Welcome to the Madhouse

As the guests were beginning to leave Sloane's house, Jack came up to Irina. "It's lovely to see you again, Miss Ivanov," he said, holding a glass in his hand.

"Thank you," Irina said quietly. "It's lovely to see you again, too, but please, call me Laura." She smiled at him. Jack looked both pleased and bashful. Suddenly, Sloane sidled up between the two. He was smilingly broadly.

"Well, it was a lovely evening wasn't it?" he said, taking Irina's arm. "I'm glad to see you two are getting along well. Irina and Jack both smiled. Jack looked down at his feet, then took a quick drink from the glass he was holding. Irina wondered why he was acting so nervous.

Jack looked at his watch, then cleared his throat. "Well, it's getting late. I'd better be going home." He turned to Sloane. "Thank you for a lovely evening, Arvin. I'll see you at the office tomorrow." Then he turned to Irina. "Laura, it was lovely to see you again." He smiled at her, then set his drink down on a table and left the house.

Soon Arvin and Irina were the only ones left in the house. "Thank you for coming tonight, my darling. I really wanted you to meet my friends."

Irina smiled. "They seem so nice, Arvin." He took her hand and leaned in to kiss her.

**** I'll spare you the details of what happens next, seeing as everyone doesn't want Irina and Sloane together. Let's just say she does "what is necessary". You figure out what that is --- no dirty stuff though, don't worry. ****

The next morning Irina awoke in one of the many guest rooms in Arvin Sloane's home. She cozied up in the luxurious covers, yawning. She went into the restroom, then found all the necessary toiletries. She brushed her teeth and her hair, then went back into the bedroom where she was shocked to see Arvin Sloane sitting on the bed, fully dressed.

"Arvin!" Irina gasped. She looked down at the large nightshirt she was wearing. "What are you doing in here?"

"I just wanted to say good morning, my darling, and ask you if you were ready for breakfast."

Irina nodded. "Breakfast sounds lovely, Arvin."

He looked at her. "You should find some clothes in the closet. I keep the closets stocked with a variety of clothes."

Irina smiled, wondering why on earth someone would keep guest room closets filled with clothes. Sloane left the room, leaving her to change. Irina opened the closet, finding clothing in all styles and sizes for men, women, and children. It was like walking into a department store. She picked out a skirt and blouse, then slid on the shoes she had been wearing the night before, then left the room to find the kitchen, eager for breakfast.

****Yeah, it was a wierd update. Hopefully the next one will be better.
When Irina got back to her apartment an hour later she found Kozlov sitting on her couch, looking very angry. He jumped up as soon as Irina opened the door. "Agent Derevko! This is unacceptable! What time is it now?"

Irina looked at the clock on the wall. "10:05," she mumbled, setting her bag down on the coffee table. "I'm sorry, Agent..." she began, but he cut her off.

"I strictly requested that you call me at eight o'clock every morning, Agent Derevko! That was your responsibility. If you cannot handle that minute responsibility, maybe the agency was wrong in giving you this assignment. I will have to report this, Agent Derevko."

Irina was shocked. She started stammering, "But, I...I was just doing what you told me to. I was doing what was necessary."

"And you couldn't simply pick up a phone and call me, Agent Derevko?" Irina had never seen someone as angry and Agent Kozlov looked at that time. She didn't see what the big deal was.

She looked at her feet and started to speak carefully. "Agent Kozlov, I was in Arvin Sloane's home. I couldn't very well pick up a phone and call my handler!" Irina couldn't see how he could reject her logic.

"That is beside the point, Agent Derevko! You are my responsibility. I am supposed to be aware of your location and intention at all times! I cannot be expected to inform on you when I do not know where you are!"

"I'm sorry, Agent Kozlov. It won't happen again."

Kozlov stamped his foot. "Of course it will not happen again, Agent Derevko! If it does happen again, you will find that you no longer have a place here!"

Irina couldn't believe this, but she didn't see the point in arguing with him. Logic wasn't working with this man.

Kozlov began to walk towards the door. "You'd better get ready for work, Agent Derevko. And you had better call at eight o'clock tomorrow!"

"Yes, sir," Irina mumbled as Kozlov slammed the door behind him. Irina walked to her bedroom fuming. All she had done was what the agency had asked her to. She had gained Arvin Sloane's trust and access to her home and now they were threatening to take her job away! Some people had all the nerve!

Irina arrived home late that afternoon prepared for a quiet evening alone. She had papers to grade and Professor Clarkson's latest test to edit. She had just cahnged into more comfortable clothes and laid out her papers when the phone rang. She wondered who could be calling, then picked up the phone.

"Hello," she said cautiously.

"Laura? Is that you?" the voice on the other side said. Irina couldn't recognize who it was.

"Yes," she said quietly.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," the male voice said.

"Of course not," Irina said getting more and more confused.

"It's Jack Bristow," Irina heard from the other end, finally making the connection between the voice and the man. Then she wondered why Jack Bristow would be calling her. "Arvin gave me your number," Jack said, still not explaining the random phone call.

"All right," Irina said, not knowing what to say to the man. "How can I help you?" she said.

"I was wondering if you would be interested in attending a small gathering I am having at my home this weekend."

"Umm...that sounds lovely," Irina said, wondering why on earth Jack Bristow would be inviting her to "attend a small gathering."

"Good," Jack's voice said. "We'll see you this Saturday at seven. Arvin has my address."

"Well, thank you," Irina said. "Goodbye." She hung up the phone, then sat down with the papers she had to grade. Before she could even really get started the phone rang again. Puzzled, she picked it up. "Hello?" she said, figuring Jack had forgotten to tell her something.

"Ahh. Laura. I hoped you would be home," Arvin Sloane's voice came over the line. "Have you heard from Jack Bristow yet?" he asked. Irina wondered whether Jack had called Sloane immediately after he had hung up on Irina.

"Yes," she said. "I just got off the phone with him."

"Great," Arvin said. "I'll pick you up around a quarter to seven," he said. "I thought we could ride over there together, darling."

"That sounds lovely, Arvin. I'll see you at a quarter to seven." They both hung up.

Finally, Irina was able to grade her papers and go to bed early.

The next morning she woke up at a quarter to eight and called Kozlov promptly at eight o'clock.

"Good morning, Agent Derevko. Thank you for being on time."

"Yes, Agent Kozlov." Irina hesitated, then spoke again. "Jack Bristow called last night, inviting me to a gathering he's having Saturday night. I'll be going with Arvin Sloane."

"Good," Kozlov said. "Jack Bristow has popped up on our radar already. Apparently he has achieved leadership on a very important project."

"Yes," Irina said. "Someone said something about that at dinner the other night. Something to do with Christmas, right?"

"Well, it's called Project Christmas, but it has nothing to do with Christmas. It's some kind of program designed to recruit agents to the CIA."

"All right," Irina said.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow," Kozlov said, hanging up.

After work Irina went shopping to buy clothes for her outings with Arvin Sloane. The agency had given her an account for the necessities she needed to keep her charade up.

When she got back to the apartment Irina hung up her new clothes and began to hook up the answering machine she had bought. She recorded a simple message (Hello. You've reached Laura Ivanov. Please leave a message at the beep.) then started her work.
Ooh, good job on the last few chapters. :smiley:
Sloane and Irina is really nasty. But now Irina will meet Jack!! YAY!!
Oh one last thing. What happened to Emily? Just curious....
On Saturday morning Irina woke up with butterflies in her stomach. She wondered why she was so nervous over a dinner party, but something about Jack Bristow had made her slightly uncomfortable. At eight o'clock she had just picked up the phone to call Kozlov when the doorbell rang. Wondering who would be coming to her house this early in the morning, she went to answer the door. Standing in the doorway was the tall frame of Agent Kozlov. He walked into the apartment without a greeting.

"Good morning, Agent Derevko," he said, settling himself on the couch and removing a thick file from his briefcase. He began spreading out papers on the coffee table.

"Good morning, Agent Kozlov," she said, confused. "I was just about to call you."

"Nice to know," he said without looking up from the papers that now covered the coffee table. "Well," he continued, "are you going to sit down?" Irina looked at him, then sat down on the couch next to him.

"What are all of those?" she said, gesturing to the papers.

"We have to get you prepared for your dinner with Jack Bristow tonight," he said simply. Irina wondered what he could mean, but didn't have time to say the question that she was forming in her mind when Kozlov started speaking again. "I've compiled all the research that the KGB has done on Project Christmas. Our superiors have come to the conclusion that, at the moment, Jack Bristow is more important for our resources than Arvin Sloane." For a moment Irina was puzzled over what he meant by "resources," but then she realized what he was referring to -- her.

"So you want me to break up with Arvin?"

"Yes, Agent Derevko. Arvin Sloane is no longer important to us. He does not have the information that Jack Bristow has. Sloane has also proved harder to get information from. The pictures you took in his home show that Arvin Sloane has planted a number of his own bugs, probably out of concern for his own privacy. KGB intel. has shown that Sloane has always been very concerned about people infiltrating his personal life. You would most likely be unable to secure information from his home."

Irina nodded. "But how do we know that Jack Bristow's home won't be just as secure?"

"It could be. That's why we want you to take photos in his home this evening. You'll use the same handbag. Try to be descreet."

Irina nodded. "May I see the information on Project Christmas?"

Kozlov nodded. "For the past year, the CIA has been constructing a program that would allow them to test school-aged children for reasoning that would make them prime candidates for recruitment."

"Has the program been instated in schools yet?"

"Not that we're aware of, but it could be at any time." Irina nodded, and Kozlov continued. "You will have to infiltrate Bristow's home over the next few months."

"You want me to move in with him?"

"Yes, Agent Derevko. It will be the easiest way for you to receive information." Irina nodded, then picked up the nearest paper.

At the top it read, "CIA: Project Christmas." Irina read the brief that followed.

Intelligence has been secured from KGB agents that have infiltrated the CIA that the intelligence agency has begun a new recruitment program known as Project Christmas. Led by CIA agent Jack Bristow, the program will eventually be used to recruit school aged children to become agents at a later date. Project Christmas will recruit children by placing questions on standardized tests. The children who answer these questions will be invited to a CIA camp. The children's parents will be told that this camp is for gifted children. Children who attend and pass the camp's program will be invited at a later date to join the CIA.

When Irina had finished reading the paragraph, she looked up at Kozlov. "If the KGB already has informants within the CIA, why do they need me to infiltrate Jack Bristow's home life?"

"Suspicion has grown within the CIA over Russian spies. We don't know how much longer our agents will be able to maintain their cover." Irina nodded, then picked up another set of papers. "Those are sample questions from within the CIA. They'll be placed on standardized tests and given to young children."

Irina looked at the questions. They involved intricate questions about spatial reasoning and complicated math questions. "And they expect children to be able to answer these?"

Kozlov shook his head. "They only expect about one out of ten thousand to be able to answer them correctly. They CIA isn't looking for many children to succeed. They only want the most gifted for their recruitment program." Irina nodded, and Kozlov continued. "So far, Project Christmas has not been tested on any children, so it is only in the beginning stages. Our sources indicate that the program should be ready within five years. Apparently the CIA is very hesitant to use it. However, the KGB is interested in adapting the program."

"To recruit Russian children?"

"No. The KGB already has a recruitment program in action in Russia. The KGB is interested in recruiting children in the United States." Irina was shocked, but then Kozlov continued talking. "Imagine. The KGB will have the perfect double agents." Irina nodded, then Kozlov stood up. "I want you to read all this information before your dinner tonight. I'll call you later this afternoon and we'll go over the information together." Irina nodded, then walked Agent Kozlov to the door.

I'm working on the next part right now. I'm going to post it later today hopefully.
Well, I've been really bored today, so I have another update. Hope you enjoy it!

For three hours Irina poured over the stacks of papers that Kozlov had left with her. She underlined passages as she read them. In the middle of the stack was a CIA document written by Jack Bristow.


For over twenty years the CIA has been trying to compete with the KGB's steady recruitment of new agents. Project Christmas will allow the CIA to identify promising children at an early age, track them through their education, then recruit them out of college.

Test questions have been designed to identify promising children. These questions will be placed on standardized tests taken by school children from the ages of six to twelve. Questions will vary from spatial reasoning to mathematics to science. The CIA will receive test results which detail which children correctly answer the specific questions.

Once the CIA has the test results, agents will send invitations to the parents of the children inviting them to send their children to a camp for gifted children. The children who attend this camp will receive intensive testing. At the end of the session, memories will be modified so children believe they have been to a gifted summer camp.

CIA agents will be detailed to follow these children through their high school and college lives. Students who are deemed acceptable will be approached upon their graduation from college and asked to join the CIA.

Project Christmas will allow the CIA to recruit a higher level of qualified agents. It will provide the ultimate screening system, testing both intelligence and life situations.

Putting the paper back on the stack, Irina wondered what it would be like to have a child, to send them away to a summer camp thinking they would further their education. These parents would never know the truth about what they had done to their children by sending them to camp, by being good parents. From her time in America, Irina had seen that Americans wanted to be nothing like the Russians. Then why was their intelligence agency trying to beat the Russians at their own game?

At the bottom of the stack was an information sheet on Jack Bristow. Irina read over it, trying to find out everything she could about the man she was supposed to seduce. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Irina's phone rang. She grabbed it. "Hello?" she said.

"Agent Derevko. It's Agent Kozlov. Have you finished reading about Project Christmas?"

"Yes," Irina said. "I'm reading about Jack Bristow right now."

"Good," Kozlov said, and Irina could almost see him shaking his head. "Do you have any questions about the information?"

"Not really," Irina said. "I was wondering when you wanted me to break up with Arvin Slaone, though."

"Tonight might seem a little abrupt. I think it would be best for you to gradually stop seeing him over the next week or two, but you should start setting the groundwork for a relationship with Jack Bristow tonight. Just try not to be too obvious," Kozlov said.

"All right," Irina said.

"And remember to take those photographs tonight."

"I will," Irina said and hung up the phone. She went back to reading the information Kozlov had given her. At around five o'clock Irina went to shower and change. She was ready when Arvin showed up at her front door.

They arrived at Jack Bristow's house right at seven o'clock. Irina snapped a few pictures as they approached the front door. Unlike at Sloane's a few nights before, Jack Bristow opened the door on his own. "Arvin, Laura," he said. "So nice of you to come." Irina and Arvin walked into the entryway where Jack led them to a large living area where two other men were sitting. Jack introduced them to Irina as Greg Landau and Arthur Cooke. Irina smiled and nodded. Music was playing in the background, and the four men started talking about business. Irina had to assume that Greg and Arthur were CIA agents also. Irina managed to snap a few pictures as the men talked. She listened closely, but they never mentioned Project Christmas.

While the men talked, Irina smiled flirtatiously at Jack a few times, and he grinned back at her. Finally, he led them to the dining room for dinner. Irina let the camera click a few times as they walked, then seated herself between Jack and Arvin. She laughed at Jack's jokes through dinner, but let Arvin hold her hand.

Finally, after the first three courses, the man that Jack had introduced as Greg brought up Project Christmas. "So, Jack, how's Project Christmas coming?" Both Arvin and Arthur Cooke turned to look at Jack as he answered.

Jack looked embarrassed as he spoke. "It's coming well. Should be ready for testing in a few months." The men around the table smiled.

Arthur Cooke spoke up. "It was such a great idea, Jack. Can't imagine the work you've put into it."

Jack smiled. "Yeah. It's been a lot of work, but it'll be worth it." The others nodded, then they changed the topic of conversation.

Arvin took Irina back to her apartment around midnight that night. When he walked her up to her door, Arvin took her hand. "I want to see you again soon, Laura. Will tomorrow night work for you?" Irina almost said yes, then remembered what Kozlov had told her.

"No, tomorrow won't work, Arvin. How about Monday?" she said, smiling at him.

"Monday's great, Laura. I'll call you tomorrow to work out the details." He kissed her, then let her enter the apartment. Irina went in and set down her bag, then picked up the phone. She knew she could wait until the next morning, but she wanted to fill Agent Kozlov in on what had happened that night. She dialed the number and a groggy Kozlov answered.

"Hello?" he whispered.

"Agent Kozlov, it's Irina Derevko," Irina said, sitting down on the couch.

"Ahh. Agent Derevko. I didn't expect to hear from you until tomorrow morning," Kozlov said. "What happened?"

"I just wanted to fill you in on what I heard about Project Christmas."

Suddenly Kozlov was much more alert. "They spoke about Project Christmas? Who else was there?!?"

"Umm...Greg Landau and .... Arthur Cooke. I think they're CIA agents."

"I'll look into who they are. Now what did they say about Project Christmas?" Kozlov kept pushing.

"Let's see....Greg asked Jack when Project Christmas would be ready, and Jack said he wanted to start testing in a few months. Do you think he meant testing on school children?"

Kozlov hesitated. "I don't know exactly. They would probably start on someone close to the agency. But Jack doesn't have a child, so they couldn't use that. I don't know who else they would use. Maybe they'll use another program. I'll talk to our links inside the CIA and see what they know. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning."

"All right, Agent Kozlov."

"Thank you for calling, Agent Derevko." With that they both hung up, and Irina went to sleep.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's replying and reviewing this! :P I really appreciate it!

If you have ANY questions, comments or ideas, please post them! I really enjoy getting them!

Thanks so much!
I'm baaack!!! Did ya miss me?
It's great. I knew there was a point in trusting you to not put her with Sloane.
Wow. I know I've posted a lot today, but I've been watching old episodes and got really into my Alias mood. :cool: So, I've written more. Please tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!

The next day Irina woke up and called Kozlov. Once he had answered, he began to speak about what he had found out from the CIA agent. "They haven't decided who Project Christmas will be tested on yet. Apparently, Arvin Sloane wants to test it on unsuspecting children, but Jack Bristow disagrees. He feels it would be cruel to test it on children. He has no qualms using children once the program's been tested, but it seems testing would be, in his opinion, 'barbaric'."

"Isn't it the same thing? The children would be going through the same thing!" Irina was wondering what was wrong with Jack Bristow. She didn't think it was fair to test children for anything.

"Well, Agent Derevko, it is Bristow's thought."

"How are they going to test it if they don't use children?"

"I don't know, and neither do our informants. It seems the CIA is keeping most information on Project Christmas highly classified. Only people with the highest level of clearance are being allowed access to all the material."

"So you want me to get the information that they don't have access to?"

"Yes. That's why we feel that you need to get yourself away from Arvin Sloane as fast as you can. We need you with Jack Bristow. The KGB needs that intel. Project Christmas could change everything."

"Why can't the KGB just design their own program?" Irina asked innocently.

"We've tried that. We have a team in Moscow working full time on it. They haven't achieved any success, however. Bristow must have some special approach. The KGB just hasn't been able to work it out yet. It will be quicker just to get the information from Bristow. It will also be more effective. When will you be able to end it with Sloane?"

Irina thought to the conversation she had had with Arvin the night before. "We're supposed to get together tomorrow night," she said. "I suppose I could do it then." She spoke with the slightest hesitation. She had just started to actually like Arvin Sloane. Jack Bristow seemed so distant, so aloof.

"Good. On Tuesday afternoon I want you to call Jack Bristow. Find a time to meet him for coffee or something. Start out slow. I don't know how Sloane will handle it, your dumping him and going out with Bristow. You'll have to take it slow and easy, play it by ear."

"All right," Irina said.

"Good, Agent Derevko. I'll speak to you tomorrow morning." Kozlov hung up the phone and Irina looked over the information on Project Christmas one more time. Frankly, it made her sick that the CIA wanted to test children. She had never even heard of the KGB doing that. Reading the files again, she looked at the questions. What kind of children would be able to answer those questions? Bristow's brief had said that the CIA was planning on testing children as young as six. Irina didn't see how a six year old child could answer complex questions on spatial reasoning, or how they could do intricate mathematics in their heads. Irina had always been told she was intelligent, but she didn't know if she would be able to answer all of those questions, especially not when she was six.

At almost ten o'clock the next morning Irina left for work. The final exam for the literature class was coming up the next week. She had been editing Professor Clarkson's exam all week and had students asking her questions at the end of each class. She sat in the front row and listened to Clarkson's lecture, taking quick notes on things that students might ask questions on. She jotted down details that she remembered from the books so she could be prepared. At the end of class, she announced that she would be holding a study session, should any students need it. Professor Clarkson had asked her earlier to help prepare students.

Students filtered up to Irina, asking her questions and thanking her. After the students had left, Professor Clarkson aproached her. "Laura, I was wondering if next semester you would like to co-teach a class with me? You've done wonderful work with the students, and I think you'd do just as well teaching."

Irina looked at him. She hadn't been expecting this. Clarkson rarely spoke to her, much less complimented her work. "That would be great, Professor. I would love that. What's the class on?"

"It's the same as this one, so you should be prepared. I have your phone number, so I'll give you a call and we can get together and go over lesson plans sometime."

"That would be fantastic," Irina said, then gathered her books and left the room. She couldn't believe she had been given a promotion after only working there for a few months.

She returned to the apartment and poured over her notes from the class. If she were to teach the class during the next semester, she would have to be even better prepared. When the phone rang at three thirty, Irina wondered who it would be calling her. She had spoken to Sloane the night before and made arrangements for that night at eight o'clock. She answered the phone cautiously.

"Laura, it's Jack Bristow," came the voice from the other end.

"Oh. Hello, Jack," she said, not knowing why he would be calling.

"I was wondering if you would be interested in grabbing coffee some morning this week," he said. Irina was shocked. He had beaten her to the punch. She hesitated a moment before answering.

"Sure, Jack. Coffee sounds great," she said. "What day were you thinking of?"

"How about Wednesday morning?" he said. "Around nine o'clock?"

"That sounds great, Jack. I'll see you then," she said and hung up the phone. She wondered if Jack would tell Arvin that they had made plans, wondered if it would make breaking up easier if Sloane already knew that she had plans with another man. Somehow she thought that would just make it harder.

At eight o'clock Arvin Sloane rang her doorbell. When she came to the door he greeted her with a quick kiss. "You look lovely, Laura," he said, taking her hand.

"Thank you, Arvin. Just let me grab my bag," she said, giving herself an excuse to run back into the apartment. She took a deep breath before walking back out to see Sloane. "Let's go," she said quickly, wanting to get it all over with. He led her down to a car, then they sped away towards a romantic French restaurant.

"It's a little change of pace from dinner and dancing," he said, with a smile on his face.

"It looks lovely," she said. Sloane got out of the car, then came around and opened Irina's door. She let him take her hand and help her out of the car, then guide her into the restaurant where they were seated at a candlelit table for two.

Shortly after they sat down, a waiter came over with a wine list and two menus. He spoke with a ridiculously fake French accent, saying, "Good evening, monsieur, madamoiselle," he said, setting the menus down before them. "Would you like un petit peu de vin before you dinner?" he said.

"Wine sounds lovely," Arvin said. "We'll take a 1959 Merlot, please."

"Of course, monsieur," the waiter said. "Would you like to start with some fondue?"

Arvin nodded again. "That would be fantastic." The waiter walked away from the table and Irina turned to her menu. "They have a lovely lobster, Laura. You should try it." Irina was startled by the sudden break in silence, but looked up and nodded. She couldn't believe how nervous she was, knowing she had to break up with this man.

"I think I will," she said, closing her menu and clasping her hands together under the white linen tablecloth. Luckily, the wine came along with a steaming pot of fondue, and she was able to eat without worrying about talking. When the waiter came back Arvin ordered the lobster for both of them. The fondue was cleared away and Arvin looked Irina in the eyes.

"Are you all right, Laura?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Oh, yes," Irina said with a start. "I'm just fine," but she couldn't get rid of the spinning feeling in her stomach.

After the lobster, Arvin ordered dessert, and Irina knew that she had to tell him. She gathered her courage and began to speak. "Arvin..." she said quietly.

"What is it, darling?" he said, looking up at her and taking her hand.

"I...I don't think we should see each other anymore," she said, feeling tears welling in her eyes. She bit her lip, then continued, but Arvin Sloane cut her off.

"Why...why not, sweetheart?" he said, looking upset.

"I...it's...it's just not a good time. I'm trying to get my career together, but that's not the real reason. I really just don't think we're right together." She looked up to see how Sloane was taking it. He looked surprisingly calm.

"All right, Laura," he said, taking his hand off of hers.

"I hope we can stay friends, Arvin. I honestly like you. I just think we'd be better as friends," she said, wondering why he hadn't responded.

"I hope it works," he said, then hesitated before speaking again. "To tell you the truth, Laura, if you hadn't said anything, I probably would have said something. I agree with you. I think we'll be better as friends." Irina looked at him shocked. She had been lying, but Arvin talked to her completely straight-faced. Did he really think they weren't good together? He really didn't like her more than just a friend? Irina didn't know what to say. As she sat there flabbergasted, their desserts were delivered to the table. Once the waiter walked away Arvin said, "Let's continue this as friends, Laura. Go ahead and eat your dessert." Irina picked up her fork.

He took her home around ten o'clock, but didn't get out of the car. Irina opened the door, said goodbye, and walked up to her apartment alone. She closed and locked the door, then collapsed on the couch and sobbed, her hands shaking. She kept telling herself, This is your job, Irina. You have to do it, but had trouble believing herself. She wasn't sure this is what she wanted her job to be.

Irina woke up on Tuesday. The first thing that popped into her head was what Sloane had said the night before. Why did he think they'd be better as just friends? She looked at the alarm clock sitting by her bed. 7:30. She had enough time for a quick shower before she called Kozlov. Thirty minutes later Irina walked into the living room dressed in a robe with her hair wrapped up in a towel. She grabbed the phone and dialed the now familiar numbers. After the usual formalities, Irina told Kozlov about the events of the night before.

"Surprisingly, Arvin Sloane agreed with me that we should stay just friends. He didn't even seem upset."

"Good," Kozlov said. Apparently he didn't understand that Irina had actually fallen for Sloane.

"Would you like me to maintain a friendly relationship with Sloane?" Irina asked, biting her lip to keep from screaming.

Kozlov paused for a second, and Irina could feel her heart beating faster and faster. She wondered if Kozlov had figured it out. It wouldn't be that hard. Finally, Kozlov spoke. "I suppose that would be a good idea, Agent Derevko. It would be beneficial to the agency to keep you close to Arvin Sloane."

Irina nodded to herself. "All right," she whispered, then remembered that she had spoken to Jack Bristow the night before. "Jack Bristow called me last night. He wanted to have coffee."

"Good," Kozlov said on the other end of the line. "It will look less suspicious since he has made the first move. When are you meeting him?"

"Tomorrow morning," Irina said quietly, submissively.

"That's perfect," Kozlov said. "Anything else, Agent Derevko?"

"No, Agent Kozlov," Irina said and hung up the phone. She decided to go for a jog and went into her bedroom to change into her sweatpants. Suddenly, the phone rang. She grabbed the extension by her bed. "Hello?" she said.

"Laura," came Jack Bristow's voice from the other end of the line. "I'm sorry to call so early."

"Oh, it's fine," Irina said. "I was just about to go out for a jog." She wrapped the cord around her finger. Had he talked to Sloane? Did he want to cancel their date?

"I know we had plans for tomorrow," he said and Irina felt doom growing in her stomach. He was going to cancel on her. He continued, "but I was wondering if we could move them today? Would you possibly be able to meet me in about twenty minutes?"

"Umm...sure," Irina said. "That will work fine. I'll just jog over there right now." Jack gave her the name of a coffee house nearby. They hung up and Irina laced her tennis shoes up, then left the apartment.

When she got to the coffee house, Irina found Jack Bristow sitting on a bench outside holding two cups of coffee. When he saw her, she sat down and he handed her a cup of coffee. "Thanks for coming," he said. She just smiled. "I talked to Arvin Sloane last night," he said after a moment. Damn! Irina thought. Now he was going to tell her off. "He told me that you two are no longer together."

"That's right," Irina said with a slight nod of her head. "It just wasn't working out between us."

"That's what he said," Jack said, taking a drink from the cup he held. "I know this might be a little sudden, but I was wondering if you would like to have dinner on Friday night." He looked at her like he expected her to turn him down.

Irina met his glance and smiled broadly. "Dinner sounds fantastic," she said, and Jack visibly relaxed.

"Good," Jack said. "I guess I'll call you later with the details." Irina smiled and nodded. She took a drink of the warm, brown liquid, trying to calm her nerves. Jack was different from Arvin. He wasn't the same steady, confident man that Arvin had been. Jack was more nervous and unsure of himself. Somehow Irina couldn't see herself liking him the same way she had liked Arvin Sloane, but it was her duty to her country. She looked down at her watch, ready for a reason to leave.

"I'd better be going," she said. "I need to get ready for work." She stood up as Jack did also. "Thanks for the coffee," she said, draining the cup and tossing it into a nearby trash can.

"No problem," Jack said. "I'll talk to you soon."

"Great," Irina said with a smile. She then took off jogging in the direction she had come from. Back at the apartment she took her second shower of the day, relaxing as the warm water washed over her skin.
hmn...i wonder if she actually liked sloane...or did she just not like the idea that he might not have liked her...or the fact that she was going to brush him off but he kinda stole her thunder...

anyway...great chatpers!! thanks for the pm