What are you SUPPOSED to be doing right now2

Ummm...I should go and feed my dogs, and then should probably do some more homeowrk for this French project that I have due in two weeks, but I don't feel like it because I feel like felgercarb and really want to finish this book, lol :D

~Andrea :angelic:
I really should be studying for my science final unit test, but it's just so...ughhh, boring. Who cares about electircity? wait, now I should be getting the garbage ebacsue my mom just yelled down at me :P

~Andrea :angelic:
Well... BEFORE I got on the computer, i was supposed to do the dishes, a couple loads of laundry, vacumn the downstairs, and clean my bathroom... guess how much of that I've done? Haha

On top of that, I'm only supposed to be on the computer for an hour each day... guess how long i've been on the computer today alone? That's right... 4 hours. Haha

I'm such a rebel. haha