Vaughn in Heaven

here is, umm


Since Micheal couldn’t move in with Sydney, he bought a small apartment in the far edge of LA. It was cheap, with a tiny kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. It was very cozy. Sydney came by every night for the next two, then four, the six, then seven, then almost eight months. Then, she showed signs of major, fully developed pregnancy. Micheal knew that they probably hadn’t sent her on any missions lately. He knew that she missed it. But their child would soon be born, so they were both very happy. Sydney told Micheal that she had to pretend to be sad, but it was very difficult. She was so happy. She had a good job, a first child in her, and her true love wasn’t dead! She had no doubts about Micheal, not in any way.
The only sad thing around Sydney was Irina. She had escaped with Sloane, when they thought that they would catch him. Sydney had begun to believe that her mother was still good on the inside. Now, she only felt tears when she thought of her. To almost everyone, Irina meant pain. Kendall had lost his job, too. Jack was not quite in a disgrace, but he was not the replacement for Kendall. Weiss, apparently, had accomplished some great thing and was promoted. Micheal gathered that Weiss was still his goofy old self and told Sydney to say hi to him for him.
Then the time grew near when Sydney would be ready to give birth. One night, Sydney came to Micheal’s house for dinner, as they did almost every night. Her belly’s size had increased a lot, and she walked heavily. Micheal was very careful and gentle with her. Sydney was grateful.
“What do you want to eat tonight?” Micheal asked.
“Hmmm,” Sydney said. “How about some healthy salad? I want my child to be healthy.” She chuckled a little with Micheal. He looked lovingly at her.
“Of course: you can just sit while I throw a few things together,” Micheal said. Sydney nodded and sat slowly down. Micheal moved two feet and was in the kitchen. He began to open the fridge to get some salad materials out, but he stopped as Sydney cried out in pain.
“Sydney?!” Micheal said as he rushed to her side.
“It’s- ready,” Sydney gasped.
thanx. i think i'll repost my entire story! here you go for those who don't want to look back:

(all chapters in)

The gates of Heaven opened, to admit Micheal Vaughn. He was very frightened. Could it all have been a dream? But if it wasn’t, that meant he was dead. In heaven. An angel flew to him and hovered next to him.

“Welcome to Heaven,” he said. Micheal swallowed hard. It seemed very real to him.

“Where are you taking me?” Micheal asked.

“To your father,” said the angel. Micheal’s heart leapt. He would see his father! He had missed him ever since he had died all those years ago. The angel led him over a white bridge to another building on the other floating platform. He had always believed that Heaven would be made of clouds, but it wasn’t. Then he saw his father through a door, exactly the same as when he had died.

“My son!” the older man said suddenly. “Oh, Micheal! You’re dead!”

“Dad!” Micheal yelled. He ran to his side and sat in a chair across from him.

“Oh, I’ve missed you so much!” Mr. Vaughn Sr. said. “Now tell me your story. How did you end up here with me?”

“It’s a long story,” said Micheal slowly.

“There is no real time in Heaven, my son,” Mr. Vaughn said. So Micheal Vaughn began his story.

“Okay. It started after a mission to get this Rambaldi artifact from Sloane. SD-6 is gone, but Sloane is still at large with Sark. So I went to Sydney’s house, and I sat with her. She was tortured a little on the mission, so she was relaxing in the bathtub. We sat and had some wine and she was fine. After that, we had dinner and… we stayed together for a while. Then… I asked her to marry me. I’d gotten the ring after we took down SD-6, because I knew that it would be safe for us.

“And she said yes to me. I was very happy, so we had lunch. She kept admiring her ring… I was very happy. Then… Kendall (from work) called us and told us to come over. His eyes bulged a little when he noticed the ring, but he said nothing. Anyway, he informed us that Jack had allowed them to free Irina to go on a mission with us. He actually had recommended. I was surprised. So, the mission was for me, Sydney, and Irina.” Here Vaughn Sr. frowned. He really didn’t like her. “Sorry, but that’s how it goes… anyway, we went to a small city in Belgium. There was a huge party where we all attended. Irina and I were supposed to stay in the main room while Sydney did her job. So we did. I was talking to Sydney through her earpiece. She told me what she was doing. She was going down a hall… entering a room… fighting two men… going into another room… and then she blacked out.

“I didn’t know what was going on, but she was in trouble. So I gave Irina a gun and we set off. I recalled Sydney’s comments on where she had gone and passed the two fallen men. Then I entered the last room that she was in and saw her on the floor. She looked as though she had fainted. I bent over her. She was still breathing. I never knew what got her. ‘I thought my directions were safe,’ I said aloud. Irina kicked me back away from Sydney and took out the gun I had handed her. Then she smiled at me. ‘I thought you were worthy, but I was wrong,’ she said. She obviously thought that Sydney was dead. Then she went on, ‘You have failed my daughter, so you have failed me. You know, you are just like your father… so dissatisfying… and now, young sir, you die.’ Then she raised her gun and shot me three times. Then… I died.”

“I’m sorry you didn’t live to be even my age,” Mr. Vaughn said sadly. “No wife, no children…”

“Uh…” Micheal said sheepishly. “I left Sydney pregnant.”

“Son!” said Mr. Vaughn “You weren’t married!”

“We were going to get married,” Micheal reminded him quickly. Then he leaned back in his chair. “I miss her, dad.”

“I know, it’s hard,” said Mr. Vaughn. “But you have no idea how much I missed you and your mother.”

“Heaven is so perfect,” Micheal said. “I’ll be fine soon, won’t I?”

“Sorry, my son, but you’ll miss her until she dies. And your child.”

“Ugh, I just want to go back! Not that I don’t want to be here with you…”

“I understand. But you can only go back if God lets you, Micheal.”

“Then I’ll go ask him! I don’t have anything else to do, anyway.”

Micheal Vaughn’s POV

I wonder what God is like. I wonder if he’ll let me go back. I wonder, wonder... This must be it.

“Mr. Angel,” I ask. “May I speak to God here?”

“Yes,” the angel says.

(End POV)

Micheal walked up a long set of white stairs. Then he came to another huge, white, room. There was a huge chair with a man about three times a regular height of a human. Micheal, not knowing what else to do, began to bow down to the ground.


“I wanted to go home,” Micheal said carefully.

“I KNOW. DOESN’T EVERYONE?” God said, not unkindly.

“I wasn’t very old yet, and not quite married and my child wasn’t born yet,” Micheal said.


“Really?” Micheal thought that it would have been harder than that.


“When can I go back?”

“NOW!” And Micheal Vaughn began to disappear.

---------Cut off---------

Micheal found himself reappearing in Sydney’s bedroom. It was around noon, and nobody seemed to be home. He listened carefully and heard a faint voice speaking in the other room. Micheal realized it was Francie.
He crept around the corner and put his ear against the closed door of Francie’s room. He could tell that she was in the middle of having a phone call with somebody on her cell phone. Micheal listened very hard.
“Yes, Arvin! Irina did receive the instructions! Honestly, she said it wasn’t that hard to do. She came up with an alternate reason for killing young Vaughn, too. They were going to let her go more often, but now she’ll be stuck.” There was a pause, then- “I warned you, yes. I can see that. But I don’t see how your Rambaldi artifacts come into this… And you lost the firebomb, I know. Well, I’ll just have to wait.” There was a long pause, then- “Tonight? As you wish, Arvin. And tell Sark I love him. Bye.” And there was a beep as a cell phone turned off. Micheal was literally frozen in his position next to the door.

---------Cut off--------

Micheal stayed frozen in one position until he heard Francie move towards the door. He crept away as fast as he could and went back into Sydney’s room. Francie seemed to be walking at leisure towards Sydney’s room, as well. Micheal looked frantically around for a place to hide. Then, he slid quickly under the bed. When Francie entered the room, he tried to make his breathing as soft as possible.
What Micheal didn’t see was Francie looking around the room and shrugging. Then she came in and put a new hidden camera in. She installed it in Sydney’s alarm clock. Micheal saw the alarm clock fall out of Francie’s hands and land on the floor. Francie bent over to pick it up in a way that seemed to last forever, but then she was gone.
Micheal slid back out from under the bed without getting in range of the clock. He slid right along next to the little table, and then stood up. To disarm the camera, he opened the back of the clock with ease and pulled out the wires that didn’t have anything to do with the clock. He could tell because the camera wires were red and unattached to the clock, while the clock wires were brown and attached. Once the camera was out, Micheal broke the delicate piece in half and stuffed in back under the bed. He put the clock back together and sat down to wait.

---------Cut off---------

It was a long time before Sydney arrived home. That gave Micheal time to think about what he had overheard. Obviously, there was something wrong with Francie. She was in league with Sloane. And whatever was going to happen tonight couldn’t be good. So Micheal came up with a plan.
Eventually Sydney arrived home. She had a short conversation with Francie in the kitchen, and then Will arrived home. They all had a short conversation together, and then Sydney headed for her room. Micheal stood where the door would open up to so that he wasn’t visible from the hallway. Sydney opened and shut the door without turning to face Micheal. She did a few things then happened to glance that way. She gasped. Micheal ran forward to quiet her. Sydney looked as though she was going to say something, so Micheal kissed her. That kept her quiet. When they broke away, Micheal put a finger to his throat and drew it across. Sydney nodded.
“But how?” she whispered.
“Sydney, we have to leave now.” Micheal whispered back.
“But you-“
“Ssh, later.”
“Okay, let’s go.”

---------Cut off---------

Sydney distracted Francie while Micheal slipped out. She dropped an excuse about “meeting a client for dinner” and scooted out the door after Micheal. Micheal was waiting in the car. Sydney sat down and looked at Micheal, who leaned over and kissed her. But she broke away.
“Let’s get somewhere more comfortable first,” she said breathlessly. She quickly inserted the key and backed out of the driveway. They drove for a long time, past block after block of streets. Eventually, Sydney stopped in front of a small, green park with an isolated parking lot. She parked the car and turned to look at Micheal.
“You came back,” she said.
“For you, Sydney,” he said. And they couldn’t stay apart any longer. They quickly filled the space between them. There lips met in a fiery kiss. They were both passionately oblivious to anything around them. Their hands touched each other, simply for the joy of being able to touch. It was several minutes before they broke apart. Micheal and Sydney kept on looking at each other, with Micheal stroking Sydney’s hand. Since Micheal no longer had a place of his own, they both decided to rent a hotel room. Sydney left Vaughn in the car to go send Francie a call, telling her that she wouldn’t be back that night. She came back looking confused.
“What is it?” Micheal asked.
“Francie,” Sydney replied. “I don’t know what’s going on with her.”
“Well, when I was waiting for you to show up…” Micheal explained all that he had overheard.
“Francie?” Sydney gasped. “Francie is a double agent?”
“I knew that I didn’t like her from the start,” reassured Micheal.
“Another thing- after we took down SD-6, she wasn’t… right.”
“Well, she worked for Sloane, so of course she was upset.”
“But Sloane didn’t really need SD-6. He is based elsewhere.”
“Oh, I had forgotten that. How was she not… right?”
“Well, she lost all of her energy. She’s so solemn. And when I hug her, she doesn’t feel into it. Oh! And another thing: before we took down SD-6, that week, Francie was in an affair with Will. Now what? I don’t think anything’s happened…”
Micheal squirmed a little. “Uh, Sydney?”
“Can we work on this later? I mean… right now…” And he leaned in on her, pressing her against the seat of the car. Sydney moved her hand to lock the doors, and then gave in to him.

---------Cut off-------

Since Micheal couldn’t move in with Sydney, he bought a small apartment in the far edge of LA. It was cheap, with a tiny kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. It was very cozy. Sydney came by every night for the next two, then four, the six, then seven, then almost eight months. Then, she showed signs of major, fully developed pregnancy. Micheal knew that they probably hadn’t sent her on any missions lately. He knew that she missed it. But their child would soon be born, so they were both very happy. Sydney told Micheal that she had to pretend to be sad, but it was very difficult. She was so happy. She had a good job, a first child in her, and her true love wasn’t dead! She had no doubts about Micheal, not in any way.
The only sad thing around Sydney was Irina. She had escaped with Sloane, when they thought that they would catch him. Sydney had begun to believe that her mother was still good on the inside. Now, she only felt tears when she thought of her. To almost everyone, Irina meant pain. Kendall had lost his job, too. Jack was not quite in a disgrace, but he was not the replacement for Kendall. Weiss, apparently, had accomplished some great thing and was promoted. Micheal gathered that Weiss was still his goofy old self and told Sydney to say hi to him for him.
Then the time grew near when Sydney would be ready to give birth. One night, Sydney came to Micheal’s house for dinner, as they did almost every night. Her belly’s size had increased a lot, and she walked heavily. Micheal was very careful and gentle with her. Sydney was grateful.
“What do you want to eat tonight?” Micheal asked.
“Hmmm,” Sydney said. “How about some healthy salad? I want my child to be healthy.” She chuckled a little with Micheal. He looked lovingly at her.
“Of course: you can just sit while I throw a few things together,” Micheal said. Sydney nodded and sat slowly down. Micheal moved two feet and was in the kitchen. He began to open the fridge to get some salad materials out, but he stopped as Sydney cried out in pain.
“Sydney?!” Micheal said as he rushed to her side.
“It’s- ready,” Sydney gasped.

---------Cut off--------
The avatar isn't showing up... are you sure you did it right?

And I love the new chap by the way. But wouldn't people wonder who the father of the baby was?

~Me :angel2:
No Alias Elle because they knew it was Vaughn's before he died right? But they might wonder how is taking care of it if Syd's at work some has to fing out that Vaughn is alive i mean really he can't live in an little apartment for 10 years and the kid is gonna have friends over to his house. People have to find out that Vaughn is alive. Ok I'm done now.
