Stalin. They must be turning over in their graves now at this turn of events.

He pushed the button on his intercom. “Sonya, has that information been received?”

“Nyet, sir.” She sounded somewhat fearful. She knew Irina Derevkova Brestov was a favorite of his. Now this. More repercussions might follow, reaching as far as up here.

Khasinau sat in his chair wondering what was going on at Lubyanka in the interrogation floor. It would not be pretty and he’d been an interrogator at the beginning of his career.

The intercom buzzed. “Da!” He almost shouted.

“Sir, there’s a woman here to see you.”

“I don’t want to see anyone!” He snapped back, cutting off the intercom.

She buzzed back almost immediately. “Sir, its Ekaterina Derevkova.”

He almost strangled on the words he was going to say and instead said, “Send her in.”

Moments later, Katya entered the room and shut the door. “You’ve heard by now?”

“Da. What do you want?”

“Get her out.”

He sat down, shaking his head. “Impossible. It’s too late. She’s probably confessed by now.”

“Confessed to what?” Katya leaned on his desk, staring. “You know she is not guilty. She is devoted to the Party and our cause. She would not betray her country. She would NOT!”

He brushed his right hand over his eyes, swung around in his chair to look out the window. “Maybe…”

“You stupid fool. Irina was and is your best code breaker and cryptologist ever! She would not be in this predicament if officials had not decided to keep her here in an office. She would not have married that…that…” She stopped trying to find the words to fit Ivan’s perfidy.

“I understand your anger. I am angry too, but there’s nothing I can do. The third Directorate is in charge now. They will break her and…”

“Chush' sobach'ya!

“It is no use. She is in their hands.”

“They will never, never break her. Because she is a woman and mother does not mean she is soft. If she weathers this interrogation and they cannot make her confess, you will have trouble.”

“Meaning what?”

“She will get her revenge—on Ivan and the KGB…perhaps even you. Alex , you must find a way to stop this.”

Khasinau swung around to face her. “Just how do you expect me to do that?”

“Make a deal.”

“What deal?”

“Get the Secretary to offer her a chance to redeem herself. Project Education…she’ll train Sasha in the protocols.”

Khasinau stared at her. “Would she do it? Her own daughter?”

“Da! I think she would. However, don’t wait too long. The longer she is interrogated, the harder it will be…for everyone.”

“Yes, but her questioning has only just begun. They have to believe she was not a willing partner to her husband’s spying. That might take days.”

“Start now. Gather the information on Project Education and start the process. Alex, I’m telling you that Irina is also pregnant. No matter who the father is, she will never forgive the Party for killing that baby.”

“Moya boje, when…how long?”

“Just a month.” Katya came around to where he was sitting. “Alex, please do this, for me.” She leaned down and kissed him. “For me and the good times we’ve had together.”
She put her hand down into his crotch and squeezed judiciously. “…and for the good times we can still have.”

He closed his eyes, as sensations rolled through his nervous system. He gasped and kept her hand where it was. Khasinau looked at her carefully. “I will try. I cannot promise anything. It…it might take days…maybe even months.”

“Do not waste time then. The KGB taught her how to kill, how to fight, as well as how to lie. She will remember all of it and the results won’t be pleasant for anyone. Get her out as soon as possible. I will take care of Sasha until then.” She withdrew her hand and kissed him again.

Chush' sobach'ya - bulls**t
Moya boje – My god

5. The Prisoner

The interrogators and guards never had a prisoner like Irina Derevkova. They hoped never to have one like her again. One guard sustained a severe disabling kick to his genitals at Lubyanka. Two more were injured at the prison in Kashmir.

In the former case, two men went in late at night to rape the woman who they thought hung helpless against the wall. It wasn’t a direct order, but a tacit understanding with every interrogator whenever they had a female prisoner who proved stubborn. The first guard entered the dark room. He put a flashlight on the table, went to the wall, lowered her, and turned her around. His one hand groped for her mouth to quiet her. The other hand unbuttoned his pants as he prepared to enter her. Suddenly, she bit his finger as both her hands gripped the manacles and pulling herself upward, she slammed both feet into his penis so hard that he screamed as he fell to the floor.

The door opened and the other guard appeared. Irina growled and spit on the screaming guard. The new man hurriedly picked the injured man and half carried, half dragged him out of the room, slamming the door after him. Irina twisted back around to face the wall.
She waited silently. She knew they would not let her get away with that—not and still hope to maintain discipline. However, if they thought she was going to confess to something she was not…a traitor, they had another think coming.

Irina closed her eyes, leaning her forehead against the wall. “Poshol nahuj Sooksin,” she murmured. She was going fight this as hard as she could. They were wrong. She was not a traitor. Ivan! She swore, tears running down her face. She was not a traitor, but she was a fool. Nearly ten years…she couldn’t believe it, but he’d lived a lie with her and lived it so well she never guessed.

If she ever had the chance, she would make him pay…that is, if she lived through this.

The door opened again and she heard two pairs of boots enter. Two this time! Govno! No one said anything. Then she felt terrible pain as a whip of some kind struck her across the back…five times. She gasped when the first lashing hit her, but after that, she said nothing and small rivulets of blood seeped down her back.

“You nearly killed one of my guards. He’ll be disabled for days.” It was the interrogator.

“Fuk off!” She snapped steel in her voice.

“Yes? We’ll see…” The whip whistled through the air, striking her buttocks.

When it stopped, Irina was aware of pain such as she’d never experienced. However, the KGB trained their agents well. She compartmentalized it deep into the darkest recesses of her mind. It would remain there until she needed it to lash back at a future date. She took a deep breath, waiting.

The interrogator spoke again. “Tell us the truth. You worked with your husband to spy on your country. If you do not speak, more will happen to you.”

“Nyet, nyet, nyet,” she screamed. Her hand clenched and unclenched. “I would never do such a thing. Never!”

“Suka, you lie!” He snapped.

The whip whistled again, lashing the backs of her thighs. However, Irina never talked and never confessed. She said nothing during the next five days of hell. They beat her twice again until the skin on her back was in shreds and the prison doctor forbade them from doing any more otherwise she would be dead. They used electric shock on her. They strung her up feet first and left her for twelve hours. She collapsed when they took her down. Still she said nothing and would not confess.

The chief of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, decided they would be more successful if she went to a secret prison far south of Moscow. She was clothed in a prison uniform and thrown into a truck with two other prisoners who were in worse shape than she was. The truck traveled for days, how many she could not say. At the end of the journey, they were very, very cold, tired, and hungry. The guards fed them only once. One of the prisoners traveling with her was dead on arrival.

When they pulled her out of the truck, Irina stared in astonishment. She did not know where she was, except it was a very hostile land. Huge mountain ranges seemed to surround the entire area. The land was dry and brown. She saw no green anywhere except on the mountains and that meant trees. She did not have the time to guess where she was, because she was shoved hard toward the building in front of her.

It was cold, austere and looked like a prison, but not one familiar to her. Although shackled, she managed to go where she was told. It was somewhere deep, that she knew because she went down three flights of worn stone steps. One guard pulled her into a room where another waited. She was shoved into a chair and her hair was shaved completely off. It was to protect her from lice, they said, laughing as she called them every name she could think of and then some.

The cell they took her to was another floor down. It was cold and dank. The only wall was wet in places where water from somewhere seeped down. The bunk was only boards held in place by a rickety frame. Irina was tall and when she crawled onto it, her feet almost hung over. She was tired, in pain from the beatings, and angry about the loss of her hair. There was something that passed for a blanket on the floor. She reached down, picked it up, and pulled it over her hoping she would get some sleep.

However, life sometimes sucked, and Irina Derevko Brestova was about to find out it could get worse.

They came about an hour later. She was asleep, but jerked to instant awareness when she heard the key in the cell door. The two men were drunk and loudly congratulating themselves for winning a night with the only female in the prison. Irina waited until they opened the door and stepped toward her. She threw the blanket at one and threw herself into the stomach of the other.

Her problem was they locked the door after them and now she was alone in the cell with the two men who were bigger and stronger. However, KGB training kicked in immediately. The guard she knocked down was trying to stand. She knew she had only seconds to work, but the one with the blanket over his head, pulled it off, and reached for her. She whirled, kicking him hard in the knee. He fell screaming and cursing.

The other man regained his feet and pulled his baton. He lashed out with it in his right hand. She ducked and reached for his uniform shirt. Grabbing it with both hands, she pulled him over to the corner and slammed him against the bars. His head struck the bars hard and he slumped to the ground—out cold and bleeding.

The noise had awakened the entire cell block. The prisoners staggered to their doors to see what was going on and were stupefied by the way the female prisoner was handling her guards. They saw one guard slumped in the corner, obviously out of it. The other guard however was using his baton now. He swung it at her and she dodged it, darting inside the swinging arm, to deliver a terrible blow to his nose. It was broken. He screamed as blood poured. He tried to knock her down, but she slipped by him and as he turned kicked him hard again in the same knee. He fell. The knee was dislocated.

There was noise as a door opened down a short corridor. More guards poured in to the area and one stopped at her door, astonishment on his face. Two men were on the floor: one unconscious and the other, screaming in pain, holding his knee with blood streaming out of his nose.

“What is going on here?” The voice had the timber of authority. It was a sergeant.

Irina said nothing. She backed up and sat on her bunk. Other prisoners cried out and gave their opinion. The guard holding his knee was helped up. A quick conference was held as he told what happened. Of course he said nothing about the attempted rape.

Instead he told a story about her complaining of pain. They entered the cell to find out how bad it was and she attacked them. There was no provocation at all on their part. The big sergeant stared at the one and then at the prisoner who sat huddled against the wall, her blanket pulled around her. It was easy to see she was cold.

The sergeant ordered the guard who came with him to get more men. They would need one or two more to take the injured guards out. Minutes later they were gone. The sergeant stared at the woman.

“You are in trouble woman, you know that!”


“I will tell the commandant in the morning. You better rest while you can. He is sure to want punishment.”

She shrugged and said nothing, but lay flat on her side, turning her face to the wall. “They are pigs!”

He grinned and liked her immediately. She had spunk. He closed and locked the cell door. Leaving the cell block, Sergeant Grigor Grishenko marched to the infirmary. He wanted to find out how badly injured his two men were. Idiots! He knew they probably did not read the file on the prisoner. They might have been more careful. She was he had noted been the top graduate of her class at the Academy. That meant in every facet of her training. She was a dangerous prisoner.

The sergeant stopped at the closed door and knocked. He then stepped inside. The doctor was working on the unconscious guard. The other was on the other table moaning. It was evident his dislocated knee was set.

“How is Igor?” Grigor asked.

The doctor looked up and blinked. He saw a man who stood six foot seven. He was wearing boots that upped the height another two inches. He had to weigh three hundred pounds if not more and there wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere. He wore his dark hair customarily short. The sergeant had a strong face which was punctuated by a broken nose. He had a mouth of white uneven teeth and his lips were full. The eyes were dark, but kind and somewhat softened by the concern in them.

“Not too good. When are your men going to learn not to fight each other?” He shook his head.

“He was ambushed by a prisoner.” The answer was provided by the other guard, Anton.

“He was trying to rape the woman prisoner,” Grigor stated, staring hard at his underling.

The doctor looked up, “A woman…here?” He was shocked. There had never been a woman brought to this prison.

“Da!” Grigor said quietly.

“She is responsible?”

“Da!” Grigor wanted to say more, but he had not been present.

“The Major won’t like that!”


The doctor bent over Igor again fixing a bandage over the head wound. He’d stopped the bleeding, but that was all he could do for the unconscious man now. “Do you want to take them back to their barracks room?”

“Will Igor be all right?”

“I’d really like him here for observation overnight.”

“Then keep him. I will help this other one to his bed. How long should he be kept down?”

“A day or so.” The doctor reached into a drawer and withdrew a bottle of pills. He counted out seven, put them into an envelope and handed them to the man. “Take one now and then one a day. They are for pain. You will get no more.” He had so few supplies that it meant prisoners and guards alike had to tough it out.

“Spasibo,” he said, stuffing them into his pocket. Sgt. Grishenko then helped him off the table and out of the room.

The doctor, S.P Ivanoffsky, watched them go. A woman did this? He had an idea he would be treating her and soon. The major did not like his men being battered by prisoners. If she did this, then the other prisoners around her saw it and it bode ill for the prison’s guards. Somehow he did not think she would escape further rape attempts either.

Govno - s**t
Nyet – No
Poshol nahuj Sooksin – Fuc**king son of a bit**ch
Spasibo – Thank you
Suka - Slut

TBC (n)
I wish that JAck could save all three of them.

This is a Turnabout which does not exactly go opposite of what happened in our Alias. Remember, Jack aka Ivan is now in the States. Getting back into Russia would be difficult and there is the possibility of being caught. The KGB would torture then kill him...no ifs, ands, or buts. :angry:

He probably would not even get close to Irina and Alexandra aka Sasha. :(

Poor Irina... Poor Sasha... If Jack ever learns about his second baby.... I'd hate to be anyone who tries to get in his way lets put it that way...

And Katya is SO right, irina would kill anyone who tries to hurt her baby... Dont mess with a Derevko, especially not a pregnant one.

I love this lenafan!! Keep up the great work!
6. The Proposition

The days passed until they seamlessly melted into one long horrible, painful hour. Beatings, rapes, interrogations, rape, water tortures, rape…there didn’t seem to be any end to it.

Irina lost the baby finally after eight days. She was taken to the infirmary where the doctor would confirm it. He stared at her in amazement. Irina Derevko was black and blue over most of her body and her back covered with welts that spoke of multiple whiplashes applied to almost every inch. Even her buttocks and the backs of her thighs were marked. He had her placed on his examining table and ordered the guards out.

He covered her with a sheet. “You are not in good shape to have baby.”

“I lost it this morning, I think.”

He frowned. “I will see. Spread your legs.” He bent down and gently probed. He heard her gasp and looked up. “Ogorchenn! I must examine. We have no tool to examine woman. You are the first one.”

“I lost it,” she reiterated. Her voice was harsh, matter-of-fact.

“Yes…just a moment.” He probed gently, eliciting still short small gasps. Her legs twitched. She moaned as he went in further. “Ogorchenn…”

He finished and drew the sheet back over her. He could see that it was welcomed, but the look was only fleeting. It instantly became wary. “Tell me, how many times have you been raped?” She stared at him, not thinking he would ask such a question. He persisted. “Tell me.”

“Three to four times every night…the last seven…eight days.” Her dark eyes held his. “It will no doubt continue.”

“Would you like it to stop?”

She stared fixedly at his face. Her mind raced. He wanted something. “Da.”

“I want you.” It was said with hope in his voice.

“What?” She rose up, staring at him, horrified, but curious.

“You become my whore. You get better food, vitamins…and more sleep.”

She studied him and then said softly, “Why? I am a prisoner. They think me a traitor when I am not.”

“I have certain needs and I cannot get them here. You can provide me with them. Do so and I will make sure you are not raped again.”

“Those needs are…”


“That I could figure out.” She sat all the way up. “Kinky?”

“Perhaps to some, but…” He stopped for a moment looking at her carefully. “I’m not sure you would understand.”

“You’re a homosexual.” She didn’t say with distaste. “Surely you can find men, who…”

He shook his head. “I would be arrested, possibly sent into a gulag, and killed.”

“What makes you think I won’t tell to get out of here?”

“It would not get you out. I don’t think you realize it, but this…this hell hole is the last stop for most of the prisoners.” He gestured out the window. “This KGB prison is built on a precipice. In that direction is a two thousand foot drop to valley below. When prisoners die here, they are tossed over into that valley. Their bodies are devoured by wild animals and bones left to be bleached white. They essentially disappear for all time from their family and loved one.”

She grimaced, her face turning white at the thought of what her Fate could be. She could only hope Katya would find a way. “Da, I will do it.” She stared at him up and down. “I can only hope your body is cleaner than those pigs who raped me. They never bathe do they?”

“Spasibo, Irina. May I call you that?”

“Nyet. You call me Derevko as guards and interrogators do. I am NOT your Irina. I am your blad’, your whore.” She went to the chair where her clothes lay. She dropped the sheet and put them on, not caring if he watched. After all, she was going to be his to do whatever it was he wanted to do. She turned around and stared at him curiously. “I cannot tonight.”

“No, I know. I will speak with the Major. I will tell him you lost a baby and that you are torn up. He will have to stop the rapes or you will surely die. I think you are important prisoner. They don’t want you dead…at least for a while.”

“Spasibo…I can sleep tonight?”

“Da!” He touched her face. “Tell me, what color was your hair before they…”

“Chestnut…dark chestnut with some auburn highlights.” Her eyes softened a bit. She walked to the door.

He opened it, where a guard stood outside. “Take her back to her cell. Do not do anything to her. Let her sleep. She has internal female problems.”

Blad – whore, prostitute
Da - yes
Nyet – no
Ogorchenn - Sorry

1. Jack’s Dilemma

Jack Bristow moved slowly down the hallway. Ben called him at his office in the operations center and wanted to speak to him. Jack wondered what it was about. He’d been barely home three months and just now began feeling comfortable in the role of a handler. He was Chris Andrews’ go to guy at home. She was on a mission to Japan and was in his hands as the mission unfolded. So far all was well.

Ordinarily he would not feel comfortable being away from his desk while his agent was on a mission, but she’d checked into the Ginza Hotel in Tokyo and would be on her own until the next day. He had time to see Ben.

He entered the office and Ben’s secretary acknowledged him by waving at the closed door. “He’s waiting for you.”

“Do you know what it’s about?”

She shook her head.

Jack knocked first and then stepped inside to find Ben standing at the window, hands clasped behind his back. His head was tilted a bit down. He turned and, to Jack, it seemed there was a forced smile on his face.

“You wanted to see me, Ben?”

“Sit down Jack. I have…some news.”


“Your family.”

“Irina? Sasha? They’re alright, aren’t they?”

Ben sat down. “We’ve seen Sasha. Our agent found her to be with her aunt; Ekaterina, I believe.”

“She is called Katya.” Jack’s heart skipped a beat. “Is Sasha alright?”

Ben nodded. “She’s okay.”

“But Irina….?”

“She’s disappeared. We don’t know where she is or…if she’s alive.”

Jack stared at him attempting to maintain a neutral look on his face. He felt a pain in his chest and emptiness in his stomach. His shoulders he kept stiff although hot pokers of fire burned along both. His mind, swimming with all kinds of imaginings, could not focus on what Ben was telling him.

Jack blinked. “What did you say? Sorry, I…”

Ben stopped looking at his young friend. “Just that I’m sorry we couldn’t get more information. However, we do know this much…Irina was arrested and taken to Lubyanka a few weeks after your escape. We think one of the KGB agents in the U.S. caught you on film.”

“You think?” Jack rubbed his hand over his face, his eyes burning. Oh my God, he thought, Irina…milochka moya…

“That’s our assumption. Your extraction was perfectly planned and executed. We know both the KGB and the St. Petersburg police thought you were dead.”

“But you don’t know for sure…?”

Ben sighed. “Jack, one of our contacts from St. Petersburg made a special trip to Moscow to visit Irina. The apartment was now occupied by a family of four. They didn’t know Irina or Alexandra. He had the old address of Irina when she was living with her sisters. He did not accost the younger sister, Ekaterina. However he spent a couple of days watching their comings and goings. He never saw Yelena, but he saw Sasha and her aunt. He never saw Irina.

“Jack, I think you have to assume that she…she might be…”

“Dead?” Jack’s eyes turned dark. His heart skipped several beats. He fought to keep the nausea he was feeling down and not let it get the best of him. He stood. “Can I go now?”

“Of course.” Ben stood, walked around his desk, throwing his arm around the younger man’s shoulders. “Jack, the job you did for us in Moscow was incredible and almost beyond the call of duty. Ten years undercover…”

“Yes…” Jack glanced down at Ben who was four inches shorter than he, “thanks for the information.” He nearly stumbled as he reached the door. Grasping the doorknob, he started to open it.

“One more thing, Jack, we do plan to keep our eyes and ears open. If any thing about Irina comes our way, we’ll let you know.”

“Yeah, sure you will,” Jack muttered as the door closed behind him.

Jack returned to the operations center. He picked up his coat, hat and gloves and left for the day after giving instructions to the chief operator. She handled all calls coming in from all over the world. She knew she could reach him on his cell phone if his agent needed to talk to him.

When Jack Bristow returned from Russia, Chris Andrews had been assigned to help him move back into the world he was born into and lived in for his first twenty years. She helped not only find the right apartment, but helped him furnish and decorate it. It was still sparse by all who saw it, but his original idea was for a bed and dresser. He didn’t plan to cook, so all he needed was a refrigerator/freezer in which he could store some milk and frozen food products.

Chris also found him a good used car. He had enough money in his bank account to buy a new car, but he felt he could do with a good one. He had to learn how to drive in the US again after so many years of using the Metro in Moscow. She went shopping with him and helped him buy two suits, both were dark blue, some shirts, conservative ties, two belts, underwear and anything he felt he needed.

As a woman she gave him her female point of view. Jack had lived in somber suits and clothes during his years in Russia, that the idea of bright color seemed sacrilegious. However, he allowed her to talk him into a couple of colored shirts and bright ties. She also pestered him until he gave in and wore them. He had to admit she had good taste. Irina had had a good color sense, but she did not have much to work with as his professorial attire did not require anything but browns, blacks and blues.

He liked Chris who admitted to being twenty-five, almost twenty-six. She was bright and spoke several languages. She had a great laugh and sense of humor. When he was assigned to her as her handler, he knew they would make a good team. He did go back to night school, to brush up on his language skills so he could keep pace with her whenever they worked on a mission.

Jack sat in his kitchen, nursing a glass of Chivas Regal scotch and thinking about his conversation with Ben. His mind kept a picture of Irina flashing in his eyes.
“Oh God, please don’t let her be dead.” He sipped the rest of his scotch. Ten years they had been married. He stood and walked to the bedroom. He had to get some sleep, because in a few hours he had to be at operations ready to help Chris.

Jack fell into bed and stared at the ceiling. Light from the street shone thru the slats of the blinds. Streaks of light flickered across the white ceiling. He didn’t have to contrite too hard to ‘feel’ Irina’s naked body next to his. He did not reach out to touch her because a part of him knew he would just touch air. He closed his eyes, imagining her in his arms as he fell asleep.

A month later, Jack took Chris out to dinner. Usually handlers were supposed to keep themselves from becoming too close to their agent, but it was a special occasion. Chris had let slip it was her birthday. Jack needed a break. They went to an Italian restaurant, I Ricchi, in Arlington.

They ordered drinks; Jack, his usual Chivas on the rocks and Chris, a glass of white wine. They said nothing waiting for the waiter to bring their drinks. When he left, Jack raised his glass to her.

“Happy birthday.” He sipped his scotch.

“Thanks. It’s nice that you invited me. We don’t do much socializing, do we?”

“You know why.” He answered.

Chris heaved a big sigh. “It is hard to do. I like you Jack.”

He smiled. “I like you too, Chris, but the Company has its reasons and I think they are good ones.”

“Yes, I know, but,” she took a sip of her wine, “I’d like to know you better. You’re quite famous within the organization.”

“I suppose I am,” he responded in a neutral voice.

“Do you mind me asking about…about your wife?”


“What was she like?”

Jack thought a moment, bringing Irina up from the depths of his mind where he’d placed her along with his darling Sasha. He closed his eyes, remembering them both that morning he left.

“She is lovely with long dark chestnut hair that she swept back behind her ear. It was a thing she had. She denied it, but she did it all the same. Her eyes are dark, almost black at times. She’s tall—slightly over six feet. One did not see that many tall women in Russia. She has rich full lips. She is blessed with white teeth that sparkle when she smiles and it is the loveliest smile I’ve ever seen.

She has perfect skin, not dark like her two sisters. Irina told me she was born with her father’s coloring. Her mother was Georgian, coming from the same area as Stalin. Its in the south of Russia and those born there tend to have slightly darker skin than those from the north.

“Because Irina is six foot tall, she has long, sinewy legs, long arms with wide shoulders and beautiful long hands. She runs every morning at 5 o’clock. She never missed a morning until her eighth month of her pregnancy.

“Irina adores Alexandra, our daughter, almost as much as I do.

“She is well-liked by her bosses and enjoys talking with my friends, even though they are from the academia. She’s good at her job too. Before I…I left, she was supervising thirty KGB agents in communications.”

“You still love her, don’t you?” Chris stared at him noting his eyes were somewhat tearful, although she would not call it to his attention.

Jack took another sip of his drink and leaned back. “Yes, I do.”

“Do you think you’ll ever see either of them again—Alexandra or Irina?”

“I honestly don’t know, truly.” Now he stared down into his drink, feeling a wave of hopelessness overwhelm him.

The waiter fortunately came up to ask if they were ready to order. They did. After he left Chris moved closer to him in the booth. She tentatively reached out and put her hand over his large one and squeezed.

“I am so sorry, Jack. I wish I could help. You have to move on, you know.” She smiled.

“Yes, I’m aware of that, but then there are days when I want to chuck everything and return to Moscow.”

“You’d do that?”

“Perhaps!” He said nothing more, took a sip of the Chivas.

He looked at Chris, who had turned twenty-six. She’d been with the CIA for five years, two of which were spent in training. Now she was a field agent with an ongoing learning experience out in the world. It was his job to see she was successful at the job and, so far, Chris Andrews was turning into a very good agent. He liked her a great deal.

They finished dinner talking about the job and Chris’ enthusiasm for what she did. It was something she’d never thought about doing or even, when recruited, that she would be good at it. Jack listened, adding a comment or two, but actually enjoying her excitement and youthful exuberance. It reminded him of his own excitement when Ben told him the CIA had a very special job for him.

Jack drove Chris to her apartment in Georgetown, planning to pick her up early the next morning for work. Her car was still in Langley. He accompanied her to her door.

“Thank you,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “It was a nice evening and the food was perfect.”

“I’m glad you liked the restaurant.” He smiled. “When do you want me to pick you up?”

She looked at him as if to gauge his feelings. “Would you like to spend the night? It would save you a trip back here in the morning.” Jack’s apartment was in Arlington.

He shook his head. “No Chris, but thank you.” He walked back down the steps and drove away without looking back. He had feelings for this young woman and they were natural, but he was married. He had been brought by strict church-going parents who had instilled in him to do what was right. Jack often realized that his upbringing often clashed with the responsibilities of his job. He had to go against those morals so many times when he was in Moscow that it seemed hypocritical of him to think of them now.

Arriving at his apartment house, he drove into the garage and sat, thinking about what he must do. He hated the thought of divorcing his Irina, but was she even alive? Would he ever see Sasha again?

Jack entered his apartment facing his dilemma head-on for the first time since he returned.

TBC (n)
Interesting Update.
Can't wait to see what happens to Irina in
the prison and what Jack will eventually do
about Irina and Sasha.
Thanks for the pm.
Great chapters! You better get Irina out of lubyjanka,or what that prison was,before she get killed.Sometimes your story is pretty dark,but well written.
Great chapters! You better get Irina out of lubyjanka,or what that prison was,before she get killed.Sometimes your story is pretty dark,but well written.

She's in Kashmir and if I killed her off...what then? No more story... (n)
Fear not, though, things will get better. ^_^

2. Freedom

Katya followed Alexander into the prison. She was aghast at the idea this was a KGB secret prison. The two had traveled by plane to a city in an area called Kashmir. She was chilled by the thought her sister was incarcerated here for the past six months. She was wearing a heavy fur coat and imagined there was no such thing allowed inside the hideous stone building.

The guard at the door saluted Alexander as he was wearing his KGB uniform. It was not a requirement for supervisors or higher ups, but they had them for State occasions and for situation such as this. Under her coat, Katya also wore her Captain’s uniform just to make sure she was allotted the same courtesy.

Another guard was waiting for them inside. Khasinau stared insolently at him. “Take us to the man in charge, ummm…” he snapped his fingers haughtily and Katya, who hated him when he acted like this, handed him a slip of paper. “Oh yes, Major…” he squinted at the paper, “well…you know who I mean.”

“Yes sir.”

He led them up a short flight of stairs and down an equally short hall. “He is in there.”

Khasinau waved him off. He knocked once; then opened the door into the prison commandant’s office. The man behind the desk stood and saluted. Khasinau stopped in front of the desk, handing the man a paper, before sitting down. He did not offer the only other chair to Katya, who thought he was carrying his arrogance a bit too far. She said nothing though and took up a position behind him.

“Bring the prisoner here immediately.”

“Why…who are you…sir?”

“I am the representative for our esteemed leader, who personally sent us here to collect this prisoner. Her name is Irina Derevko Brestova is it not?”

“Da. Just a minute, please.” He hurried over to the door. The guard was waiting outside. The major quickly gave some orders, before returning to his desk. “May I ask what you want with this…this traitor?”

“I don’t want her. Our leader wants her. That should be enough.” Khasinau crossed his legs and sat back.

“Yes, yes, I understand. However, she has been most uncooperative.”

Katya caught her breath. Uncooperative! Now she was worried she would not recognize Irina. She knew some of the protocols used to extract information. Uncooperative meant they did not obtain much if anything in the way of a confession. She shifted her weight and put her arms behind her back, crossing her fingers.

There was noise coming toward the office door. It opened and the guard pushed the prisoner inside.

Khasinau turned in his chair and Katya followed, to watch Irina Derevko Brestova shuffle inside. She was shackled and manacled. She wore a shapeless dirty gray uniform. Her feet were bare. She kept her eyes downcast and did not notice the two visitors at first. Katya was shocked by the fact her hair was so short. Still she did not seem a victim of malnutrition. Katya could see Alexander was also surprised. He held up his hand to her, silently forbidding her to speak.

He stood and walked to a spot directly in front of Irina. “I hear you have been uncooperative. Still maintaining your innocence, are you?”

Irina’s head came up “Ahueyet!” She stared at her accuser. “Alexander…O boje moya!”

Khasinau caught her as she started to fall. He turned to the major and snarled. “Get these chains off her. I’m taking her back with us now.”

“Yes, yes.” The major hurried to the door and again spoke to the guard who quickly entered and did as he was told. He left.

Katya hurried to Irina’s side. “Rishka!” She put her arms around her. “Rishka!”


“Irina Brestova,” said Khasinau, “your sister has told me you will do this one thing in order to return to Moscow.”


“You will train Alexandra in the Project Education protocols. Will you do it?”

Irina did not hesitate. “Da!”

Khasinau nodded and turned to the major. “Are there other clothes than these she is wearing?”

Irina slept most of the trip back. She was wearing a pair of oversized gray pants and a large white shirt. They found a pair of prison slippers for which she felt grateful. Her feet felt warmer than they had for a long time.

Outside their apartment, Khasinau kissed both her cheeks and smiled for the first time. “Get yourself ready. I will see you in my office with Alexandra in one week. I am glad you agreed.” He turned and went back down the steps to his car.

Irina’s eyes gave away nothing. She hurried up the stairs to the apartment. Katya told her Yelena was away on a long term assignment. She and Katya would share the bedroom with Sasha who would sleep on a pallet beside the bed. Katya hurried after her darting ahead, and quickly unlocking the door.

”Sasha is at school. I will pick her up. In the meantime, time for a shower and something to eat…yes?”

“Da. Spasibo, Katya.” Irina took her sister in her arms and hugged then kissed her on both cheeks. She restrained herself when Alexander and Katya picked her up. “To get out of that hell hole, I would have promised the moon and the stars.”

“I know, but you will do what you promised?” Katya was the most instrumental in getting her sister released.

“Oh yes.” Although she never thought about it when Ivan was home, they agreed Sasha should go to the University and get a degree. Maybe she would be a teacher. Ivan didn’t want his daughter to be KGB.

“But Ivan, KGB has been good to us. I have a good job and we have this wonderful apartment.”

“Laskovaya moya, they won’t be testing her for another year. She already shows an aptitude for science. She could be a doctor, do research, all possibilities are open for her.”

“She could do research for KGB. They like scientists.”

Ivan took her in his arms. “I know, but don’t like some of their…their…” He paused searching for a word.

“Tactics!” Irina sighed, knowing deep down that he was right. The KGB would open many possibilities, but once you joined, you were in it for life. Her work in cryptology was enough to keep her on a fast track to the top. She had had two promotions in the last three years.

“Yes, that. KGB is feared by the people and that is not right. There are two many villains working under its protection when they themselves should be in prison.”

Irina sighed again knowing he was right. The third Directorate was feared by everyone. Even the proletariat hated them.

Now she had reason to believe this fear. However, Irina Derevko would never be intimidated by them again. She had a friend, a very good friend, in the prison. When Sergeant Grigor Grishenko’s enlistment period was up in three years, he promised to see her before enlisting again. He gave her his wife’s address. When he had leave, he would also contact her. By that time, she promised herself she would on her own fast track. She would be in a position of power whether within the KGB or elsewhere.

She shut the door to the bathroom. She looked the mirror. Boje, she looked terrible. Her face was gaunt. Her eyes had recessed somewhat with dark circles making them seem almost ghoulish. Her skin was roughened and there were lines around her mouth. She turned away to the shower. Hot water…something she thought she would never experience again.

Disrobing, she entered the shower, turning on the cold water. She was used to that. The hot water faucet was hard to turn, but she got it started. Irina looked for soap and found it on the bottom, near her feet, along with a cloth of sorts as well as a bottle which she lifted up so she could read the label. It was soap for her hair.

When she stepped out, twenty minutes later, she felt a 100% better than when she entered. She found a towel in a drawer and began toweling herself off. She grimaced as it moved over her back. Fortunately, Dr. Ivanoffsky at the prison had a healing salve that helped her. The deal she made was worth that alone.

The door opened and Katya stood staring. “Govno!” She exclaimed.

Irina didn’t turn, but looked at her in the mirror. “It could have been worse. They stopped when the doctor ordered it.”


“A miracle there was one there. I lost the baby as you could guess.”

“Oh Irina, I am so sorry!”

“Yeban’ vashu mat’ govniuks,” Irina swore, wrapped the towel around her, and turned. “They will all pay.”

Katya saw the steel hardness in her eyes and believed it. She didn’t think it would happen as Irina still had to prove herself to the KGB. She would never be allowed to be a cryptologist again. “Your hair…they…” Irina’s hair was only two inches long, whereas before it was five or six inches down her back.

“…shaved my head. It is growing back. Now, how about clothes?”

“Yelena and I decided there was no room for your things and we had no idea when you would be back...if ever. She was sent off again two months ago…where, I have no idea. However, when Alexander arranged for your release, I thought I’d better get you some clothes. He helped me with some money. I remembered your size, so…” she turned into the bedroom. “I put them on the bed.”

“Burn the others. I don’t want to ever see them again.”

“Of course. I have some soup heating.” Katya walked out of the room.

Irina went through the pile of clothes picking out a pair of tailored black pants, a black shirt, bra and panties. There was a pair of low heeled shoes and some boots. She sat on the bed and pulled the boots on, breathing a sigh of relief that she could still wear them. Katya bought her a leather-like jacket.

“Where do I put the clothes I don’t wear?” She called out to Katya.

“Second drawer down. That’s all the space I have.”

“Spasibo.” Irina gathered up the clothes and deposited them into the empty drawer. She would have to buy more with her savings. She had made a wise decision when Ivan ‘died’ to take her cash and hide it. She and Ivan were saving up for a second-hand car. If it was still there…

She walked back to the bathroom and took the stool in front of the mirror, placing it under the vent on the wall opposite the shower. Standing on it, Irina pulled the vent out carefully and reached up. Her hand came back with a small but thick package wrapped in oil skin. She did not tell her sisters nor anyone else. There was over a hundred thousand rubles inside. It would be enough to buy some things she and Sasha needed. She replaced the package and stepped down.

She entered the living room kitchen area carrying the jacket which she put on an easy chair nearby and sat at the small table. Katya smiled at her. “You look good in pants.”

“Da! I was cured of skirts in prison.”

Katya sat down opposite her. “Do you want to talk about it? It might make you feel better.”

“It might.” Irina answered. She looked at Katya whom she loved almost as much as Sasha. “You ask questions. I’ll answer if I want too!”

“Why don’t you tell me about it…just what you want to tell. It would be easier that way, Rishka.”

Irina smiled and nodded. She had not heard anyone call her that for months. “Let me finish eating.” She glanced at a small clock on the kitchen sink. “How soon do you get Sasha?”

“An hour or so…”

“Is she still at University school?”

“No. She…she is at KGB school.”

“I want her out of there. It won’t be helpful for the training. I’m going with you.”

“I think it would be a good idea to ask Khasinau. Tell him why exactly.”

“Nyet,” Irina grunted, bobbing her head, as she finished her soup. “Do you have some more tea?”

Katya took her cup and brought it back filled. Irina took a sip, then began to describe a little of what she went through in Kashmir. Tears ran down Katya’s cheeks as she listened to the horrors her younger sister had to face.

“And I never, never said I was guilty…never!” Irina declared in a low voice. “I will make them pay.”

“They were doing their jobs.” Katya gently reminded her.

Irina’s lips curled into a smile that was not a happy one. “I survived. Katya, but I paid a heavy price. My honor and reputation are gone. I became a man’s whore to save myself from more gang rapes, but it was no better.”

“Irina, maybe he saved your life.”

“Da, and for that he will pay with little pain.” Irina rolled the cup in her hands, her eyes hooded and dark. “Isn’t it time to get Sasha?

TBC :angry:

Govno - felgercarb
Spasibo – thanks
Yeban’ vashu mat’ govniuks – motherfuc*king sh*itheads
hey, i know your good with russian, i was wondering what bitch and whore were in russian. can you translate please?

yay!! irina is back!! but she lost the baby!!! oh no!!
i bet Sasha's gonna be happy to see her mom again!
3. Alexandra

Darkness was falling when Katya and Irina entered the KGB school. They knew by the time they got home it would be night. Katya showed her badge to the guard at the gate.
“We are here to pick my niece, her daughter,” she gestured at Irina, “Alexandra Derevko.” Katya had registered her under her mother’s maiden name to take away some of the stigma attached to Brestova. It was her last name and therefore, more acceptable to the school.

The guard passed them through, looking at Irina, who stared back at him in an unconcerned manner. “Da.”

They entered the building and walked down a long hall. Katya was almost running as Irina’s long legs ate up the distance. Sasha was now in the fourth tier even though she had her eighth birthday a few months ago. They stopped at a door.

“Wait here,” she said looking at her watch, “I should check with the director.”

Irina grunted and looked through a small glass window in the door. The teacher was talking to his students about something. He wasn’t tall, perhaps five seven. His face was almost wizened, with eyes, nose and thin lips, pinched together in the middle. The man must have been in his early fifties and what hair he had was greasy and grey.

He was serious and looked angry. Not one child said anything to him. He pointed at someone in the corner to Irina’s left. She couldn’t see who it was because of the angle. Irina reached for the door knob and pulled it slightly so she could hear.

“Get up here now!” His voice sounded snappish and harsh. Irina glanced to the left and saw Alexandra slowly walk toward him. “Did you understand what I said?”



“Sir.” Alexandra stared up at him.

“Your mother is one of those I speak of, isn’t she?”

Alexandra shook her head, “Nyet! My mother is loyal. She is not a traitor!”

“I said she was and is the worst traitor since Trotsky.”

“Nyet, nyet, nyet,” shouted the young girl.

“There will be no lunch for you tomorrow. Go to the board and write ‘my mother is a traitor’ a hundred times.” He grabbed her by the arm, shaking her. He shoved Alexandra roughly toward the blackboard. She stumbled and fell against a desk. The student in it kicked at her, striking her in the leg. Alexandra yelped. The class laughed.

The door slammed open and shut with a sharp crash. The teacher whirled around to see a tall woman standing there staring at him with cold almost blazing black eyes. Dressed in black she stood over six feet. She looked and was furious.

“Sooksin!” She swore.

“Who are you and get out of my class.” He snarled.

“Mama!” Alexandra screamed with joy. She ran down the aisle to her mother. Every child in the room turned to look at her. Their eyes widened with just a little fear and some shock.

“Sasha,” Irina smiled, pulling her up into her arms. “Moya milochka.” She kissed her and hugged her before turning her attention to the teacher. “Svoloch!”

The teacher blinked, his mouth opened, but he could not speak.

“How dare you treat children like this and who I am, is Irina Derevko, Alexandra’s mother. I am leaving with Alexandra and she will, WILL NOT be back.” She turned and left the room, slamming the door after her. Irina knew she had to leave or she would probably attack him. That would solve nothing and might take her away from Alexandra once more.

She stood outside the door, since that is where Katya told her to stay. Irina kept both arms around her daughter. She was overcome with emotion. Irina had dreamed of Sasha almost every night while in prison. Thinking she would never get out of that hell hole, she hoped Alexandra would not forget her. She kissed her daughter again and again, holding her tight against her body.

“Irina!” Katya was walking down the hall with another man. She was surprised to see Sasha in her sister’s arms. “This is the director of the school, Mischa Drogoff. We were coming to get Sasha released from the class, but I see you have her.”

“Sorry, but the teacher inside was…was picking on my daughter. I stepped in to get her before he got too rough.”

“He struck her?” Mischa was shocked, but not really as he’d had complaints before from other parents.

“Da, but we have an understanding. I told him she would not be back.”

Katya hastily conferred with the director handing him some papers which were signed by Khasinau, giving Irina Derevko permission to take Sasha out of the class. She nodded at Irina who with her arms full headed for the door.

Katya drove back to the apartment while Alexandra and Irina held on to each other, fearful of letting go. Both of them were crying and it was all Katya could not to join them, but traffic was too heavy to indulge in that emotion. She’d spend tears when they were home.

When they arrived in the apartment, Katya went to the kitchen to fix a light supper. Irina and Alexandra were in the living room area talking softly, hugging and still tearful. It had been over six months since Alexandra saw her mother and it was eight months after her father was ‘killed.’ No one told her that her father was still alive and Irina instructed Katya not to speak of it at all.



“Was it true…that you have been in prison?”

“Da, but now it is okay. I am released, because I was cleared. I am not a traitor…I never would do something that terrible.” She kissed Alexandra on the cheek. “I am home to stay.”

“Will you work for them again?”


“The…the KGB?” Alexandra was fearful when she spoke of them.

Irina tucked her daughter’s long hair behind one ear, just as she did when her own hair was long. “I don’t think I can, but I will be working on special project. Your godfather has asked me to do this.” She glanced over at Katya whose back was turned. “I said yes.”

“What kind of project?”

“Educational. Something he hopes will help our agents in the future.” She winced a little.


“Supper is ready,” announced Katya, putting dishes on the table.

“Go wash your hands,” instructed Irina.

They both watched the little girl head for the bathroom. Irina turned to Katya. “Do you have some vodka? I need a drink.”

Without a word, Katya turned, opened a cupboard and pulled down a bottle that was unlabeled. “This is 300 proof! I buy it special from a friend of mine who has a farm.”
She poured a glass and handed it to Irina. “When do you start?”

“Tomorrow. Khasinau wants me in his office”

Alexandra walked up and took her usual seat. “Can I go see him too, Mama. I want to thank him for what he did.”

“What was that, laskovaya moya?”

“He got you out of prison.”

Irina glanced at Katya, one eyebrow raised cynically. “Hummm, well, I think I want to get you into a school first. You can thank him some other time.”

“What school?” Katya and Alexandra asked at the same time.

“Where you were before…before your Papa died and I went away.”

Alexandra grinned. “Spasibo, Mama, I liked that school.”

“Get busy and eat. You will need your strength tomorrow.”

Irina sipped the vodka, heeding Katya’s warning. She nearly coughed and then seeing Katya’s face, choked back the cough she wanted to let loose. Damn that was good vodka. She took another sip, feeling the liquor warm her from throat to stomach.

The next morning Katya drove Irina and Alexandra to the university. Irina was familiar with the school as she had brought her daughter to the school several times whenever Ivan was called out of town. It was located on the outskirts of the University’s property. It was, of course, a much smaller building that the huge mass standing 36 stories tall. Irina took Alexandra into the Department of Education building where the school was located.

Earlier she told Khasinau that she wanted Alexandra in the University’s school and would he permit it. Her daughter needed the best education she could get, because of the data she would be programming her with for the project. However, because Ivan no longer worked there she did not know if she could get them to take Alexandra back.
He’d given her a letter signed by Andropov.

“That will get you access for Alexandra. By the way, you will report to me on a weekly basis everything you do to Alexandra and you will document her progress in writing for…him. Is that understood?”

“Da.” She took the paper. “One more thing…I want you to get me into a class at the University.”

His eyes widened. “What major?”

“International languages. It was my intended major before you recruited me into KGB.”

“Specializing in…”


He studied her for a moment. “I see.”

“No you don’t see and don’t presume to assume anything.” She walked to the door. “Call the rector and arrange it. It will keep me close to Alexandra.”

The morning after removing her daughter from the KGB school, Irina arose to find Katya and Alexandra already up and in the kitchen. She showered, dressed and joined them. It was a bright, clear day in Moscow and for once, there was no haze hanging over the city. Katya smiled at Irina as she entered.

“Alexandra, we will go shopping on our way home tonight,” said Irina, gently kissing the top of her head.

“You have money?” Katya was surprised.

“Da, some.” Irina made herself some tea.

Katya’s eyes narrowed as she buttered the dark bread. “Where did you get it?”

“Not now,” said Irina, her eyes shot a warning at her sister.

Katya shook her head, “I’m able to drive you to the University.”

“Nyet, we are taking the metro.”


”Because Alexandra and I are going to have an adventure.” Irina grinned at her daughter. “We have to start being on our own some day. Besides I’m going to the University as a student too.”

“Mama,” cried the little girl, who was just breaking the egg Katya had fixed. “What are you going to study?”


“You’re up to something,” Katya said.

“Nothing. I am going to get my degree now that I cannot work at KGB.” She smirked. “They are going to pay for it…and everything else.”

“Who is going to help you into the university?”

“I know,” cried Alexandra, wanting to be a part of the conversation, “Uncle Alexander.”

“Right!” Irina put her arm around her daughter and smiled benignly at Katya, whose mouth had dropped open.


Irina didn’t answer, turning to Alexandra, “Go brush teeth and get your coat. We have to leave soon.”

She watched the bedroom door close and then turned back to Katya. “I am not poaching on your territory, laskovaya moya. He wants me to train Alexandra. I must have her close to me at all times. Besides I do want to learn other languages.”

“You’re up to something.”

“That’s what he said, but both of you are paranoid and suspicious. I will do what I promised.” She finished her egg. “Alexandra Derevko will be the most incredible secret agent ever turned out by the KGB. By the time she is eighteen, she will know everything there is to know about the world of spies. She will also be an accomplished linguist and able to speak perfect English, as well as many languages both European and Asian, including Chinese.”

laskovaya moya – my sweet
Moya milochka – my darling
Sooksin - son of a bitch
Svoloch - bastard

TBC (y)