US History Paper Help!

So, I'm trying to think of a topic for my AP U.S. history paper...and basically i'm brain dead. I can't hink of what to write about and could def. use some new ideas!

The paper is about 3 things that changed the history of the U.S. And they should all be related such as: Three people, Three battles, or Three court cases...etc. I want it to be really creative so any ideas would be AWESOME!!! Thanks a bunch!

kat :redhair:
This might sound a little crazy, but you could try to do something with Jazz. I studied it last semester and the influence they had on people around the world was pretty phenomenol. You could do three jazz artists that had impact.

Their songs often had cultural impacts that helped create change. Such as Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit". There's more examples than that, but it's just a start.
I personally would do court cases. There are so many court cases that shaped the way America is today, and it would be fairly easy to find lots of information on the subject. Brown vs. Board of Education, should definitely be one that you choose to talk about.
If you go with court cases, then Brown v. Board should be accompanied by Plessy v. Fergueson, which came first and was negated by Brown v. Board.

You could do legislation regarding freedom of speech. The Alien and Sedition Acts, the Espionage and Sedition Acts, and the Patriot Act could be a good topic to do, although, its not before 2000, so I don't know if your teacher would accept the last one.

You also could do Civil Rights Legislation. If you draw from both Reconstruction and the Civil Rights movement, there's definitely enough material.

ETA: By the way, did you take the test this year? Our DBQ? Yeah, that was the worst question ever...