Waiting for Sydney

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Waiting for Sydney
Summary: This story takes place during Sydney’s missing two years and it is from Will’s point of view in the witness protection program. This is only the beginning, I plan to add more so stay tuned.
Rating: So far PG, it might go up to PG-13, but it will be a mild PG-13.
Spoilers: Anyone who has not finished Season 2 should not read this.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, except the small ones, like Will’s friends. I am not making a profit off this story, I am writing it to show my two loves, Alias and writing. If you feel I am overstepping any copyright guidelines, please let me know.

“Jo. Jo. Jonah, hey.”
A hard hand clamped down on Will’s shoulder, startling him out of his daydream and making him flinch. Will spun on instinct, almost throwing the man grabbing his shoulder off his feet.
“Hey, man it’s just me.”
It was his friend and co-worker, Matt and next to him was another of Will’s friends, Neal.
“You all right?”
Will nodded, his throat still dry.
“Day’s over, man.” Matt stretched his hands, cracking his knuckles. “You were zoned out over here, wanted to make sure that you weren’t going to work through the night.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Neal and I were going to go hit the Dirty Duck, you wanna come?”
“Nah, man.” Will shook his head, “I think I’m going to just head home.”
“You need to get over here man, so she stabbed you.” Neal looked annoyed. “That doesn’t mean you need to avoid all women like the plague.”
“I know, but I’m just burnt out, I’m going to go home and crash.”
Matt nodded, clapped him on the shoulder again and they left. Will slowly began to gather up his bags, deep in thought. Even thought Francie had stabbed him, no, no her name was Allison, even though Allison had stabbed him, that wasn’t the reason he declined the bar invitation every single time. Will mindlessly placed him hammer, hat, lunchbox all into his bad, but his mind focused on her, on Sydney.
He had had a crush on her ever since the first day they met, he still remembered the day that she told him she and Danny were engaged, the day that broke his heart.

Will dropped behind her just a little, partially because he was becoming tired and partially so he could watch her move. Sydney Bristow had to be the most beautiful woman in the world. After another lap, Sydney stopped at their bags and drank some water, Will pulled off his shirt and changed into a fresh one as they chatted. Will finally got up the courage to ask Sydney to go see Lawrence of Arabia, her favorite movie. Then she told him she and Danny were getting married, and she showed him the ring that he had given her. It was like someone had taken a sharp knife and cut his heart into tiny pieces, and scattered them to the wind…***End Flashback***

Will picked up his bag and walked down the street, depressed and alone. He finally reached his house, and fumbled for his keys. He went in, sat down on the couch and opened a beer. One beer, two beers, Will had finally stopped keeping track. As much as it had hurt when he found out that Danny was getting married, as much as it hurt when he learned who Francie, who Allison was, it hurt a million times more when he learned Syd was dead.

Will awoke suddenly and found himself in a hospital bed, with numerous machines hooked up to him. His sister sat beside him, she was asleep and her bright red hair masked her face, as her head was leaning to one side. Will attempted to shift quietly, but his sister awoke and her face brightened to see him.
“Will! Oh, my God, Will.”
A doctor rushed in at the sound of Amy’s voice, but seeing Will was awake, slowed down and smiled.
“Mr. Tippin. It is nice to see you are awake.”
Will tried to speak, but his throat was parched. Amy handed him a glass of water.
“Where’s Sydney? And Francie? Are they all right?”
The doctor exchanged a look with Amy.
“Would you give us a moment, please, and send in Mr. Weiss, he should be right outside.”
Amy got up and left, Mr. Weiss, walked in, Will immediately recognized him as the CIA agent who had escorted him of prison. Agent Weiss sat down on a chair next to the doctor, facing Will.
“Mr. Tippin…” the doctor began
“Will is fine.”
“Sydney Bristow is dead.” Weiss’s eyes remained on his feet as he said it.
Will’s brain felt sluggish, as if he was trying to crawl through mud. “She’s…no…she…she can’t be.”
“Will, the woman who we believed to be Francie Calfo was in fact A.G. Doran.”
“I know!” Will exclaimed, “She stabbed me, she…”
“From what we can tell Doran and Bristow fought and Bristow was knocked out, the house caught fire and burned, by the time we got there, it was too late.”
Will stares down at his hands, trying to keep from crying. “Francie?” He murmured, barely aware of what he was saying.
“We believe Doran murdered her.”
“When? How long as Francie been dead?”
“As far as we can tell, judging from mostly from behavioral reports from friends and family, and some unreliable intel, we believe Francie was murdered around the time the Alliance was raided.”
Will tried to sit up, “Where is Sydney buried? Can I go see her gravesite?”
“She wasn’t buried, she was cremated, Michael Vaughn spread her ashes at sea.”
Will’s mind was still trying to process all of this. The woman he loved more than anyone else in the world was dead. He would never be able to see her face, or hear her laugh, or hug her ever again…

***End Flashback***

This is my first fan fic :D so please tell me what you think of my story and if I should continue. Any input, good or bad would be greatly appreci
ated. Thanks</span>
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Thanks for responding! Since you liked my story I pushed back my Spanish homework to write more. Please keep those responses coming!!!!!!!!!!! :D

A loud knock on his door brought Will back to the present. Lord, his head hurt. He had to pause for a minute, before he could realize what the sound was, he let out a low moan and sunk back onto the couch. The knock came once again and, after a moment, Will heard the knocker walk away. Will closed his eyes again, trying to recall a happy memory of Sydney. Pieces of memory flashed through his brain, a picnic, a walk on the beach, but they all seemed to flit away before he could grasp them. His mind continued to return to the fact Syd was dead, dead and never coming back. A loud noise made Will spin the direction of his door. Two figures stood side by side in the doorway, one nodded to the other and one of the figures walked away. Will’s vision was blurry, partly from the beer and partly because her wasn’t wearing his glasses. Will’s hand blindly searched for his glasses, before finding them and putting them on, he blinked as his eyes adjusted, one figure got closer, Will could see it was Matt.
“Jonah, man, Jonah are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Will nodded, “Fine.”
Matt looked around the apartment, and his gaze came to rest on the six empty beer bottles that rested on the table, he groaned, “Six, man? Six? We should take you to the hospital.”
“I’m fine.” Will protested, struggling to sit up and his spinning head forced him to lay back against the couch.
“You are not fine!”
“Matt, I can handle six beers, I process liquor well-“
“That’s not what I mean.” Matt interrupted angrily, then his voice became softer, “No woman is worth this, Jo, worth what you are putting yourself through.”
“She is.” Will’s voice was barely a whisper.
“But she’s dead, man, and no amount of you staying home on Friday nights getting wasted is going to bring her back.”
Matt stood up and took the beer bottles to the kitchen, Will leaned back trying to ease the throbbing in his head and was immediately sucked into another memory, the memory of when Will first told Matt about Sydney.
He couldn’t use her name, of course, before he went into witness protection, he was extensively briefed on what he could and couldn’t say. What he couldn’t say: Anything about his past life. What he could say: Nothing. That wasn’t to say he wasn’t allowed to speak, but any stories about his past life he was forced to memorize. But finally, one night after six months Will broke down and told Matt the real reason he avoided women.
Matt flopped back on the couch, resting his feet on the table, he popped open two beers, handing one to Will.
“We could be in a bar now, man. Surrounded by beautiful woman, instead we are stuck here. Why Jo?”
Will shrugged and took a deep swig of the beer, “She stabbed me man, it’s a little hard to get over.”
Will remembered how Sydney told him the worst part of her job was lying, lying to friends, family, to the people who mattered most in his life. He took another swig of beer, hoping that the alcohol would wipe Sydney’s sweet face from his mind.
“Bull Sh*t!” said Matt, “That sort of felgercarb works with Neal and George, but not with me. You forget Jo, I grew up around a pack of women, you become really good at reading people. Why don’t you like to come to the bar?”
Will took another deep breath, then let it out. That did it. He was sick of the lying, sick of the pretending, he wanted to tell someone about his feelings for Sydney. He wouldn’t tell him anything about her, her last name, how he knew her, anything that could link her or him to the CIA.
“Her name was Sydney.”
Will almost shocked himself with the easy way Sydney’s fabricated history rolled off his tongue, “We met freshman year in college, we were both on the track team. She was…beautiful and we quickly became friends. I always wanted us to have, to be something more…but she never felt the same way about me.” Will took another swig and shook his head, “I still can’t get her out of mind.”
“What happened to her?”
“She got married to a man she worked with, moved to the ‘burbs, had two-and-a-half kids, a dog, the whole nine yards.”
“Man,” both Will and Matt were quiet for a moment, then Matt placed his beer on the table, hit Will’s knee and said, “We are going to go out and get you laid.”
Will groaned, “Matt-“
“I’m serious, Jo. I don’t know how long it has been since you got laid, but it has
been too long.”***End Flashback***
“You thinking about Sydney again?” Matt returned with a beer for himself and a glass of water for Will.
Will nodded.
Matt shook his hard, “Love bites, man.”
Will and Matt sat in silence, finishing their drinks.