Season 3 Watch with Kristin ... 01/23/04


Sark and Lauren! Alias' David Anders (Sark) showed up at the ABC party with Lauren--mind you, his own blond Lauren, not Lauren Reed (and his real-life squeeze Lauren is as adorable and charming as can be). But inquiring tubers want to know, could this be a precursor to some Lauren acshun on the show, as rumor has it?

David, wise man, replied, "I don't know. You'll have to watch. I can't say with whom, but there is definitely some steamy stuff coming up. We're taping it this week. I had a few romantic moments with Allison after the whole Francie thing, but this will be on a totally different level."

Hurrah! Bring on the skin!

David also revealed that producers are hoping to get Quentin Tarantino back for a few more episodes this season. "Working with Quentin was totally insane," David said. "It was hard to make it through a scene sometimes, because he's all over the place. He has this crazy, crazy energy. A lot of people think he has a big head, but he's actually just really cool."

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Thanks for posting it...

I thought I read somewhere that it was allready decided that Quentin Tarrantino would be guest starring.. But I´m not sure.