Azhria Lilu
Obviously no one can say for certain what happens when our bodies die but an email I received this morning got me thinking that it could be an interesting topic to discuss.
What are you beliefs? Do our bodies just die, rot and everything we've spent our lives stressing about just end or is there a next stage?
I can't make my mind up at the moment - on the one hand I'm pretty sure death is just that - the end. But, on the other, I believe in ghosts and that would suggest further happens (although I suppose the ghosts could just be an imprint - but then we could argue that there are ghosts that do interact in some way).
What are you beliefs? Do our bodies just die, rot and everything we've spent our lives stressing about just end or is there a next stage?
I can't make my mind up at the moment - on the one hand I'm pretty sure death is just that - the end. But, on the other, I believe in ghosts and that would suggest further happens (although I suppose the ghosts could just be an imprint - but then we could argue that there are ghosts that do interact in some way).