What if

Title:What if

Disclaimer: By now you guys should know I don't own any of it, not a thing!


Summary: I loved Crossing and was just watching it. It was one of my favourite episodes, but here is how I would have liked it to end!

A/N: This is a ONE parter. I wrote this a couple of months ago and was serching through my computer and found it again. I thought I would post it and see what you guys thought. All comments are welcome. :D

There are so many what if's in life. What if you hadn’t decided to do something or had decided to do something? What would have happened? Where would you be right now? What would it have changed in your life? Would it change it for the better? Or would it change it for the worse?

Sydney had wondered that everyday since she had returned. What would have happened if Vaughn had found her? What if the Covenant hadn’t taken her? Would she and Vaughn still be together, instead of him being with her? More than anything Sydney hated her. Lauren. She was the reason Vaughn had moved on with his life. He had married her, he had completely forgotten about Sydney.

Some days Sydney just wanted to go up to her and tell her what she really thought of her. She had tried to be nice in the beginning and give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there was a reason Vaughn married her. The more she got to know her though the more she hated her. There was something about her that Sydney couldn’t quite put her finger on. Something that wasn’t quite right about her.

Sydney and Vaughn were scheduled to go to North Korea to meet with a Covenant defector. They boarded the plane. Vaughn was very off with Sydney. He had been really distant lately; well more than usual. They had been working fine together and she was trying to make the effort to be nice.


They were sitting on the plane in silence. Sydney was going over the operation files and Vaughn was reading a book.

“What are you reading?”


“Have you reviewed the file?” She said trying to make conversation.

“Of course I reviewed the file.” Vaughn replied angrily and he continued to read his book. He didn’t even look at her as she stared at him.

A little while later, she closed the file, put the lid back on her pen and placed them both on the seat next to her. She shifted in her seat moving closer to Vaughn. “Ok...” She said as she leaned forward. “This isn’t going to work.”

He looked up from his book. “What isn’t?” He asked in a stern voice.

“What have I done to you?” She asked desperately trying to understand what she could have possibly done to Vaughn to make him act like this.

“Nothing…I don’t have a problem with you…I don’t have anything with you.”He said with no emotion in his voice.

“Have I offended you in some way?” She still couldn’t understand what she could have possibly done. “By doing what coming? Coming back?” He looked away not able to meet her eyes. “Disrupting the perfect little life you had going on?”

“What are you talking about? I’m just sitting here reading a book. I haven’t said anything.”

“You haven’t said anything in weeks. We are supposed to be working together”

“If you want to work with someone else.” He began as he moved in his seat. “We can make a switch. Is that what you want?”

“I have done everything I can to make this ridiculous situation work. You, me and Lauren working in the same off…”

“And I have tried to walk around with this fake smile on my face pretending everything was fine, the way it used to be. That’s not working for me anymore.”

There was silence. Sydney could no longer hold Vaughn’s gaze. She found herself staring at her feet. She composed herself.

“This is it.” She started, looking back at Vaughn. “When we get back one of us has to go.” Again there was a long pause, both of them just staring at each other.


68 hours later.

A lot had changed in the past 68 hours. Sydney and Vaughn had had to work as a team. They had met the defector but Sark had been there and Sydney and Vaughn had been taken hostage. Now they were curled up in a cell, chained and bleeding. Neither of them knew if they were going to survive this ordeal.

“We’re not going to make it out of here.” Vaughn said defeated as he stared at the walls. Sydney was trying to get out of her chains but it was proving useless.

Vaughn sat there for a while thinking. He didn’t know if what he was about to say was the right thing to say especially now, but she had to know how he felt.

“There’s something I need you to know.” He looked over at Sydney. She felt his eyes on her. She stopped fiddling with the chains, unable to look at him.

“Vaughn” was all she could utter as she shook her head.

“In my life…there is only one person.” He couldn’t take his eyes of her.

“Don’t do this.” She said as she continues to shake her head.

“Look at me.” The feelings were obvious in his voice. She slowly moved her head to face him.

“Vaughn.” She muttered. This time she was looking him straight in the eye.

“The only reason I pushed you away…”


“The only reason I didn’t know how to be around you…” There was a rattling at the door.

“They're coming.” She said as she glanced at the door then quickly back to Vaughn.

“Sydney.” He said seriously, getting closer to her. He really needed to tell her.

“I know…Vaughn...I know.” She said as they both stared into each others eyes both knowing the true feelings of one another.

She leaned closer to him and whispered into his ear. “We’ll find each other. We always find each other." She kissed his cheek, slowly moving around until their lips met. They kissed until they were violently pulled apart and brought outside to face a firing squad.

Luckily for them they were saved by one of Katya’s contacts. They were so glad have been saved. Now they both knew exactly how the other felt, but there was trouble in store for them when they got back.

Vaughn and Sydney walked into CIA headquarters smiling. They couldn’t remove smiles from their faces. Now all Vaughn had to do was break it off with Lauren. He walked over to her and hugged her like he usually would. Sydney stared at them with jealous eyes. She couldn’t wait for her and Vaughn to be together again.

Vaughn ushered Lauren out of the Rotunda and down to one of the local bars. He was completely silent which worried Lauren. What had happened in North Korea for him to be acting like this?

“Lauren we need to talk.” Vaughn finally said as he sat down at a table opposite his wife.

“That doesn’t sound good.” She replied. She was even more worried now. It must have been something really important, she thought.

“This is working for me anymore.” He told her, just as Sydney had told him in the plane.

“What do you mean?” She asked confused.

“I mean…us. We just aren’t working anymore.”

“What?” She said honestly shocked at what he was saying. “Where is this coming from?” She asked as Michael just sat in silence. “Oh. I get it. This is because of her? Because of Sydney? Ever since she came back you have been different. It’s like you don’t love me anymore.” Michael just continued to stare at the floor not saying anything. “You don’t love me anymore?” She asked. Tears started to form in her eyes,

“Lauren. I did love you.”

“DID?” At this point tears were flowing down her face.

“Lauren…please…I loved you. I really did, but you and I know this marriage hasn’t been working for a while, even before Sydney came back.”

“You love her don’t you?”

“Lauren, this isn’t about her.”

“Yes it is. She is the reason you’re leaving me!” Lauren started to scream at him. Everyone turned round and stared at them.

“Lauren. I never wanted to hurt you.”

“Well it’s too late for that…Just go get your things and get out of my house!” She shouted angrily at him. He got up and left, leaving her there in tears.

Vaughn had never wanted to hurt Lauren, but he couldn’t go on living a lie. He didn’t love her not anymore. He loved Sydney and felt it was unfair on Lauren for them to stay in a loveless marriage.

Vaughn quickly packed his things and walked around his house one last time before he closed the door and left for good. He got into his car and drove straight over to Sydney’s.

He knocked on her door. She slowly got up from her sofa and came to answer the door. As the door opened she could tell it was Vaughn, but before she could say anything he whisked her up in his arms. “See, I found.” He said before placing his lips gently against hers.


Even though neither of them had wished that Sydney had been taken, now they had finally been reunited and stopped wondering about the what if's. All that mattered was that they were finally together again.
that was sooooooo good!!! i loved it Ali! and the "See, I found." part was so awesome! hahahahahaaa...take that, cow! lol. that was a really wonderful story. thanks for the pm and i can't wait to read more of your stuff. ^_^
I sooo wished that happened but if that did happen Lauren might not have been in the rest of the season and brought all those intense moments of hatred...unless she went on a killing rampage killing people and injuring sydney or vaughn. ooo that would have been so good.
Julia_Thorne_ said:
I sooo wished that happened but if that did happen Lauren might not have been in the rest of the season and brought all those intense moments of hatred...unless she went on a killing rampage killing people and injuring sydney or vaughn. ooo that would have been so good.

I could just imagine that happening!

Nancy O said:
Great story.  If only he had left that COW when he had the chance.
Thanks for the PM

I thought you guys might like that.

Thanx for all the reviews.
They are really appreciated! :hug:
I might write more to this fic. I'm writing something elseat the moment, but you never know.