Vaughn in Heaven


Sydney came home with Thomas to find Micheal leafing through books.
“What did-“ Sydney began.
“Busy,” said Micheal. Sydney shrugged and put Thomas in his cradle. She then sat down next to Micheal and took a glance at the book the he held.
“Rambaldi…” Sydney trailed off.
“He knew everything,” Micheal said in a convinced voice.
“About you coming back?”
“That and other things.”
“What have you found out?”
“I think that you must have been to far away to feel the jolt.”
“So that means… Sark…”
“It’s possible.”
“But that doesn’t explain why I didn’t feel it.”
“Rambaldi must have died and come back. Lots of people probably have, but either go mad, convince themselves it was a dream, or never speak of it.”
“So that means that Sark…”
“He’s back.”
i've written something! yay...


Meanwhile, Sark was far away. He was heading for Mekov, a small town in southern Russia. It was once a KGB operative, but now it was almost completely deserted. Almost, that is, but not quite. There were ten guards, a man, and a woman with secret buisness. Sark used the code: 47-103-983S and entered the building. And he found a gun to his head.

"Whoever sold you the cods is dead; nobody can save your a**," a woman said viciously.
"It's me, Sark," Sark said cautiously. The gun was moved.
"We got word that you died," Irina said in amazement.
"It's the strangest thing... I died, but i cam back," Sark said.
"Maybe Sloane has some Rambaldi pages on it," Irina said.
"I do," Sloane said from his position in the shadows. "I'll get them." So Sark followed his master and mistress.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, Micheal and Sydney Vaughn were sitting on their coush while Micheal said, "He's back."

"I don't think we can find him on our own," Micheal admitted.
"You're right," Sydney said slowly. "But they'd never in a million years believe that I did all of this on my own so far."
"I know," Micheal said. "Let's hire a babysitter for Thomas. He's almost a month old now."
"We have to," Sydney said sort of sadly. "Anyway, who can we tell about your existence to?"
"Hmm..." Micheal said. Then he looked at Sydney.


"My dad will NOT believe me," Sydney said to Micheal as she headed out the door. (By now she was back in shape so she could jog to the CIA headquarters.)
"Well, he wouldn't listen to me, either, and I can't go for several reasons. First of all, I'm 'dead.' And i have to stay here and watch Thomas until we get a babysitter," Micheal explained.
"I understand that," Sydney said.
"So tell him everything," Micheal said. "He should know everything. What happenned, and our theories."
"Alright," Sydney gave in. "See you later."
"Bye," Micheal said and kissed her. Then she left, heading for the CIA building at a jog.
Hmmm...I came back to see what I missed, and I mised a lot!! baH! I won't leave again! LMAO!! What's up with Sark? Must go off to ponder...::goes off to ponder:: ^_^