Season 4 Vaughn's drawer at Syd's

They had a ton of call backs to the second season in this episode. The one that stood out the most, was the famous drawer. It's a classic ALIAS moment, and I love how they just subtly threw it in there. Even though they didn't actually mention the drawer, the fact that Vaughn was going through it and picking things out really shows you their attention to detail. That drawer meant a lot to Vaughn and to all of us S/V fans.

Great play by the writers. They wrote a really good scene.

I can't wait for even more S/V domestic moments like that. They're just too cute!
where did vaugn sleep all this season- he burned down his house down remember?
mayb it is there only place 2 do stuff!
I was a little sad that instead of really going 2 vication, they go for intellegence!
oh and yea, I was so excitied 2 see that he has a drawer!
ms.katejones said:
I hope JJ learned his lesson from the Lauren Debacle. What I really loved was how at home Vaughn seemed at Syd's. Makes my shipper heart smile.

me too!
It looks like things are coming back togerther, if sydney offered a drawer in her new place, it might mean that they are starting to figure things out.