Season 5 Vaughn's Dad

Look at these pictures: You know, with a little facial reconstruction, this could be true..........



I dunnooooooo, I didn't get a very good look at them, but everything's possible!
I have never thought bill vaughn was dead, and that the 12 agents irina killed were most likely bad CIA agents. I think if irina is good, one or both of my predictions will be true.
I am glad to see someone who thinks the same thing! For awhile now, I've wondered if Irina really, truly killed Bill Vaughn.... the story doesn't make any sense why she would. One thought I had is that he really is alive and she's the one who helped him disappear (to protect him from Prophet Five people) but then took the blame for his death so they would truly think he was dead. AND... if Irina has been involved in Prophet Five for thirty years, it really makes sense, huh?
I don't know if the pictures are intended to be Bill Vaughn, but I am so glad that this topic has been brought up.
I have two theories about the other 12 CIA agents: either Irina was ordered to carry out those executions and when she wouldn't, Elena did instead; or yyour theory that maybe they were all double agents or "bad" somehow. I just can't believe Irina is truly evil... denial, denial...
By the way, IDB, love your sig! Jack and Irina belong together!!!!!