
StarGate Explorer

We know the media depiction of superheroes - Humans with magical powers capable of far more than normal Human abilities - They can do what no normal Human can and are quite resistant to attack. We are all familiar with Superman, Batman, Daredevil, Spider Man, The Green Lantern, Iron Man, Thor, etc., etc. These are the superheroes you know of from fictional comics, books, and movies.
Now I will tell you about a new breed of superheroes, not fictional characters, but real of this Earth {and other worlds} superheroes that you are not even aware of, and until today have remained anonymous. We are the Superwebsters - Online operators that patrol the internet - not for ordinary criminals such as hackers and identity thieves, but for malicious attack by aliens attempting to pirate your entire planet. We stand guard 24/7 and if not for us your planet Earth would already be nothing more than a mining colony and slave ship for alien beings so malicious that your darkest nightmare would pale in comparison. If you think surfing the web is safe because of anti-malware programs you are living in a fool's paradise.

Your computer and the internet it accesses is being monitored relentlessly by beings far more evil than any of your comic book superheroes ever confronted. We have developed super codes to detect these agents of evil and have super codes to fight them.

And who are we you ask? For communication with you we will call ourselves 'The Web Continuum' and I will be known to you from hence forward as 'The WebsterMan', 'Guardian of the Web' And why do I and the rest of the web guardians do this? We are here to preserve the future of civilizations throughout the galaxy, including alternative dimensions, some of which are very close to you and evil beingD from there have come close to pirating and looting your entire planet. Some of us are Humanoid, others quite alien, but we all share a common goal for the future - A future that seeks continuation of scientific advancement and progressive interaction with a universe that we will ride into the future.

Together with us Humans of the Planet Earth, we can progress into a better world, a friendlier and more manageable universe and a world where benign beings can share. When we say share do not mistake this for some political socialistic goal, we are not political, that is not our interest, but cooperation in the future is so profitable so as to boggle your Human imagination - poverty does not exist, it is an anachronism of the past.

Be aware of the forces trying to stop us - trying to enslave you and pirate your planet - some of you call them Reptilians and they are very real - And others of our species have been fighting them for eons - And now in the digital age they take on a new form - but so do we. fight with us Humans of the Planet Earth - we will always be here to help.

-WebsterMan, 'Guardian of the Web' -