What If


Sydneys House

Syd-''I think we were at dinner.''

Vaughn-''Oh yes I remember now dinner.''

Syd-''You are such a little ahh.''

Vaughn-''A little what?''

Syd-''A little...little...thing.''

Vaughn started to laugh

Vaughn-''May I know what kind of thing?''

Syd-''No you may not.''

Vaughn-''Fine be that way then.''

Syd-''As long as I have your permission.''

Vaughn-''You don't.''

Syd-''Than I wont.''


She walks over where Vaughn is standing and pokes him on his chest(sorry for that bad visual!)

Syd-''Hey don't whatever me Mr.''

Vaughn kissed her.

Sydney thinks- a girl could get used to this.

Sorry it was so short but I have to go to R.E. it is so boring!~
I like it, it's really sweet! Wait, when Syd kissed Vaughn you said that it was there "first kiss?" Weren't they going out for like 3 months? I'm a little confused! I love the story though!