What Grade are you in?

:P Well I the 6th-grader will find a way and since I can't find that article I'm gonna look on scholasticnews.com and cnn.com and I'm already on one of those sites so hah!
Yes... but if i may quote "Does everyone have the same sleep requirements?
No. It varies, not only in the amount of sleep, but the timing of sleep. There are true night owls and true morning larks. Some people are genetically inclined to be morning people and others seem to be set up to be night people. There are short sleepers and long sleepers. Some require more sleep than average and some seem to require less than average to feel refreshed and energized." Sooo I'm just someone who doesnt need a lot of sleep :smiley:
Yeah, right. You tell me that you fall asleep in CLASS! You don't get enough sleep. I know that ppl have different sleep requirements but......yeah.
I'm not special but after I posted that I realized why. In my school there are only a few classes that are big lectures. Everything else you learn by doing a course and you do it individually. If you don't get something then you got a teacher I mean, Supervisor there to help you and on some steps on a checksheet that you have for your course you get checked to make sure you know everything. I have NEVER seen anybody in my school fall asleep in class. Plus, my school doesn't just talk and talk, they actually let you DO something to. I know that most schools have big lectures.
SiriCerasi said:
ok fine, you are special ^_^

Besides, if I didnt stay up that late I couldnt talk to Brian :smiley:
Aw, how nice of you. :smiley: And if I was in school, I more than likely couldn't stay up as late to talk to and have fun with Aria. ^_^
:smiley: then lets be happy you aren't.

Erika you should get on AIM, we could have a chatroom :smiley:

And yeah, you're lucky your school doesnt give lectures :smiley:
I'd rather sneak on my own comp than my dad's.

Yes, I'm lucky. My school knows that lectures don't work. Sometimes you can't even understand things if you don't have mass! School is fun where I go!

If only there was a Delphi Academy highschool in the Bay Area..... The only highschool Delphi's are in Florida, Oregon and LA.
My school is! :smiley: In summer schoo, there are camping trips and my class gets to go swimming twice a week and there's the beach trip to Santa Cruz, Archery, NO UNIFOMRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a whole bunch of other stuff. :woot:
dang all of yall are so young! im a fresh fish...i go bolsa......oy...i go big bag......no thats a skool thing...dude! what r u talklin bout scared of high skool!?!?!? its so fun! there are more people to fight... i got sick of all the b*tches i beat up.....finally new people......but high skool is so way better...the bad part are the finals...and hte ap classes....and the reatared teachers....and zero period....okee all of it sucks.......oh well
No, just talking about other stuff. I'm not scared of highschool. I'm prepared. It'll be a while before I'll get there though. Aria's already in highschool.