Uses for Art


An Old Friend
I print stuff on my envelops when I send out my bills. My cable bill usually gets a dragon from Borris Vallejo or a mask from nightmare factory.

my electric bill usually gets a pig or a hog

When I printed up the envelops for christmas cards the art on the envelop was often better than the card!
one day i will buy myself a printer, once i figure out which printer is quality and has the cheapest ink supplies!

for now my images are to make my desktop more interesting from day to day to stop myself getting bored
Yes, Ink supplies should be the major consideration as most brandname printers are very good buys depending on your appl.
Some other things to consider are noise levels, PPM and interface
don't care about noise levels, i was brought up on dot matrix printers (well, after thermal and then golfball type)

i presume all modern printers work with xp pro heres a decent L.E.D. (laser wanabee) printer i was looking at, but don't know when i'd have the money. ink carts do 2500 pages approx so £0.01 per page plus the cost of the paper (about £3 for 500 sheets locally)

don't particularly need colour printing, but if i did, i would buy a separate printer that does colour (quality)
I got an Epson Photo Stylus 825
it was cheap because it was phasing out
ink at wallmart (I hate That place) is about 28.00 7color cartridge and black is 33.00$
I get about 2 colors to one black. I buy 1 of each when I load a new one up. I always have a spare.
I have used Hubble Images for a background for modified pictures of my kids.
and other backgrounds for other family pics
approximate pages you can print per cart?

and last time my parents HP printer needed a colour cart i was looking at self kits on the web, you can make 2.5 carts worth for 40% of the price over here, if you are prepared to do some tedious work and cross your fingers. and thats self refill colour too!
is it epson or canon that have the count built in to the printer, so you never quite finish the toner, apparently it's desined that way so the machine doesn't damage from inconsistent ink supply, but unofficially there is a free tool out there that allows you to reset that count and use all the cartridges ink! use at own risk obviously, but with printers costing only £30 sterling, you could find you save more than the value of a printer by using that trick, or at least having the tool around for emergencies

here is the compatible printers the reset tool works with :
Epson Stylus Printers supported by SSC Service Utility.

direct link to the tool, like i say, use at own risk :

the main site created to house the tool :
SSC Service Utility for Epson Stylus Printer.
It must be epson because when I first bought it printing shut down when there was still ink in the cart. and I almost took it back. I emailed epson service center and downloaded the app. update and now it prints till its empty. The low ink warning still comes on but it doesn't inhibit printing. I change carts as soon as the print out gets spots
oh, so they gave you the tool? did they give you a hidden link to download the tool or is it freely available? theres still loads of epsom owners suffering from the problem. i wonder if this is a market problem, being you live in USA and European users are not being updated so epsom and their suppliers get more cash off users?
I forget where I read it but there was an article that linked me to epson that the epson help desk reffered me to. That links was the update that I d/l that fixed the issue. They said it was a consumer protection that was built in to the printer.
Kinda like the silent recalls on autos, you don't get it fixed unless you complain about it. When I worked for a new car dealer in the late 80's I found out about them and more.
Shoddy car dealers will try to charge you for free fixes. You gotta have an honest dealer to really know that they exist.