


Okay guys, I promised myself not to start a new story but this one has been playing in my head...and well I had to write it.

AU Story. Plenty of S/V and the rest of the gang, eventually.
Author: Me, again :P

intro to Unforgettable


TV producer Michael Vaughn’s life came crashing down on a rainy night in October, as he lost his beloved wife Alice and 4 year old daughter Emma. Now at 35, he has the number one TV show in the country and a broken heart in need of serious healing. Image Consultant Sydney Bristow is hired to make over Michael Vaughn in an attempt to please the network. As they search for their own happiness, they discover that the opportunity to work with each other might help them find the missing ingredient in their lives. Can they find each other?

Read to find out and hope you enjoy. :eek:ldhi: CJ


~ Part 1

When Sydney Bristow found her boyfriend Noah Hicks sitting semi naked at her computer in the middle of the night, she first thought he’d gotten lost on his way to the bathroom. But it only took a few squinty-eyed seconds for the naked truth to reveal itself.

For the past few weeks, she had some suspicions that Noah might be cheating on her. She smelled perfume on his clothes, which he had a good explanation every time and once she found lipstick on his shirt, which he said he got from a friend who got, too excited about her promotion at the bank and kissed him. Truth is, she wanted to believe that he’s being faithful to her, but he is a man after all.

The glowing red numbers on the alarm clock had told her it was three in the morning, exactly two and a half hour before she had to be awake to prepare for a meeting with her most important client. Soft light poured through the open bedroom door of her small apartment. A moan reached her. And then, Oh yeah, ohhhh…”

Noah’s voice. A glance at the empty space next to her had confirmed that he wasn’t in bed, and her suspicions grew by each passing seconds.

She’d sat up, her heart pounding. Why was Noah up at this time of night, and why was he moaning? She’d slipped out of bed and gone to the door, afraid of what she might find. If he had another woman in her apartment… “She thought as she made her way to the living room.

Not possible. Noah was sweet, loyal, faithful.

And sitting at her computer in his boxers.

Now, she blinked at the sight of him on the other side of the living room, lit by the glow of her computer monitor. His sandy brown hair had taken on a weird greenish tinge from the screen and his was typing something with one hand on the keyboard while the other one was moving up and down on his lap.

“What the hell?”

A wave of nausea rose in her stomach, but she froze, unable to make a sound or move as she stood in the doorway and continue to watch him for a few minutes. When she finally reached the boiling point, she coughed, and Noah nearly jumped out of his chair.


“What are you doing? She blurted. “No, don’t answer that. I see what you’re doing.”

Noah sighed and looked at the computer screen and then back at her.
“I was just, um, instant messaging with a friend.”

“Instant messaging? At 3: 00am?” She asked unconvinced

“It’s nothing, just a little cybersex, “he said, taking a different tack now – the casual, guilt-free male.

Sydney watched as he put on his boxers back on his hips and grabbed his t-shirt lying on the back of the chair. She wished she was okay with the all ideas of cybersex but mostly she was just pissed off.

“We haven’t had sex in weeks. Why aren’t you having sex with me instead of some girl – it is a girl right? – on the computer?” she asked with arms on her hips

“Of course it’s a girl.” He said on the defensive

“How can you be so sure?”

He looked confused. “She sent me pictures.”

Her temper flared. ”You’re probably getting it on with some middle-aged, hairy guy.”

He gasped at her as if he never considered the possibility. He sat there as she looked at him with disappointment evident in her eyes.

“Why not with me?” She asked, her voice revealing the hurt in her tone. “Do I bore you?”


“Do I?’ She repeated. This time her tone was angrier.

A guilty look crossed his face, and he shrugged.



“Get the hell out of my apartment!” She screamed.

“Sydney, you’re not boring. I’m just tired, okay? Can we talk about this tomorrow after we’ve both had some rest?”

“You’re tired?” She said angrily “You weren’t too tired to get it on with your little friend in some crazy chat room, but you’re too tired to talk? Get out!” She pointed a finger at the door. “Now!”

He stood and came towards her, all of sudden looking far more ridiculous than sexy in his semi naked form. “Can I at least get my stuff?”

She marched into the bedroom, fueled by fury and wounded pride. She opened the drawer she gave him about a month ago, took out the clothes and threw them on the floor. She scooped all his clothes, along with his shoes, went to the second-story window, opened it, and dropped everything onto the lawn below.

She turned to Noah with a smirk of satisfaction upon her face, “Your clothes are waiting for you downstairs. Now get out!” She said as he stood in the corridor and she closed the door behind him

“So THEN THE BASTARD LEFT, and I was wide awake for the rest of the night.” She said to herself as she twist and turn in the middle of her king size bed.

The next morning, she’s sitting at a local café waiting for her best friend and confident Francie Calfo. She took a long sip of her latte and wished she’d ordered something much stronger. She’s been dragging her heels all morning and still had another client to meet after lunch. After a few minutes, sitting by herself at their table, she saw Francie coming thought the door. Francie quickly sat across the table from her at their favorite lunch spot, trying not to laugh.

“I got your message. I’m so proud of you for tossing his sorry a** out the door in the middle of the night.”

Sydney was absolutely sure she wasn’t boring in bed.

Well, mostly sure…

Okay, not sure at all. She liked sex as much as the next girl, but maybe she’d been working too hard lately, focusing a little too much on her career. And maybe she hasn’t met the right man to make her go weak in the knees.

“What if he’s right? What if I’m boring in bed?” Sydney whispered

“Syd, I’m a little surprise that even Noah knows where his equipment is, let alone has any ideas about what to do with it.” She chuckled as Sydney looked down embarrassed about talking about her sex life or lack of it to her best friend in a public place

“Francie, we’ve had sex! Of course he knows what to do with it.” Sydney blushed

Francie looked unconvinced. She’d never liked Noah Hicks even from the moment Sydney first introduced him a year ago. She had a gut feeling about him, a feeling that men like Noah Hicks can be a one woman’s man, but for Sydney’s sake, she gave him the benefit of the doubt and now, as she sees her friend’s hurt in her eyes, she knew she should have trusted her instinct about him.

“Syd, the right man is out there somewhere. You have to forget all about Noah Hicks and his crazy cybersex fantasies and get yourself a real man. Let’s go out this weekend.”

“Easier said than done Fran.” Sydney smiled, “Noah appeared normal on the surface and it turned out he’s a cybersex-obsessed weirdos who preferred to have his way with someone on a computer screen than to sleep with me.”

“Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m lousy in bed.”

“Maybe, Francie smirked.” But could it be the guys you’ve been sleeping with? You slept with a handful of guys; you just haven’t met the right one that will teach you the Art of love making. She said as Sydney laughed. “Don’t laugh; it’s an Art that can be taught to anyone who wants to learn.”

“Okay I have to go; I’m meeting my new client across town.” Sydney said as she stood up from her seat and made her way to the door

“Who is it?” Francie asked as she pushed the door open and step outside to the sidewalk

“Michael Vaughn. Ever heard of him?” Sydney asked

“The TV producer?” She said surprised that a man like Michael Vaughn would need any kind of help

“Yeah, apparently the network wants to sprouts out his image and they called me. Why? What’s he like?”

“In the business, they referred to him a God. Apparently everything he touches turns to gold. He’s a big shot executive that got his big break with this show Blaze. Ever watched it?

“ No. Should I?” Sydney inquired

“It’s only the best show on TV.” Francie answered enthusiastically

“Well, I’m meeting him in about an hour and I don’t want to be late for our first meeting.” Sydney said looking at her watch

“He’s very cute, you know.” Francie smiled as she leaned on her car

“Weird cute?” Sydney asked curiously

“Definitely hot cute. You go get him Syd.” Francie said hugging her best friend before getting into her car.


*runs around flailing arms about*

I definitely need a pee emmy for this. Like NEED, not want.. NEED. There's a huge difference :lol:

Dude, that was hilarious... Noah... :sideroll: That's just pathetic! :rolleyes: *rofl* AND GO SYD! For throwing his stuff out the window like that!

I cant wait till she meets Vaughnie though... *rubs hands together* This is going to be goooood :D

Anyway, can I pwease get a pee emmy? LOVE it already!


Okay guys, here is chap.2 Hope you're ready for some Vaughn / Syd action?:P

Thanks to all of you who are reading and enjoying this one. I will try to update every day...but as you may know I have 4 other stories to update, so we'll see. :rolleyes:

have a great day and until the next update. And lots of Vaughn's kisses!!!! :smooch:


~ Part 2

Michael Vaughn was late for work and had a handover. Since Alice and daughter Emma died a year ago in a car accident, he didn’t care much about his partying too much. He wanted to forget. The only thing that made him get out of bed for the past year is the show Blaze that he’s producing for ABC network. At night, he liked to go out and drink with best friends Eric Weiss and Will Tippin. He slowly turned his head to the alarm clock and saw that it was 7:00am in huge bright number.

“s***, I’m late.” He jumped out of bed and headed for the shower

He quickly put on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. He put on a baseball cap backwards on his messy hair and grabbed his sunglasses on the dresser by his bedroom door and quickly made his way downstairs.

“Keys.” He said searching in its usual spot “find them.” He said to himself as he grabbed the keys and closed the door behind him.

He drove across town to the studio and after twenty minutes and probably a few code violations; he waived good morning to Dave the security guard. He pulled in to his parking spot and ran to studio 21 where they were supposed to start shooting next week’s episode.

“Okay guys, I’m here.” He said out of breath as he arrived on the set.

“Hey Michael,” Nadia said, I got you your favorite.” She said handing him a large triple espresso coffee cup from Starbucks

“Thanks Nadia, I needed that.” He smiled at her as he took a sip off his coffee

Vaughn sat on his producer chair as they began shooting the first few scenes of the day. After thirty minutes, Vaughn was heard screaming at the star of Blaze and best friend Will Tippin.

“Cut! Will, what the hell was that?” A five year old could deliver lines better than that.” He said as he marched over to where Will was standing

“What do you mean?” Will asked

“You’ve missed your mark, he said pointing to the big red X on the floor. The light doesn’t hit you properly when you stand a few inches from it. Okay? And what is going on between you and Nadia? Did you guys have a fight or something?”

“We’re okay.”
“You guys are a couple in real life and I don’t see the chemistry on film. For God sake, you’re sleeping with her; you should use that sexual tension for your character.” Vaughn said as he grabbed his head in pain from all the shouting echoing in his head.

“What going on with you?” Will said pulling his best friend aside

“First of all, I have a headache. Second of all, I still haven’t found the location for the car chase we’re suppose to do at the end of the week and thirdly, the network is breathing on my neck to get a makeover by an image consultant.”

“An image consultant, why?”

“Apparently, my extra curricular activities are getting more press than the show and the network feels that it’s time for me to bring good publicity to the show and stop messing up the good image they want to project.

Will laughed. “Well, we’ve been partying a little too much these days anyways. Maybe this image consultant can be good for you.”

“I’m glad you think it’s funny.”

“Oh felgercarb, she’s going to be here in less than twenty minutes.” Vaughn said looking at his watch

“She?” Will asked with a raised eyebrow

“Yeah, her name is Sydney Bristow. The network says she’s the best at what she does. Whatever it is.”

“Good luck Buddy.”

“Yeah, I’m going to need it. Now go back in there and show me why I hired one of my friends to be on the show.”

“You got it.” He tapped his friend on the shoulder “Dinner at my place this weekend?”

“Sure. We’ll ask Eric to bring the beer.” Vaughn said smiling as he watched Will walked back on the set and talked to Nadia

Vaughn was making himself another coffee at the catering area and popped a few aspirins to make his head feel normal again.

“Excuse me.” A voice said behind him making him jump and spill coffee all over his shirt

“s***!” he said wiping the stain off his shirt

“I’m sorry.” She said embarrassed,”I didn’t mean to startle you.”

He turned around to look at her.

“I’m, uh, looking for Michael Vaughn. The security guard said I could find him in here.” Sydney smiled

“I’m Michael Vaughn.” He said holding his Styrofoam cup in his hand and extended his right hand to her

“I’m Sydney Bristow.”

“Right, you’re the image consultant hired to change me.” He said on a sarcastic tone

“The Network feel you need some sprucing up.”

“Let’s go in my office, I need to change my shirt.” He said walking off the set with Sydney right on his heels

“Again I’m so sorry about your shirt.” She apologized for the second time in less than five minutes

“It’s fine. “ He replied as he pushed his office door open and got in and told her to sit anywhere.

Sydney sat on the couch and without any warning, Vaughn removed his hat and wet shirt and moved pass her to grabbed a fresh one in his closet.

Vaughn’s tousled his hair in a messier way as if to remove any trace of wearing a hat for the past hours, while his green eyes had that squinty bedroom look from the first exposure to bright light. And he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

God help her, he looked glorious without one. She could see the delicious dip where his bicep met his shoulder, and the smooth bulges of his pecs. Beautiful was one of many words she could think to describe him.

Hot, delicious and tempting were a few others.

He was quite possibly the most glorious sight she’d ever laid eyes on.

“So go ahead and talk, “He said

He looked at her long and hard, then smiled a slow smile that had probably meant to warn her.

“The network executives feel that you need my help with your image. They fell that the bad publicity might hurt the ratings in the long run.”

“I see.” Vaughn sat on his chair, his gaze pinned on her.

Her body responded to his physical presence as if she’d never seen an attractive man before. Clearly, his physical appearance didn’t need much improvement, he was perfect the way he was. “It’s your extra curricular activities that need some toning down.”

Sitting on the couch, she tuck her hair back behind her ear and crossed her legs as she tried to gain back her composure from sitting so close to him. She dealt with influential attractive men before but Michael Vaughn was stirring up some hidden fantasies that she tucked away deep down.

She looked away from his intensive stare and looked around the room. On the shelves, she could see numerous awards and pictures of celebrities he knew personally. “Quite impressive to say the least, “She thought to herself

“You think you could tame me?” He asked

“I know I can help you keep your job, “she said, skirting the sexual undertone of his question.

“So you have me sized up? Think you know what kind of guy I am based on the clothes I wear and my lack of taste in office decoration?”

Sydney felt her cheeks grow warm. “I’m sorry- did I come at a bad time?” she said, making a not-so subtle attempt to change the subject.


“Out partying too late last night?”

He smiled and she got a warm fuzzy feeling all over. Michael Vaughn had sex appeal and when he smiled…Oh, baby.

“Something like that, “he finally said.

“Good thing you’re not the one in front of the camera then.”

“I’m used to sleep deprivation, but why don’t we cut to the chase? I have a major headache and want to go back to bed as soon as possible.

Why did a word as simple as bed, when spoke by this man, seem so sensual?

“I was hoping we could have lunch and discuss the possibilities I see for your career.”

“I didn’t realize I needed career advice.”

“The network executives think you do.”

“They can go and screw themselves. They are a bunch of pitiful men and women in desperate need of some loosing up.”

“Shall I relay that message to them for you?” Sydney asked, hoping to call his bluff

Instead, his lazy smile turned into a smirk.” Go right ahead, but let me revise it a bit.” They could go f**** themselves.”

“I was joking. Really, “she said, smiling her flirtiest smile. “Have lunch with me tomorrow. My treat.” She got up and sat down on the edge of the desk near him.

“I can think of more interesting things to do with you than have lunch.”

“Are you trying to scare me away? Because it’s not going to work.” She said staring at him

He laughed, “I was joking. My God, loosen up.”

She got up to leave and he stood and closed the distance between them. He was tall – at least six feet and he moved like a man that was sure of himself, who never felt intimidated by a woman in his life. He leaned in to her, invading her personal space and forcing her to back herself up against the door. It was just another intimidation tactic that wasn’t going to work or will it?

“How about that crêperie down the street? She asked smiling at him

“I make a rule not to eat at crêperies, “he said inches from her face, “Unless I’m in Paris.”

“Please.” She begged

“Please what?” He said staring intensively at her

“Have lunch with me tomorrow?” She whispered

“I guess you won't leave me alone until I do.”


He lingered a moment too long, his gaze traveling from her eyes to her mouth and back again. Finally he backed away from her and sat back down in his chair. “Okay.”

She blushed, “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow around 1:00?” She said opening the door and seeing herself out.

She leaned against the door. “Wow!” She said to herself, trying to catch her breath

Vaughn was sitting at his desk and couldn’t help but smile after his first meeting with Sydney Bristow. She was definitely attractive and the thought of seeing her again tomorrow made tomorrow something to look forward to.


Pm List:

i love vaughny
WOW! That reminds me of a book I read once, AND I LOVED THAT BOOK! But I like this better, I mean it's mv for goodness sakes who can't! This is wonderful! *floats away* I can't wait for the next update!

hey guys, this is the last chapter until Monday....I'm exhausted. :P

Have a great weekend and talk to you very soon. thanks again for taking the time to read this. :P



~ Part 3

She leaned against the door. “Wow!” She said to herself, trying to catch her breath

Vaughn was sitting at his desk and couldn’t help but smile after his first meeting with Sydney Bristow. She was definitely attractive and the thought of seeing her again tomorrow made tomorrow something to look forward to.

Vaughn was checking the schedule of potential locations for the next day when Weiss barged in to his office unannounced.

“Will told me you had a meeting with a very attractive woman this afternoon.” Weiss said sitting down on the couch, trying to catch Vaughn’s attention away from the massive pile of papers scattered across his desk

“Nice to see you too Eric.” Vaughn said barely looking up from the papers on his desk

“So what happened?”

“We talk, we disagree on a few things and then she asked me out to lunch tomorrow.”

“Are you going to go?” he raised an eyebrow

“I don’t have a choice. The network hired her to change my image a bit. I’ll let her think that I’ll go along with whatever ideas she may have and then, I’ll be off the hook with the suits upstairs. Plain and simple.” Vaughn proudly smiled as Weiss didn’t seem too convinced of his best friend’s plan.

“Better change the subject now.” Weiss thought to himself

“So, Will told me we are on for this weekend.” He said doing his famous happy dance while remaining sitting on the couch

“You’re bringing the beer, right?” Vaughn asked

“Yeah, yeah. I got us covered. What about you?”

“The party is at my house, isn’t that enough?” Vaughn smirked

“True, but a great host always provides party favors for their guests…you know kind of make your guests feel special.” Weiss laughed as Vaughn just rolled his eyes.

“Well, I’ll think about it. Now get out of here, I have work to do.” Vaughn said waiving his hand for Weiss to leave

“Okay I’m leaving, but not before you tell me.” Weiss said, getting off the couch and standing in the doorway.

“Tell you what?” Vaughn asked as he looked up to see his friend with a devilish smile on his face

“Is she hot?” Weiss inquired

“Who?” Vaughn asked, confused

“Sydney Bristow?”

“Yeah, “Vaughn replied smiling, “If you like the bossy kind of girl.”

“You like her, don’t you?” Weiss commented with a smirk

He looked down at the papers on his desk to avoid Weiss staring at him from across the room, “I’ll play the fifth on that issue.”

“You do like her.” Weiss smiled

“Maybe I do, but it has to be strictly business between us.”

“And why is that?”

“I have my reasons.”

“You know, they wouldn’t expect you to remain celibate for the rest of your life.”

“I’m not ready.” He replies, glancing at the smiling picture of Alice and Emma still sitting on his desk

“Okay.” Weiss said as he knew not to push the issue any further. “I’ll see you later, don’t work too hard.” Weiss said as he closed the door behind him

Vaughn closed the lights in his office and made his way to the parking lot. He reached his car and got in. He turned the engine on and after waiving to Dave at the gate, he made his way home. There is an old saying that home is where the heart is, but for the past year, his heart has been shattered as constant reminders could be seen all over the house. So six months ago, Vaughn had removed all but a few photographs of Alice and Emma’s things and placed them safely in boxes in the garage. He didn’t have the heart to give them away. The boxes were part of his past and now, he had to make a future without them. He got in the house and headed to the kitchen to grab a beer. “What the hell, “He thought, “One more won’t kill me.” He then walked to the mantle over the fireplace and picked up his favorite picture of Alice and Emma making sandcastles on the beach. The picture had been taken two months before their deaths. On the picture, you can see mother and daughter, both with blond hair, smiling at him as the sun shined bright behind them. Vaughn remembers that day like it was yesterday.


“Daddy, can we go play on the beach now?” She asked, holding her blue shovel and a plastic container in her tiny little hands

“Sure honey, just let me bring my camera, Okay?” Vaughn said as he raced upstairs to his bedroom and came back down a few minutes later with his photography equipment

“Okay. Mommy!” Emma called out, waiting impatiently by the door

“I’m coming M. Hold on. “Alice said as she grabbed the blankets and a picnic basket she had prepared for them that afternoon.

“Let’s go. Let’s go. I want to go play.” The little girl said, tugging at her father’s hand as he smiled at his wife

“I never seen her so excited.” Alice said as they made the ten minute walk to the beach

Once they were settled on the beach, Vaughn and Alice sat down on the blanket as they watched their four year old daughter play near by.

“Mommy, can you come and help me make a sandcastle?” Emma asked, already on her knees and putting sand in her plastic container.

“Sure.”Alice said, getting up from her spot next to Vaughn and walking over to her daughter. She got down on her knees beside her daughter and started patting the mud with her hands. “We’ll make the biggest sandcastle ever seen in the world. Right M?” Alice said smiling at her daughter.

“Yay! “ Emma squealed with enthusiasm as she and her mother started building their castle. Vaughn was near by, recording the entire event on film.

After an hour or so later, they had finished their massive creation.

“Look Daddy! “ Emma said proudly

“Wow, I’m so proud of my girls. I’ve never seen a castle so big in my entire life.” Vaughn got up and kissed them both on their foreheads.

“Let’s go home, it’s late.” Alice said as she gathers their stuff scattered on the beach

“Not yet Mommy!” Emma pouted “I want Daddy to take a picture of us with our castle.” Emma said as she cuddled next to her mother

“Okay you two, get ready. This is going to be an unforgettable moment.” He smiled at his family and took the picture.

End of Flashback

Vaughn took another sip of his beer, but tonight as the memories came crashing down on him, as the alcohol didn’t seem to wash away his pain. He walked over to the kitchen sink and poured down the rest of his beer and opened the fridge to make himself something to eat. After a few minutes of staring at nothing in particular, he closed the door and picked up the phone and called for a pizza.
As he sat on the couch, his mind drifted back to his meeting with Sydney Bristow. She was a feisty one. She didn’t seem too impressed by who he was.
Probably because she’s used to work with all kinds of people with the type of job she does. Something in him was still troubled by that meeting. It’s almost like she could see right through him. She wasn’t scare of talking back to him or put him in his place, if need be. No, Sydney Bristow was definitely not a woman to be reckoned with.

Sydney finally reached the front door of her small apartment. She was exhausted after a long day of meetings after meetings. Now, she was glad to be home. She put down her bag on the back of the couch and made her way to the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of wine and headed to the bathroom to draw a nice bubble bath. She quickly undressed and plunged herself amidst the bubbles. She lighted up a few candles and was relaxing when the phone rang.

“Why does it always happen when I’m in here, trying to relax?” She thought to herself

At first, she wanted to let the machine pick it up, but she thought it could be important, so she quickly got off the tub, put on her silk robe and ran to the living room.

“Hello.” She answered out of breath

“Hey girl!”

“Francie.” She sighed

“Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“It’s okay; I was relaxing in the tub. What is going on?”

“I was just wondering how your meeting with Michael Vaughn went today?”

“Fine.” Sydney replied as she didn’t want to admit to her best friend that she found him very appealing

“Just fine?” Francie asked unconvinced

“We talk. He’s not the happiest person about this makeover.”

“I bet. So he’s very cute, huh?”

“Yeah. If you like self centered man.”

“Well maybe after you’re done with him, he’s going to be a total different person.”

“One can only hope.” Sydney laughed

“So when are you seeing him again. You’re seeing him again, right?” Francie asked enthusiastically

“I invited him for lunch tomorrow. Cross your fingers that he doesn’t stand me up.”

“My guess is that he won’t, if he knows what’s good for him.”

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow Fran, I’m beat.”

“Go get some sleep Syd and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Good night Fran.”

“Good night Syd.”


Ps: good night guys!
Official Pm list:

for all of you who asked to be on the list, you have been added. If you asked for one and didn't get it. Feel free to yell at me.

I love Vaughny
I love alias 27
Nancy O

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