vent/rave/cry/whatever 2

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i just thought since the random forum is closed, that i'd create a second 1!

grrrrrrrrrr i'm having a bad day

i had 2 clean out my basement so i can have a super rummage sale this friday and god there were way 2 many spiders (yuck!), nobody's readin my fic. (if u wanna read it, the link's in my sig), my sis is driving me insane, my tv keeps turning itself on (damn you frikin ghost, i thought u were gone 4 good this time), my sister's got a friend over that is pretending 2 b sydney bristow and my dog just ate my lipgloss and is throwing it up everywhere.
grrrrrrrrr im gonna kill my coach! he was giving me and my friend sooo much felgercarb today! :angry: actually 2 of them... :angry: i think we are in big trouble... :lol:
:lol: LOL secretagentman, i :angry: and today was ONLY my first day, i can't stay up on the internet late anymore or sleep in....oh well at least i am getting paid and i was really happy to see one my friends again b/c i haven't seen her for a while :D

by the way...i am so glad that this thread was is a great thread

Siri, jeez what did you do?? :lol: ;)
working 40 hours a week is tough...especially when there are little kids bugging the hell out of you. I come home late and stay on the internet late which results in less sleep. Now I'm grumpy. Kids beware.
agh... my coaches hate me and my friend... just cause we dont let them push us around... and today 2 of my coaches were talking felgercarb to her... i was so ready to kill them... so then we went up into our pit, it has blocks of foam in it, and we were picking at it and our coach got hella mad... :ph34r:
SecretAgentMan said:
working 40 hours a week is tough...especially when there are little kids bugging the hell out of you. I come home late and stay on the internet late which results in less sleep. Now I'm grumpy. Kids beware.
:ph34r: im scared now... :lol:
SiriCerasi said:
agh... my coaches hate me and my friend... just cause we dont let them push us around... and today 2 of my coaches were talking felgercarb to her... i was so ready to kill them... so then we went up into our pit, it has blocks of foam in it, and we were picking at it and our coach got hella mad... :ph34r:
sounds like some mean nasty coaches
lol sorry Siri. No, I don't hate kids. Its just sometimes they irritate me. My job is kinda complicated and involves a lot of multitasking....and this becomes hard when kids keep asking you repititive questions and adults are staring at you.
ooooooooooooooo :lol: brilliant...

grr it makes me so mad, he was doing it all on purpose... we had been told he was just looking for one thing we did to get us in major trouble... and then he fricking pushes her and GRAWR!
ok this happend yesterday but i am always getting blamed for everything even for wut my lil brother does. when he cusses and says mean things to me he doesn't get in big trouble so i think its ok to say it back to him but no it isn't i get yelled at and called and idiot and stupid cuz i should know better and my lil bro says it right in front of my parents face but they don't say anyhting NOTHING then i was making fun of my lil bro and i made up a word to call him ( :lol: HAHA it hilarious but it will take forever to explain) and he gets in this loud yelling moody tone and he goes crazy when hes like this one time i got hit with a hockey stick a real one and a ball pump thrown to my head so to avoid that from happening again i was running up the stairs from him b/c he had this mini hockey stick with him and i pushed him back and he hit his head on the banister and guess who gets in trouble *ME* my parents didn't he even tell him to calm down or be quiet or anything b/c its always my fault in this house no matter what. :angry:
I get that wif my sister- when we have a fight she yells " Ow!" or "niki, stop hurting me!" when im not even near her!!!!!
ok my rave is about geography projects i mean i had one on SWANAGE COSTAL EROSION!!! i mean of all things!! then thers another one on rainforests that has to be in for the day after tomorrow and iv only done the front cover and iv lost the sheet that tells u what to do and our printers run out of ink so i cant print out any information and iv run out of printer credits on my computa at skool as well!!!! AND i find out that wev got another one on Canterbury starting next week!!!! Arrrrrgh!!!!! sorry but i feel so much better after i let that out
Nickz! i love geography, juz finished my A Level in it so if u need any help, Pm me! :D i'm gonna rave bout exams! they anny me, they're 3 hours of boring silence where i forget stuff and get frustrated - teachers walking up and down the hall tutting and sighing! GRRRRR! crazy! :angry:
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